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Posts posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. 17 hours ago, Luminara said:


    Whoever spouted that nonsense is an imbecilic twat nozzle.  IF a direct 1:1 comparison of sentinel and blaster attacks were applicable (using attacks not modified for the sentinel archetype (some are, some aren't)), sentinel damage is only ~2% below blaster.










    Circling back to the emphasis in the second sentence, sentinels aren't directly comparable to blasters because they weren't designed to be armored blasters.  Sentinels were designed to be ranged scrappers.  That's why they have a 1.1 modifier for both Ranged_Damage and Melee_Damage, and Vulnerability (intended to simulate critical hit damage over time), and scrapper target caps.  Don't look at the fact that both sentinels and blasters have ranged attacks and think they're directly comparable.  They aren't.

    Wow I did not even know it was only 2 percent ive heard other numbers but I do not remember it wasnt even that much but I know I have never seen 2 percent behind blasters before. I think its because no one really covers this game anymore with videos and what not into the real deep rpg aspects of this mmorpg. Thank you for clarifying this I cannot believe people make such a big deal out of 2 percent!

  2. 17 hours ago, ShadesofDawn7971 said:

    So, Sentinals in so many ways seem to fit what I've always wanted.  A true Iron Man style character.  But everywhere I look all I am seeing is that Sentinals are completely outclassed by every other AT at what they are supposed to be good at.  I've even seen several claims that Blasters, the glass cannon AT if there ever was one, is more survivable than a Sentinal due to their later power set add ons (Mace/Wu/etc).  My only hope is the fact that most of these seem to be from over a year ago and there was mention that the HC dev's were giving the AT a passover to improve its performance.

    So I'm wondering, is the Sentinal's Damage as bad as I'm hearing (less than 40% of a blaster) while having defense/resist numbers so low that they have never been seen prior to the AT?  Or is it all over inflated bashing on the new kid on the block?  Was it fixed if it was that bad once upon a time?  And lastly, I see the thread on the power set break downs, but is there a guide out there on Sentinels in general?  I really really want to like what I'm seeing here, but I'm worried I'll feel severely let down.

    It is all trash talk my guess its mostly pvpers or people from other private servers trying to make homecoming look bad or something its very weird because objectively when you play sentinals right they offer allot more in teams then lets say a scrapper especially depending on the sets you choose, as they should be compared to scrappers not blasters as I have learned from comments and my own experience playing my sent.


    Here are some facts, sentinals are amazing soloers, you can relax and even party to play this char, this is in no way saying its easy mode but you do not need to chase down targets much so in many ways it makes it allot easier.


    A good starting at with cheaper ways to build them and more flexible then other ats for choosing powers and slotting. For example with a blaster just to cap defenses you must follow a very linear path constantly, this is because its an overtune no matter how we choose to see it. So when people claim blasters are better they are not they are a one trick pony unlike sentinel.


    With a sentinel you are usually the last to die in teams, you provide secondary effects from your at to help your teams, and you can focus on other things to help the team like side enemies on your own and etc.


    They are a seriously misunderstood class many do not even realize you should put that debuff clicky on auto it makes a world of difference and they get melee bonuses and they are meant to be the real blappers.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello sir may I get a sentinel build for ele/ele/ele that plays like a little hybrid of blapping and useful teams and solo? Thank you Just fyi my main play style is battlemage types.


    Thank you!!!

  4. 4 hours ago, vibal said:


    Defender -> Corrupter would only be a valid comparison if corrupter's did more damage, had higher support numbers, and also had a third element defenders 100% do not have in their toolkit. That's the comparison being made with VEATs to Sentinels. If that were true, as it is in the case of VEATs:Sent, I would certainly recommend that you roll a corrupter instead of a defender. You'll prioritize support or damage currently to decide between corrupter and defender. Your initial case was for ranged damage + mitigation. VEATs offer that, offer more of both, in addition get team buffs, and a pick'em of pets or control.


    Flavor trumps everything and if you loathe crab legs or can't stand psi blasts Sent is an awesome spot to land. Personally, I love rad blast. I couldn't care less that it's a lower mid set in terms of numbers. When I nuke, I want an actual nuclear bomb animation. That's not the question in the thread though. You started by saying that range > melee. Okay, I'm game, but why would you choose less damage, less mitigation, and zero utility when there's another range + mitigation AT right over here doing that better?


