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Posts posted by holymittens

  1. 55 minutes ago, Voltor said:

    Another problem: just got to Marcus,  now I am seeking the Arrest ending.  I have done the others.   However it is bugged and in a loop where he and I both remember the other encounters but any dialog option I choose just loops us back to the dialog options over and over. No fight occurs.


    Logged out and returned, same problem.   it seems that choosing the option to kill him on the previous run was an error.  The only option that my alt needs to do is arrest him now but I can't.  The dialog box shows I did all the other options and that perhaps the Zig.....then it switches to Marcus talking.   Any option I choose just flips me back to the choices.  Cannot proceed.


    Yeah, choosing to kill him prior to the 4th run through is currently bugged and he never goes hostile. This will be fixed in a patch in the near future.

  2. 14 hours ago, Molubdos said:


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    Restarted the arc and he's still missing. Other than the additional dialogue from Marcus, was anything else supposed to change on the 3rd or 4th iterations? I may have missed a flag using the QA-Skips to get to the last mission on the later runs, in which case, my bad. Started a run with another character but ran into the "Team Leader" issue so will have to wait for the next patch.

    With another character, I may have managed to sequence break a M1dway skip in the first run through via Ouro - as a Science origin character, going through the science tree, disagreeing with Stribbling, going through other dialogue, triggering the science tree again, then agreeing with him in the first report, he offered me the option to skip M1dway, even though it was the first run? (Although I did have to restart the arc upon entering the first mission after realising some AE weirdness had stuck to my character and broke temporal scaling)

    Also, typo: "powes"

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    I'm going to DM you for additional details on the first issue. For the second one, you shouldn't be able to repeat the Science or Mutant paths in the first place, so I've fixed that. Hopefully whatever was causing the sequence break will keep that issue from coming up again.

  3. Quote

    1. Let me start off by saying the writing felt spot-on.  This was a real "City of Heroes" story, and one in which it still felt like I was the "main character".  I love it, to the point I'd say it's one of my favorites of HC and even the original run's late-made stories that I've done. Of course, I saved the Rogue one for second because I'm more of a "Rogue" kinda guy, so maybe I'll be right and that'll be even better, but if so, cool beans.


    Thanks! Always appreciate people who enjoy my writing.



    I am a little curious, based on comments in this thread, it seems the arc's a little different from Ouroboros (makes sense!), but if so, is the first Ouro run going to look like the "did it at the natural level" arc?  Or is it gonna be different from the start?  If the latter, I might encourage this to have its level cap raised.  I'm pretty sure all the villain groups from it go to 50 anyway.



    There are very slight differences between the first playthrough in Ouro and the first playthrough "naturally". It is intended functionality for players experiencing it in flashback the first time to have a slightly different experience. Playthroughs other than the 1st obviously can only be completed through Ouro.



    I was playing a character of the Science origin, and after the first mission, there was an origin-based option to talk to the doctor about his research.  Not sure if all the origins have this or not.  He gave his justification and whatnot, and yeah, seems well-enough-written and whatnot, but I noticed that there was another option a little further down where he basically went through his reasoning a second time (his examples were different, but it sounded very repetitive).  I think it's the one about the kind of experiments?  Yeah, I mighta been reading a little too fast.  Regardless, this could maybe stand be streamlined a little?


    There are two potential extra dialog options: one if you're a mutant, one if you're a science hero. They are slightly different in who the doctor uses in examples for each. There is some redundancy if you point out your origin and also ask him why he's doing this research (which is essentially the "generic" version of the challenges). I'll take a look at the tree and see if it makes sense to lock that out in certain cases.

  4. Hello, just FYI, I am the Dev for this arc (my Dev badge hasn't been applied yet due to me being too forgetful to ask for it).


    The issue with falling through the world when taking the sub to Port Oakes is being fixed, it should be on Test soon.


    There are also a few issues with some of the (for lack of a better word) routes through the arc that will cause Marcus to believe you're not the Team Leader when talking to him or claiming to attack you but never actually doing so and remaining blue. The fixes for those two are both on the way and will come with the next patch.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Crasical said:

    I wanted to ask about Arc Flash, am I correct in having seen her switch powersets midway through the fight? She got to maybe half and then did a full heal and went from blue electricity to red electricity, and from mostly ranged to mostly melee. Bug or intentional?


