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Posts posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. Wrong coh attracts a different kind of people especially on blue side its not just like any other community ive played many mmos and especially compared to old days like everquest they are a really big difference thats not about ego lol. Seems your the one who has an issue with it to begin with and really just projecting your own ego.

  2. Literally what the subject says, it doesn't much matter to most in this game if you're a veteran of the old game. A lot of us are, I'd even say most of us are, but it doesn't need saying as if it provides prestige or immunity to criticism. I don't think this is a really large issue, but I have noticed it preceding opinions as if it validates them at times.


    The only thing I think one should take away from being a veteran to this game, is a desire to provide help to those that are not or are returning casual players. It should be a helping hand at most, and never a bludgeon.


    You misunderstand why its important, the reason is because you knew how amazing the community was then and your helping bringing that back to mmos like this one, it has nothing to do with ego or being better and more to do with the communities like on the rp servers.

  3. I like either playing solo or with my wife. I like to experience the missions instead of joining up with a leveling team.


    My problem is I find it extremely hard to play anything but a mastermind with heals. I normally send my pets in to get aggro, then attack and heal.  I tried other archetypes but I find I die too much.  Am I doing something wrong or what? I don't know how to enjoy the other archetypes.


    PS - I can't stand melee.


    Some classes are solo friendly others are not but doable if you turn down difficulty and have some influence and slot right. Anyways what kind of characters do you like to play? Have you tried illusion/radiation controller? Its a little slow at first but I recall soloing with him back in the day at the start it was not bad. Dark/Dark defender or corrupter can do wonders.

  4. What are you talking about? If you want to play that game then lets play shall we? Solo friendly implies its easier to solo with this term, now if you say solo unfriendly this implies the opposite it does not mean you cannot solo though, you knew you assumed you just do not want to look wrong why don'\t you pointless argument with someone else your skill level next time? It is not a personal defintion everyone who plays cox 7 years ago to now knows for a fact that there are classes in this game very solo unfriendly, and this is not just the at but the power combination because guess what? They are more team friendly gaaaasp!!!! This is in fact an old school mmo sorry that bothers you so much maybe you should go play something with instant gratification like guild wars 2.


    Tone it down a notch Cosmic...


    1.) Very few people played CoX 7 years ago to now...If you are one of them congratulations, but the game is still by and large the same as it was in 2004 when it came out.  Content has been added, Powersets have been added/tweaked, AT's added, lots of QoL improvements, but apart from Enhancements, there has been no key wholesale change in the game mechanics

    2.) Solo Friendly does not mean "I can solo AV's and Bosses +4!!!!".  Solo friendly (as many people have stated) means to them - I can get one, play almost all the content by myself, and still progress. 

    3.) Any AT can solo - sorry it's a fact - some will solo slowly, some faster, some might need to lower their difficulty, some might raise it - bu the speed/difficulty at which you advance does not define solo friendliness

    4.) And yes, the game is also very team friendly - in fact part of the original vision for CoH, for better and worse, was a game where you could solo or team and still have a good time...


    Alright I will as long as they do, well most people do not use the term solo friendly for very slow and grindy but if you say so. Yes lowering difficulty as I stated before I already said it CAN be done but its hardly anything to write home about.

  5. As the title says, the current arrows are hillariously large and are all the same color.


    Sure alternate arrow tips would be cool, but id be happy if we could get their size reduced by 50%


    All projectiles need an option for colors to in my opinion, and eventually some sound options, tech bow, laser pistols and etc.

  6. I know you guys have much to work on but before you guys come out with new sets and what not you think this is something you can look at? Honestly all the other melee older sets just feel horrible compared to new ones like db, staff, or street justice. For example katana does not feel half as fast as staff because in staff your always animating with katanna you look very clunky while your charging your next attack.

  7. I am curious what you guys think (or maybe you don't think) may be hurting Dark Primary (don't get me started on Secondaries) for Blasters.


    Me personally, it boils down to two things. Umbral Torrent, and Tenebrous Tentacles.


    Umbral Torrent: Yet another Knock Back. I know some people like Knock Backs, but to many players like myself, Knock Back is a bane we simply don't want, nor need... we hate it. By making it knock back, you pretty much involuntarily ostracized much of the player base...which if you skip the power, limits your options and your DPS potential. Not to mention, if you really want to pick at it, the animation to me is simply not visually appealing.