    I'm not 100% sure where you're going with the rest of the statement. If you personally are setting the bar at sentinel performance being the baseline then I suppose almost every set in each AT is overperforming and becomes an outlier. But if everything is an outlier except the one little AT - is it maybe possible that sentinels are underperforming?  Or maybe that the role they fill is niche at best?



    Oh please only with certain combos your getting those numbers ive noticed allot in the community love exaggerating and manipulating about others ats including sentinals. And its funny how people like you always compare them to blasters when they should be compared to scrappers I feel like a more useful scrapper type is and whats what many who do roll them are looking for.


    I doubt your coming from a real genuine place this is far from the only thread bringing up their weaknesses and strengths and allot if being left out here but I see I am wasting my time so im moving on. It is clear your only interested in being right not objective. Anwyays cool story.

  5. 3 hours ago, Heatstroke said:

    Just throwing in 2 cents as someone who played a lot of blasters back in the day and now plays a lot of Sentinels..



    Sentinels really depend on the build to some degree.. 


    Everyone is correct.. Sentinels have a lower target cap for AoEs and Nukes.. 


    However a Sentinel can pretty much with semi decent recharge have their Nuke up every mob.


    One of my characters is a Rad/Fire Sentinel.  Having an Absorb Shield and a Heal is very beneficial, as well as the fact he cant be mezzed. 


    He has 4 single target attacks,  3 PbAoE attacks,  3 Ranged AoE attack ( Fire Cages, Fireball and Rain of Fire) 

    Add in Aim and Meltdown ( which is basically Build up with some end recovery built in ) 


    Blasters are designed to be " glass cannons" Lots or burst damage, so they can take foe down quickly before the foes beat them. You can use IOs and Incarnate powers on a Blaster to get better defense, resistance, healing buffs etc etc.. but that usually comes much later, and with a lot of investment. 

    Sentinels get that as a part of their powerset, and they can still add IOs and Incarnate powers to layer on top,  and from my experience I have found that again depending on the sentinel build, I can continue to attack constantly because I dont get mezzed.. 

    Just my two cents

    I personally found blasters very boring due to the recharge of those powers to, this really is a playstyle for many out there and thats part of the reason why many still love the at as well.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, vibal said:

    I'm not sure what the disagreement is? But sure, sentinels are hella simple as well. Range > Taunt aura or Taunt aura < Range seems like a flavor pick assuming that's the only deciding factor. I also made a specific call to a character that fit the bill outside of the general statement. Sent range + mitigation combo comes at a price that's a bit too steep imo (range + mitigation - damage - utility = fun??). Brute, Tanker, Scrap (situationally) are going to do more damage and have more mitigation giving a new player a much wider target to land on. TBH if I were going put that much weight on range I'd still recommend a VEAT over a sentinel. A VEAT is still going to quietly buff the team and give at least the same levels of mitigation.


    The question also wasn't "what's a good introduction" as I would point squarely to a utility character -> particularly one with a force multiplier in that case. The question was "easy". Brutes are going to be the easiest you get with the lowest downside (again -- in my opinion).


    Also, sentinels really do not make it up in other ways late game or in teams. Your dealing dominator levels of damage without a control primary. You'll outdamage a non-procced defender, but you know.... support primary. Everyone should play what they enjoy. If you love the sets and combo's have at it. I don't see the utility in looking at sentinel numbers being a community issue though.

    I think allot of it is miscenceptions are you going to say corrupters should just roll defenders if they want to support to? I do not think it is simple I have played plenty of other ats and many are far more simple to me, there is nothing that complicated about hover and blasting and the occasional down blap. I have done allot of research into the at and this is a common issue in mmos where some classes are seriously misunderstood many also do not consider that other ats are just over tuned, there is weaknesses that should be looked at multiple ats.

  7. On 9/17/2023 at 4:04 PM, Luminara said:

    All of my sentinels are scrappers with extra range.  All of them.  I consider it a shameful waste to stay at range if I have damage mitigation and status protection.  I also like as much AoE as I can get, and the extra PBAoEs are often exactly what I need to feel satisfied with a sentinel's performance.