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  6. Thanks for the feedback. This will be useful for future work.

    On 10/15/2019 at 9:18 PM, Eva Destruction said:

    The false leads start to get tedious after a while.  I was kind of annoyed that the CoT guy didn't have my shiny rock.  Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure you don't know they're dead people wearing skin suits at this point in your career.  Villains learn this in Magus Mu'Drakhan's arc in the late 30s, iirc.  I also noticed that he turned friendly at low health and started helping me fight his former friends; I'm not sure if he can die but if he does die and the body fades out before you talk to him it might make the mission impossible to complete.  I've had this happen in tip missions.

    There is really only one false lead, which is the CoT mission (which only occurs if you take certain actions when dealing with the Auctioneer). All other leads are real ones that help you pinpoint the true thief. As for Semrig turning friendly, I am going to say that's a bug. Hopefully it'll be something that can get resolved.


    Also, technically, you can learn the CoT are spirits inhabiting bodies at any level, provided you kill 200 of them to get the badge. For more likely scenarios, you learn it in the Mortimer Kal Strike Force (which can be run post-20) or from Archmage Tarixus's mission to capture Akarist's soul. You can also get clues about it from Crash Cage's second arc, though it's not explicitly spelled out. There may be other places I am not recalling at the moment. I checked before I wrote that line that it was possible, though of course it's not really possible (or at least it's overcomplicated) to check if the character would know that.


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  7. 7 hours ago, Paradox Fate said:

    I had hoped more came out of that during the arc, really.

    You know, 'one hand washes the other' and the kind.


    Unless I missed it out, I wouldn't have bothered pulling him from the PPD when not getting a favor from the Council.

    The Council turn friendly in the mission once you save him, meaning you can have them help you fight the PPD.

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  8. Here's a link to a very, very stripped down arc. It doesn't have everything in it, because I don't understand how a lot of stuff works and there are apparently some converter tools that turn things into what actually need to be used by the system... I don't really understand it all, I'm just a writer! I can't promise it'll really teach anyone how to do anything, but it might help a little for some people.

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  9. 7 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    Thank you very much, holymittens.  In the meantime, is there any way that members of the community might help out in those efforts?

    Don't really think so. You kinda have to know how things work before you can really talk about it. It's not exactly the most elegantly put together system.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Rigged said:

    Lastly, and this is a little off topic, but I do hope that future arcs that involve actual Villains won't solely be driven by a mere profit motive - this is perfectly fine for Rogues (in this case), but it annoyed me to no end that the vanilla CoV arcs were almost entirely about scoring some cash. CoX in general also suffers from having most stories feel rather impersonal for the player - we stumble into someone else's tragedy/stuggle/story and go in to meddle, and none of the stories are really about us. The signature story arcs started to go against this trend (at least redside), and I would like to see more of that sort of story.

    Oh, and do not worry about this (at least from me). My view on the alignments is as follows:

    Heroes - Do what is "right" even if it involves personal sacrifice. Will (generally) not bend their morals or break the rules of society

    Vigilantes - Do what is "necessary" even if it involves breaking the rules. They're generally concerned about the greater good (as they see it)

    Rogues - Do what gets them ahead, as long as it doesn't hurt others too much. They will break any rules and are generally selfish, but only hurt those who "deserve it" or can afford to be hurt

    Villains - Do whatever gets them ahead, no matter the consequences. They will break any rule and if someone else gets hurt, too bad.


    Now that is a very general outlook, but it's the general gist of what I go for with my writing. While I'm concentrating on writing rogue/vigilante content at the moment, my future villain arcs will be more about the player proactively trying to achieve their goals (whatever that may be).

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  11. 59 minutes ago, Rigged said:

    Did the Rogue arc.


    With respect, your writing is significantly better than your sense of game balance. I don't feel it is very reasonable to expect a lvl 25-29 character to solo a roomful of Legacy Chain (including a boss) all at once, especially since it wasn't actually the climatic fight - to clarify, I had set my difficulty at +0/x1. Now, I ran the arc with my only rogue toon, which happened to be an exemplar'ed lvl 50 TW/Bio scrapper with a billion inf IO build, so I just AoE'ed them all to bits while their rocks whiffed (Because of this, I may have missed how difficult it might have been to defeat the actual final boss, or the large number of PPD mobs in the earlier mission). However, if I had gone in with a squishy defender I suspect I would be cursing at you right now. Please do consider allowing the spawn system to handle mob balance, flawed as it may be.