    Tenebrous Tentacles: Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, (City of Heroes players can never agree on anything, lol) but the last thing a Blaster needs, is a Cone Immob that does craptastic damage. Blasters need AoE DPS, something that stings when you use it. Something that goes boom!


    What do I believe the Blaster should have been given in their places? Glad you have asked!


    To replace Umbral Torrent? I believe the Blaster should have been given a beefed up version of Night Fall. A Cone DoT attack with a wide cone area. Not to mention, the attack animation is very appealing to the eyes.


    To replace Tenebrous Tentacles? I believe the Blaster should have been given a beefed up version of Engulfing Darkness. A Dark version of Irradiate and again, has a very nice animation and an AoE that the set needs if Tenebrous Tentacles were to be replaced.


    Now this is just my opinion, some may agree, some may not, but this is City of Heroes...where all equally love the game, but none agree. So I am expecting half and half on this one. However, I don't mind if you disagree, but I am curious of how you would change the set if you could, or if you would leave it as is, and if you would leave it as is, I ask you...do you play a Dark Blaster?


    Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Hope to see how others view Dark Primary for Blasters. Would be nice if we all agreed, but something tells me, in good ol' City of Heroes tradition, we won't.  :D


    Some ats simply have better synergy with power sets, and thats great, I prefer it this way. Dark/Dark is great with defenders/ corruptors.

  8. Exactly. A controller might take longer to defeat enemies, but they can do so in absolute safety. Defenders do lower damage then the main 'damage dealer' archtypes, but again tend to be completely safe. How is that not 'solo friendly'?


    Okay, so sonic or force field doesn't have as many tools to aid the soloing defender. But even they can handle greater odds then in other contemporary MMOs like Everquest 1 or 2.


    When I'm playing WoW my 'tank' build characters can handle 1 or 2 enemies at a time. Maybe 3 depending on what type it is and what class I'm playing. But if it's an Elite enemy, then I'll struggle to defeat a single one without backup. Doesn't matter my level, if the Elite mob is conning white and I don't have a tanky pet to hold it's agro I'm probably going to die while trying to fight it. And if I do have a tanky pet, I'll be having to heal that pet quite a lot during the attempt.


    Conversely in City of Heroes once I get to SO enhancement levels my characters are generally capable of handling 5-10 enemies at a time, at least. Multiple bosses at the same time? Yeah, that's doable. By the way, bosses feel about on par with Elite 'trash' mobs in WoW for power. Is that an Elite Boss? Hmm, I think I just might be able to take them. And if not, just load up on consumables and try again. Probably with more success. Elite Bosses would be the equivalent of the 'end boss' for a typical WOW dungeon. While Archvillains would be the equivalent of a Raid Boss.


    I've never heard of anyone in WoW soloing a raid boss without having massively out leveled said raid. Let alone soloing dungeons without having first outl eveled the dungeon.


    Now I am confused. You've gone from saying CoH isn't solo friendly to sounding like you're arguing that it is...


    And not being able to tank raid bosses or large packs solo doesn't make a game "not solo friendly" either. Solo friendly just means that you can level and quest at a reasonable rate solo. WoW had that from day one. And, in recent years, has changed a LOT from what you described. Still can't solo raid bosses you haven't massively outleveled, but it's often a simple matter to solo multiple enemies.


    Everquest, that was not solo friendly save for a couple classes. Soloing even one mob at a time was a time consuming struggle for most classes.


    Wrong eq had quite a few solo classes and you can solo about the same pace with unsolo friendly classes, but it was better to team just like cox, you prove to me you can solo better then eq1 with a force field/radiation defender with a video if you believe this so much.


    Coh is not that solo friendly. it has solo friendly classes but far from being truly solo friendly and thats a good thing in an mmorpg.


    That's just utterly false. Some have an easier time than others, but any AT can be soloed to 50 fairly easily.


    Your reading skills must be utterly false as I clearly stated you can with most but are far slower older MMOs are not solo encouraged they have classes that are solo friendly period


    Being slower does not equal "not solo friendly"... My reading comprehension skills are just fine, you're own personal definitions for terms are the problem.