    Ninja APP's melee and PBAoE attacks recharge quickly enough to use as part of an attack chain and can be slotted with Achilles' Heel procs.  Neither is mind-blowing, but they're functional and flashy.


    Dark APP's melee attack recharges very quickly, and the PBAoE is usable every other cycle of an attack chain.  The -ToHit can help if you need some extra survivability.


    Elec APP's Havoc Punch is the old Havoc Punch, with KB, but it hits hard.  Lightning Field is okay, I prefer not to run yet another toggle. 


    Ice APP's melee and PBAoE attacks are decent, but their recharge times are a little too long to work into an attack chain.


    Fire APP is, as far as I'm concerned, a bust.  Cremate's endurance cost is wrong, and Fire Sword Circle takes too long to animate.


    I have Psi on my Rad/Elec now, but the only thing it's bringing to the party is Link Minds... and I really don't need it for that character, I just couldn't find anything else worthwhile.  I'll probably switch to another *PP (considering going back to Elec) when I revisit the character.


    The PPPs all have a good melee attack, albeit with a long recharge time, and Mu's is Thunder Strike (so PBAoE), but none of my sentinels need any of the other "utility" powers, or more cones, nor am I interested in pets, so I don't bother with them.  If it weren't for the animation time, I'd spec into Mu more often for Thunder Strike.  Playing a human peacebringer, though, and having to sit through Incandescent Strike missing, has turned me off of that animation permanently.

    Is this your new favorite et friend? I remember you in the live forums I think you used to play controllers allot then.

  8. 1 hour ago, High_Beam said:

    Its yes and no.  Sentinels obviously have better survivability on the surface, but a properly build Blapping Blaster can exceed that.  My DP/MC is a heavy Blapper and I rarely end up face down (unless I do something stupid), same for the Ninja Training.  You get a defense bump for firing your Tier 9 Hail of Awesome so I have even more survivability for a bit.  that allows me to sweep the legs knocking them down and in many cases finishing off stragglers that survived the deathblossom, then high kick the standing boss if needed then flip out and repeat the cycle (rarely have to do so though).  Glorious.  Also don't forget the triple bump attack you can use Burst of Speed to get in there in the first place (make the macro baby) and Proc!


    Target biggest baddie in the mob --> BoS #1 --> Dragons Tail (KD) --> Hail --> BoS #2 --> BoS #3 --> Eagle's Claw --> Flip out of Mob -->Empty Clips --> Bullet Rain --> Go to Hot Curls and get highlights . . . awesome!


    Similarly with Ninja Training, Lotus Drops then Golden Dragonfly then out.  Dragonfly is effing awesome.  You can integrate Combat Teleport to simulate the jump in but it doesn't do any damage like BoS and you can slot any damaging procs in it.  But you can get really good defense with NT between the powers and the Set IO (and that is with ZERO purples).


    Now My DP/Rad.  Yeah I do tend to end up tasting concrete a bit from time to time, not just because I did something stupid.  My build gives her too little Def and too little Res so it equals a lot more pain received.  As a result, that one isn't in melee as much, just enough to taint the enemy with Beta decay and Rad cloud while I Rain and then punch the ground with Atom Smasher.  I am going to have to work in some additional defense via Set IO to better leverage the -ToHit that is laid on the enemies with the rad.


    Since this is about Blasters I wont get into my other DPs except to say DP/Kin Corr is insane fast furious fun, gorgeous in a team environment, especially when I get that Fulcrum Shift hard on.  Oh baby.  The DP/Elec Sentinel is fine, survivable (resistance) and I use the secondary tools to accelerate the primary (rech, endurance etc).  The Time/DP Defender.  Yeah that one is in a parking lot . . . slow . . . debating on deleting.

    Ninja training is the exception though that is one less annoying blapper to me I do not agree with most on sentinal so you wont be changing this mind here friend, I think its more of a community issue then am at issue, it seems blasters if anything are over tuned since its mostly an endgame thing which happens often in mmos and im more about the journey i do not want to wait 50 plus to have a smooth experience. I tried dp but its kind of meh to me seems better utilized on other ats.