    To clarify, I did not handle any of the balancing. As far as I know, the spawn system does handle all of what spawns. I assume that room has too many spawn points set into it or something. If that spot turns out to be too difficult, I can look into having it toned down in future patches.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Chuckers said:

    Bobby's arc:

    • When talking to the warrior boss (I couldn't spell his name if I tried), one of the speech bubbles has the word "go" in it and I believe it should be "got" because the sentence is really awkward otherwise.

    Can you double check what dialogue option you chose to get that? The only one I see with "go" in it is him saying "Go on then."





    Shauna's arc:

    • The second mission (I think, sorry) seemed to be loaded with too many orange lts. Especially when they're yellow in the other missions


    We don't set how enemies con in the missions. If this happens, it was probably just bad luck for you.


    • In Frost's dialog, 3rd bubble I believe, there's a word or words missing.  After he says "You didn't". (Sorry again for not being more specific)


    If you mean Rider, I could not find him using the phrase "You didn't" at all. Could you double check and provide more details?

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  13. 8 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    Overall, despite all my critical feedback above; I'd like to say that this is some very nice work on Shauna Braun's arc.  I especially like how the post-arc Contact contact text is ambiguous toward either ending of the arc, and the branching dialogue with Davids looks really impressive!  The ending cutscenes work nicely and give some excellent dramatic closure.  Frankly, this arc is better than most anything produced during Live, in my opinion.  I'd really like to see the guts of this arc, if possible.  It would be an excellent teaching tool for all other potential content contributors.


    When I have time tomorrow, I'll try to tackle the Rogue Contact and post further feedback.


    Thanks for the feedback and praise. This was the first arc I worked on, so some of the issues you raised were due to me not knowing the full possibilities of the system, so hopefully future arcs will feature more dynamic stuff like you mentioned.

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  14. I've run all of his missions twice and none seem broken. What is the issue with them?


    It may be typical incarnates garbage, possibly soloable but definitely unteamable.  I needed a quick second mission once and got conned into a Belladonna Vetrano arc, an experience I do not care to repeat.  I expect it's like the rest of that twaddle, full of confuse and terrorize and psi nukes, with missions that move the goalposts once inside.  You do not want a team, you do not want bosses, and you want everything to spawn at -1, which isn't how I usually roll.  Actually running the missions will be a grim slog. 


    Mission that was the problem was three Avatar of Hamidon AVs spawning together in one mission that would incomprehensibly spawn vines that would one shot everybody.  If there was a strategy we were supposed to use, nothing in the mission suggested it and no one discovered it.  Eventually some NPCs appeared, shone green light on them, and then they were four fifths dead and we eventually killed them.  Might be doable with fewer of these mobs spawning as EBs.


    Ah, so not actually broken, just content you don't enjoy. Afraid I don't think there's anything you can do to clear the story arc book other than contact a GM and ask them to clear the arc from you. I tried calling Number Six with a fresh 50 and didn't get the story arc book on him, even after clicking around a bunch. Maybe it's because you did a mission for him in a team once for some reason? Seems weird that the arc would open for you without actually doing any of the missions yourself.

  15. The normal way to perma something is to use Hasten, slot as many Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IOs as possible (up to 5) and then slot as many other recharge boosting IO sets (Purples and AT IOs being the best). Depending on the ability, this may be enough, or you may need even more IO bonuses.


    As for what's worth permaing, anything that provides a big boost to your survivability or damage is usually "worth" it. This include Hasten, Domination, defensive powers like Eclipse on Warshades, and things like this.

  16. One of the biggest problems with this mission is that, if you die and go to the hospital, he keeps dropping mines. I once reentered the mission right on top of about 5 mines that immediately went off and killed me before I could move out of the way. Eventually I just popped a bunch of purples and zoned in, then wore him down.

  17. Erotica1 was the name of the player, I remembered it.



    Late to the party, but as someone on the EVE Community team who was pushing for her to be banned far quicker than she ultimately was, I salute you for sticking it to her.

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