    What are you talking about? If you want to play that game then lets play shall we? Solo friendly implies its easier to solo with this term, now if you say solo unfriendly this implies the opposite it does not mean you cannot solo though, you knew you assumed you just do not want to look wrong why don'\t you pointless argument with someone else your skill level next time? It is not a personal defintion everyone who plays cox 7 years ago to now knows for a fact that there are classes in this game very solo unfriendly, and this is not just the at but the power combination because guess what? They are more team friendly gaaaasp!!!! This is in fact an old school mmo sorry that bothers you so much maybe you should go play something with instant gratification like guild wars 2.


    Coh is not that solo friendly. it has solo friendly classes but far from being truly solo friendly and thats a good thing in an mmorpg.


    That's just utterly false. Some have an easier time than others, but any AT can be soloed to 50 fairly easily.


    Your reading skills must be utterly false as I clearly stated you can with most but are far slower older MMOs are not solo encouraged they have classes that are solo friendly period

  11. Mmos get ruined when its not team encouraged, part of the reason why cox is so good is the importance and diversity of team roles, I hear you on being able to solo but lets not want that in sacrifice of team things to.


    Coh is not that solo friendly. it has solo friendly classes but far from being truly solo friendly and thats a good thing in an mmorpg.


    I've largely solo'd to 50+ multiple times over the years. It is incredibly convenient and easy to just play it like a single player game with a lot of interesting costumed people also present. I actually don't team much because of my disability and physical challenges... I can't be relied upon to be present all the time in any given team. But solo play is every bit as easy as something like Skyrim or Fallout 3.




    people spam farming ae instead of playing the game properly


    This is simply nonsense. There is no way to play the game "properly". Log in, do something. You're playing the game properly. The only way to play it improperly is to grief or harass others.


    Solo? AE Farm? Publish missions and never team? Only raids? PL to 50 and Mothership all day? Just badge hunt? Just tour and take pretty screenshots? Just play dressup and do nothing but make cool costumes? You are playing the game "properly" in all these cases.


    Sorry you have a hard time friend but as I said sure you can solo with classes that arent meant to solo but it will be far slower having influence helps.

  13. No no no. I'm disappointed in all of you.


    How did you miss the fact that Champions Online was completely a SOLO game, vs City of Heroes that's completely a TEAM game?


    This is the major difference that makes all of us throw up when we got in CO. Not one of you remembered the first year of CO where it was IMPOSSIBLE to team up? And I don't even know if they fixed it (I tried to play it several times during the first years and it was the same pretty much), and even than it would still be just a "patch" attached to a game born to be solo-played.


    I remember my attempts to team up in Champions Online very clearly:

    A: "I have 4 missions, but only one can be shared"          <------- OBSCENE that the majority of missions couldn't be shared for several reasons

    B: "Oh what level?"

    A: "12"

    B: "Oh sorry but I'm level 7"      <------- really? the devs that CREATED the exemplar feature force you to do missions at specific levels?



    That was Champions Online. A better gameplay to me (personal tastes), a better graphic to me (personal tastes), and even better missions (buildings in flame and missions under water or in space etc.) and still with all this favourable personal tastes I couldn't play it because it wasn't a mmorpg at all, it was the exact opposite of City of Heroes.


    Impossible to team-up and team mechanics completely lacking/rushed or not working at all.


    It's a SOLO game, that's all. How did they manage to screw things up like that when City of Heroes was the king of easy team picking and quest sharing and community chit-chatting? Easy answer, because it was born in the "After-WorldOfWarcraft" era where all mmorpgs became such boring solo-content where you just see 1 person around which doesn't even "hello" you since he has to run to the next mission to exp alone.


    And for me, CoH is THE most solo-friendly MMO game I’ve ever played lol. I love to solo or to duo with a friend, and on Live I was able to solo the Sister Psyche TG with my emp/sonic defender and a few shivans whilst chatting with friends in chat. Instances mean we don’t have to hang around in the overworld waiting for mobs to respawn and other players to bugger off, and pretty much any AT can solo even ‘hard’ content if you use inspirations and temp powers effectively.


    And yes, it’s also awesome for teaming :)


    I also love that it doesn’t have facing. Urgh I hate bloody facing in MMOs. I love the click target and then click your powers, and your hero turns to face.




    Coh is not that solo friendly. it has solo friendly classes but far from being truly solo friendly and thats a good thing in an mmorpg.

  14. I played Champions Online when it first came out, thinking that it would be the next best thing in the superhero MMO genre, and also feeling a bit jaded with CoX at the point in time. A lot of what you said were actually what made me want to play CO in the first place - the action combat, the smoother movement, the updated graphics, etc.