  9. 12 hours ago, shawnogueira said:

    Hey guys, i was thinking about something days ago. Would be so epic if City Of Heroes has vehicles as travel powers. Imagine, customizable motorcycles, cars and airplanes. Man, that would be awsome. Maybe as an future update?

    Do not forget space ships lots of room for bounty hunter or alien types. Alien vehicle of some kind would be a big step up.

  10. 1 minute ago, Rudra said:

    The reason why the contacts tell your character that missions/tasks are below your character is because the capabilities of the opposition is progressively no longer a threat to your character. Since the game is apparently unable to exemplar characters down to the requisite level without either having a lower level character to link to or going through the TF system, mechanically the game cannot support making enemies a threat when you level higher. You can see it every time you exemplar. Even if you discount or choose not to use the powers you have that exemplaring still allows you to use, enemies are basically a joke to your character when you exemplar down to them because the game cannot and so does not disable enhancement slots you gained past that level. So your character will always be more powerful than enemies can contend with even while you are exemplared. And the higher the level you achieved, and the more complete the enhancements you possess on the character, the less of a threat those enemies are even with you being exemplared to their level.


    Look at it this way, a starting hero will fight basic thugs and even sometimes be tasked with basic tasks like helping a neighbor bring their groceries in. As that hero becomes better known and deals with more world threatening challenges, those that work with said hero stop asking the hero to deal with basic thugs or helping bring in their groceries or help with the store. The hero may choose to deal with those basic thugs and the people will be appreciative of it, and the hero can still help that neighbor with the groceries or the store owner with the store and they will be appreciative, but they will also remind the hero that they can handle those things with still available help from others and they will not likely ask the hero to help them with those situations.


    So like @PeregrineFalcon said, the easiest way to replicate that is to lock your character at the level for the content you see the character doing.

    I do wish certain story archs would notify you better your main ones and the main lines your choosing. Maybe pop up the ones first that follow if your being good or evil to would go a long ways in areas of the game.

  11. 52 minutes ago, Widower said:

    Hello everyone!


    It’s been a rather exciting couple of weeks, hasn’t it? 😀


    There’s been a lot of talk, questions, and speculations as to what this means for Homecoming and City of Heroes™, both now and in the future, so we wanted to take a moment to talk about where we’re at and where we’re going.


    But first… how did we get here?

    The Journey Here
    Let’s look all the way back to May 2019, a month after Homecoming launched. We wrote an open letter to the community explaining our goals and motivations for everything that we’ve been doing. This statement still holds true:


    Of course, after the events of 2019, City of Heroes can never truly go away again. But the game simply existing wasn’t good enough, in our books; it was already sunset once, and we didn't want to risk that happening again - potentially over and over.


    The community deserves a safe and stable long-term home - not uncertainty, division, and a lack of continuity. That’s why we began our talks to acquire a license in 2019 - to secure that future for everyone.


    It’s been a long road, and we know some of our decisions have seemed questionable or frustrating at times. We know we’ve made some mistakes and missteps along the way, but our motive has never changed. Everything we’ve done has been in service of that original goal.


    And it worked. Nearly five years later, the talks succeeded and Homecoming is now officially licensed to host City of Heroes. We’re back for real now - and it’s still a bit surreal!


    This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our entire team - the Game Masters (including those no longer with us), the development team, and the admin team - as well as you, the community. Without everyone's unwavering support, none of this would’ve been possible.


    Thank you.

    Victory + Paragon + Homecoming
    As we mentioned in the announcement FAQ, we are working towards merging in some friendly servers - Victory and Paragon.


    Victory will be joining us as our 6th live shard alongside Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting, Reunion and Indomitable. This will likely not take place for at least a couple of months as it’s a fairly complicated process, but we wanted to give you all a heads up so you aren’t surprised when it pops up!


    For those of you involved in Closed Beta testing, this will all be moving to take place inside Homecoming’s infrastructure, instead of being hosted by Paragon. As part of this, we will be setting up a new, straightforward path to join the Closed Beta process.


    As a fully volunteer organization, we obviously don’t have an in-house QA team. Our Closed Beta process is therefore vital for ensuring updates go smoothly. We hope to see many of you join in and help out once we’ve moved it over to Homecoming! 


