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Swift Guardian

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Everything posted by Swift Guardian

  1. Thank you so much for this!
  2. Ok everyone this is a plea for help, I am a character builder not a stat builder and I have a beast mastery trick arrow guy that is now 50 really needs a respec and a decent build. If anyone knows what they are doing and could/is willing to help help me with a decent build for mids (Ihave be wading through the forum on the hunt for an hour or so and have probably missed something but even so) I would very grateful. Thanks in advance!
  3. @AboveTheChemist Thank you so much for updating this its awesome
  4. I just want to take the time to thank you for your work on this it has been amazing and as and when the rest of the identifiers get sorted etc it will be a must have add on for any player in my opinion
  5. I would really love some some help / an answer. Is it me and or something I am doing or are enhancement drops really low in the game accept certain areas if it is just me then then that is fine. I just seem to remember them dropping more regularly in the original game. When I do death from below they drop pretty regularly. Which is what I would expect not crazy but enough. Yet I did a posi part one a two taskforce the other day and got one enhancement drop across both tf's. I also just generally don't have them drop in the game I did the whole of atta via ouro and none dropped then either. Is there a way to improve enhancement drops, is it just generally lower in homecoming vs og servers? am I doing something wrong is there an option to click anything? Any info would be great thanks for your time all
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