    But idk, there's something about CoX that just appeals to me in a way CO never did. Sure the combat and graphics are terribly outdated, but the min-maxing and theorycrafting potential is as strong as it ever was (and stronger even compared to some current games), and that appeals to me. The sense of community and teamwork felt stronger as well.


    The community in CoX have also never been too concerned with the balance of power, in my opinion. Sure, certain MM powersets might be stronger than the other archetypes, but if you don't find MMs fun, then there's no reason to play one. And in a large group setting, the OP-ness of what you're playing matters less. As you get into endgame and start crafting and slotting IO sets, that balance of power also shifts again.


    Same for the AE grind. I've never enjoyed it, but I didn't have to engage in it. I could easily find a group who was willing to do story arcs or radio missions - we'd be levelling slower, sure, but we're doing what we find fun.


    Ultimately, CoX is a game that's about the journey, not the destination. There's no point spamming AE on your MM and hitting 50 in 3 days if you never had fun doing it, and don't have fun playing the character. One of my fondest memories of the game was making SS/invuln tankers with my friends, making all of them look like Trolls and roleplaying Trolls while running around in the Hollows. Those characters didn't even make it past 20 because they were silly gimmicks, but to me, they were way more fun than playing a dominator who could wipe out an entire screen in seconds (to me, at least).


    (Also note that I've really only truly enjoyed playing brutes, scrappers and tankers, in that order).


    Also, please pick your travel power by level 20. It might not matter before then, but trying to navigate zones like Independence Port without a travel power is a special kind of masochism.


    Its not really action combat, and it takes a while to even feel powerful in combat because of the builder system.

  15. Because I was around 10 years old when I played CoH/V, I never learned how to play the game, I was able to take in how good of an idea it was, never got to learn the technical details and what made the game different until now. Because of this, when CoH/V shut down and got replaced by Champions Online I never really understand why or what the differences were between the 2 games that caused such action from Cryptic. As a result of these decisions from Cryptic, the only Superhero MMORPG from them I ever got to learn and was interested in over the years was Champions Online, I never even had the chance to chose between the 2 games.


    Times have changed now and I've able to revisit this old game thanks to the staff here at the Homecoming team, thank you. I realize that my past might have given me a different perspective on the 2 Cryptic superhero MMORPGs. I am struggling to see why so many people prefer CoH/V over Champions Online. When I google search why people prefer CoH/V over CO, the people in question never seem to give concrete answers, only reply with answers like "it doesn't feel the same" or "it looks like cartoony crap". Before I go any further, I can completely understand why people would prefer CoH/V over CO just because of the graphical style or simply nostalgia, if either of those are your reasons for preferring CoH/V over CO then I can understand that. But I want to go into the technical details of the 2 games, more than just graphics, because for me I actually like both of these graphical styles.


    You may be thinking what is this thread even trying to get at when CoH/V is so obviously better, see I don't see it that way, that's what I want people to post in this thread, tell me why you think this game is so much better than CO because I don't see it after trying this game over a few days. All I can see is darker, more outdated graphics than CO, an unbalanced class system where MM and certain OP power combos go around and beat everyone else, people spam farming ae instead of playing the game properly, a static and actionless combat system compared to CO, when you pick your travel power why bother when you can chose stats instead that are better than moving slightly faster out of combat.


    Where as Champions Online has more updated graphics, no souless ae farming, more action based combat where you can actually move around while using your powers instead of being physically locked in place, you can charge certain powers by holding down a button instead of simply clicking a button 1 time for every skill like in CoH/V, travel powers in CO are actually just travel powers instead of being mixed with stat based powers to take away form the fun of simply picking a travel power, heroes are different and custom in CO (freeform) while in CoH/V when you chose a class and a powerset chances are tons of other people are exactly the same as you.


    Please tell me if you disagree with my opinion and why, please no insults or childish banter, I want to actually learn and grow from this thread if I can. If all you can mention is the graphics/sounds and nostalgia then I can understand that, but I'm looking for something more. Also I haven't played Champions Online very seriously, I haven't made it to the end game for either of these games and will be unaware of balance issues that freefrom in CO may have, but how much worse could that be than everyone having the exact same op powers like in this game or being a MM and exploding everything in 1 second.