    And, speaking of updates…

    Issue 27: Page 7 - Coming Soon!
    The next major update, Issue 27: Page 7, will be coming to Open Beta very soon™. This update is huge - new power sets, new story arcs (including the finale of Piecemeal’s story), zone updates, new customization options, enemy group updates, and our next Advanced Difficulty Task Force: Lady Grey.


    We hope you like reading, as the patch notes are nearly 70 pages long when pasted into a document.


    In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek:












    And there’s so much more to come in Issue 28 and beyond, including 🌊 & 🐮.

    Homecoming is Recruiting!
    Our team is growing! Not only are the fine folks from Paragon and Victory joining us, but we’ve also recently brought on a new group of Game Masters and developers - and we’re not stopping there!


    If you’re interested in joining the team, we'd love to hear from you!

    That’s all for today. Once again, thank you for all the support you’ve shown us. We hope you’re all as excited as we are for what the future holds!


    - Homecoming

    Incredible you guys are all outstanding heroes in my book you have my respect 100 percent I wish I could help with the game but I am not good at coding or other details but I am extremely creative.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, High_Beam said:

    I have many DP toons and love them and have great fun with them, but they are not considered powerful, they are considered underpowered, even when mixing in Swap Ammo.  They use Smashing and Lethal to start with; most resisted, most defended.  Now that doesn't mean they are garbage, they are not garbage but lets not write a check that cannot be cashed.  Mitigation and damage from your secondary helps a lot, especially if you are willing to step into melee range.  I am sure there is a cat out there with Pylon numbers or whatever, but I am only responding based on play feel.


    Primary alone, my Sonic, Water, Energy, Dark, AR and Ice Blasters all kill faster than my DP.  Only my Archery, Seismic, Storm and Psionic are slower (though Seismic is close to being faster).  Fire and Beam are on my Sentinels and Rad is on a Corruptor and Electric is on a Defender.


    Again, love my DPs, have three Blasters alone and all are super fun to play (Di Di Guns DP/MC, Runeslinger DP/RAD and Two Gun Trixie DP/NT)

    I have seen allot of claims that they are powerful, I made a blaster and thought it was to weak ma does help make it for it sure but it one or two attacks require you to use melee right up on them and you cannot land it  half the time. I hear dp works out better for sentinals since its more of a close range set ive also heard the debuffs for defenders is really good.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    Ya, that's X-Ray Beam.  The trouble is that it's the ONLY eye beam power I can find.

    I think there is some in the epic pools to you could always do a mix, also you can use cyborg auras for laser sight eyes or a holographic interface.

  14. On 1/12/2024 at 4:43 PM, Ultimo said:

    So, I'm looking at making a character based on Cyclops, from the X-Men.  However, I don't see many powers that come from the character's eyes.  X-Ray Beam seems to be the only one... and it might be unmanageable playing with only ONE power...


    Anyone able to suggest a power set that might better resemble him?

    I am fairly sure radiation blast has a cyclops beam like attack out of the eyes in live check the animatons in the power set.

  15. 3 hours ago, Crysis said:

    Sentinels pretty much are the “easy mode” AT on Homecoming.  They aren’t all that powerful, but they get armor (great defense) and melee-distance (mostly) blasts as primary offense.  They don’t particularly scale well so you may find at 50 you are outclassed by pretty much every other AT in the game, but they are durable, mostly fairly easy ciick-oriented powers or toggles and don’t particularly require a lot of special tactics to play.  


    I’m sure I’ll get swarmed by the Sentinel Reputation Defense Force forum posters for saying this, but it’s a great starter AT until you really find what you like best for combat.  Mix of melee and blasting.  If you decide you love blasting, then move up to a real Blaster or maybe a Corruptor or Defender.  If you like the “nothing really gets through my defense” mode of play, but want more powerful attacks, then move to Scrappers, Stalkers, Tankers, Brutes or even Dominators.  Controllers and Masterminds are sort of in classes all by themselves, as are VEATS and Peacebringer/Warshades.  


    Think of Sentinels as the Sampler Platter on the appetizer menu.  It can be a whole meal, but you’ve got a full menu ahead of you so best to just use them as a nibble before the main course.

