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Everything posted by Uden

  1. /bump Please. This would be awesome. (Since path auras and regular auras are already able to be mixed simultaneously, I am meaning more than one body/hands/eyes/head/etc. aura)
  2. I actually used to sub back during the old days. But yeah. I am new, once again. Though I'm not new to the idea of "necro posting". I actually can't stand the term, or the idea behind it. Just because something didn't gain traction the first time doesn't mean it should never be brought up again. Seems childish to me to complain about how old a post is. *shrug* They could at least create a forum specifically for older posts, to please both respective parties.
  3. This is also a wonderful idea.
  4. That is unfortunate. I just made the same suggestion. I don't really even see the need to "win anyone over" as far as majority rules goes. More room to type in a bio is kind of a neutral thing; you can either use it or not. So for those who do want it, it would be a plus. Those who don't wouldn't be affected. But yeah I know that unless a ton of people chime in wanting the change, the chances of ever seeing it are slim to none, unfortunately. It's odd though, that the space is so limited. We are creating "comic book" heroes and villains, there are built in features for roleplaying... you'd think a larger space for biographical information/backstory would be a given.
  5. There is a "Suggestions and Feedback" forum? I thought I was looking at the complete list of forums, I guess I wasn't. Thanks. I found it, yep. I was locked into the City of Heroes Homecoming section for some reason. If anyone can assist me with moving this topic to the appropriate forums, I'd be indebted.
  6. I don't know if there is a suggestions forum I am supposed to post this in, I did not see one. But as the title suggests, it would be really cool if we had a higher character limit for our bio's. I do like to write some backstory once in awhile for my toons, but I find myself dissuaded by the lack of space. :( I know this is probably trivial, and many others may not agree, but I personally would love to see said limit increased, if at all possible.
  7. I'm sure someone covered this already... but I'm a noob so I'll post it again. (All credit goes to Belicia for teaching me how. :) If you want a macro for posting mob coordinates in whatever chat channel you're in: /macro X s $target @ $loc
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