    Dude you should know why by now there are tons of posts on reddit about this its proven why cox is a better mmorpg in general, co is not much of an mmo to begin with hence why the population has always been kind of crappy.


    Just to name a few cox has far better power customization and viable builds while co gives you the illusion of freeform choice when in reality your pushed into only a few decent builds.


    The content plan sucks because all the exp is increased for doing bank runs and etc no one wants to group to do the actual content until max level, so the leveling experience just sucks.


    Most people do not even actually play the game, they hang out and show their costumes more then anything else.


    Co has a terrible build up system where it takes forever to fire off anything powerful, the combat somehow manages to feel even more awkard and slower then older mmos in general.


    The team mechanics are terrible and they actually cut out allot of cc from the game, far less team roles in the game and turned out to be kind of the holy trinity. Cox has far deeper team mechanics and many ways to help your teams.


    Lootboxes, need I say more here?


    The company has been terrible when it comes to balances changes, content updates, and helping whats supposed to be an mmorpg grow.


    The community is pretty bad compared to most.


    The list goes on and on.


    While co does have cool things better travel powers/look customization and better graphics with powers, and better super bases thats all it has over cox. I want a full mmo experience not some imitation of a super hero mmo.

  16. I made a few alts, and while some are great, some I realize I won't wind up playing, so I wanted to see if anyone is interested in picking them up.


    Lady Nightshade

    Lady Balefire

    Captain Triumph

    Steel Patriot


    PM me in game if interested @Only Grimm


    I think its more fair to simply delete them and let others figure it out.

  17. people who keep bringing this up seem to fall into two basic categories:


    1) people operating or committed to other servers who're upset that homecoming were 'first to market' and are taking it out on them and/or attempting to siphon away their players (frankly, this seems to be largely the /coxg crowd), and


    2) people who're confused by the stuff group 1 is posting and believe there's some sort of vague reason the HC admins are untrustworthy


    The reality is that for the lay player, there's no reason to distrust homecoming; they aren't really trying to take our money (in fact it's decently difficult to give them money even if you're inclined to) and aren't requiring anything to play other than an email address. If they are attempting some sort of con it's not really clear what the payoff could be.  If it came to light tomorrow that homecoming were engaged in some sort of malfeasance we could all just go play on one of the many other private servers with nothing lost but our time.


    In the early days when it wasn't clear what the fate of all of this would be, the homecoming folks were leery of sharing information about their work, but the leak of the i24 code was out there on torrent and anyone who wanted to could've spun up a server (and in fact, many people did.) The claims that HC were somehow 'gatekeeping' were always basically bullshit.


    I agree with you on this.



    There are a lot of people in this conversation who didn't read or care what I opened with and are trying to spin this into some kind of drama. Maybe they just don't understand my motivations and think I'm trying to stir trouble so let me explain. I have reservations about the HC community and leadership. I have questions because I'm open to seeing if I'm wrong and so far I've learned some reassuring things while hearing some that aren't so reassuring.


    In particular, I'm no longer part of the HC server community, but people have suggested that there are problems with the leadership team of other offerings. That is critically important information if I'm going to continue to be a part of that community -- not drama -- trust. Can I trust the people in charge of the platform I've chosen to be a part of? If you're telling me that's the case, I would like to see some evidence of such because I'm frankly not just going to take your word for it just like you wouldn't take mine in reverse.


    Is that really so unreasonable?


    Hey bro you have to understand these other servers could possibly been some of the people spreading rumors, im fairly certain ive seen a few reddit posters do this and have post history saying more things about hc before but I could be wrong, most of us who play on hc are level headed and are just kind of tired of all the drama surrounding hc. For all we know you could be doing the same thing. But you seem like a reasonable guy even if it is just for pretend.

  19. The way I see it is all is that it was their server, how is it wrong to not want to split the community and share your work with others trying to run a private server? Not to mention they did not want the heat, I recall something specifically about sharing the code and would of been really bad if they did. Whats happening here is people are twisting the original statement they made.  And just because one person may have said this or that does not mean the entire team is at fault, people need to stop feeling entitled here in the first place, you know very well how people take things way out of contexts these days. Honestly who cares about the drama if patch notes arent enough proof for you well cya and do not let the door hit you on the way out, because they clearly care about the game and the community and thats enough for me and it should be enough for you. We are all here for free remember that.



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