    I am always opened to the truth I just do not understand if they really do not make it up in other ways like so many claim they do not team wise and etc, I see allot of debate and it is really hard to tell if it is a community issue because it usually is when it comes to mmos and hybrid classes.

  16. 3 hours ago, vibal said:


    Melee tend to be much simpler toggle up and go, and also more forgiving as you can take a punch. Positional awareness boils down to "is it close enough to punch?"


    To the OP I would strongly suggest a brute. You get a taunt aura to keep baddies from deciding "nah, no thanks" and just walking away along with survivability and a smooth early damage curve. Dark melee/Electric Armor would be a solid pick. Siphon Life hits like a truck and gives you sustain in your rotation and electric starts okay and gets better with investment. Notably you get access to conditional resists that are near unique in the resist to -recov AND -end. Electric also has a damage aura which are consistently underrated damage boosts. Energize works fine for what it is and you can freely skip the tier 9. Dark melee suffers a bit in the AoE department, but this can be supplements late game through patrons/APP picks.


    Scrappers have a lower hp pool, but get to roll the crit dice if you like the RNG. They do have a couple sets w/a taunt aura as well (willpower/shield/and....?). 

    I disagree sentinals are simple to in their own way, so are certain other power types, also yea your pointing out the obvious one will learn postional awarness at some point but regardless it is not a good introduction into the mmo.

  17. 2 hours ago, Nemu said:

    I don't recommend any melee AT to start. Those require you to engage in melee and melee can be pretty dangerous early game when you don't have your defenses/mitigation fleshed out (think being put on the spot to tank/take the alpha running troll missions, ruin mages, etc...) The survival for most melee ATs also very much depend on IOs. Most melee ATs also suffer from poor endurance management at early levels due to the need to balance offense and survival toggles. For a beginner with no cash flow it'll be a long road for you to get from where you are to those builds and performance levels that people post on the forums.


    Criteria for an easy beginner build:


    Good endurance management - no endurance = no fun

    Decent survival - dying all the time = no fun

    Playstyle that doesn't feel too restrictive - melee ATs force you to be in melee even if you are put into a situation where it's not advantageous to be in melee (ruin mages). Ranged attacks are more versatile, nothing preventing you from shooting stuff in the face as well as from afar.


    Even though I'd encourage everyone to start with a blaster to learn all the nuances of the game, it's definitely not the easy path. But if you are genuine about learning, go blaster, experience all the shortcomings/holes that you need to be mindful of. No other AT will give you as much insight into fundamental game mechanics such as proper threat assessment, positioning, aggro management, line of sight, movement, inspiration usage, mez awareness, etc.. as blasters.


    If you want a more relaxed, easier experience, I recommend sentinel. Good AT to pick up and just have some fun with a lot more room for error.


    I was wondering why so many recommended melee as their first and if you have short range melee its not fun at first and will grind a new players gears at first, I would just start with an ele/ele ele/nin/, blaster rifle/bio/ele/sr or energy with one of those over a blaster for especially if you start on rogue side soloing.

  18. 14 hours ago, mcbraggart said:

    I just found out this was a thing.  I played when the game first launched and now when I'm trying to recreate my first character, the  name is already taken.

    Yea its common among mmos try putting a dash between or putting them together and capping certain letters.

  19. On 1/14/2024 at 11:38 PM, PancakeGnome said:

    I think the endgame should be PVPVE..... player created content for players through the architect system. A progression to live out a top villain or hero designing missions for other players to go on that will level them up for interesting rewards and give the other players rewards too. 

    The architect system was such a great first step towards opening up a ton of content for players. But they were scared of people leveling too fast (lol) or farming (lol) and getting other rewards from it..... in the end, none of that mattered. Now you can farm and level up and all the rest doing all sorts of things just as easy. 

    I always wondered why there was not already end game content like this, its really the perfect solution considering its all fan updated now.

  20. I think they where meant to work more fluidly with certain other sets it depends what you like with it, it matches martial to me perfectly, dual pistols are generally accepted as powerful I am not sure why the op thinks they are under performing, the ammo types is situational, maybe poison is more for pvp just a thought.

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