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Everything posted by Illy

  1. Personally I disagree with your social commentary-- If we use MMO's as a metric for the general attitude of society then that would be true, but that assumes that MMO's are popular enough to serve as that metric, when in fact they're nowhere near the most popular video game genre, which has to be handed off to PvP shooters like Battlefield, Overwatch, Fortnite etc.. All "hardcore pvp games" compared to your average MMO. In my opinion, if you want to discern the most common attitude toward challenge, and challenge as it presents itself in video games, these popular shooter games seem to indicate the opposite point: that people want to compete.
  2. Lol, you are upset. Calling it a strawman can't help you avoid that. You insulted me from the outset and have been aggressive in every post. Don't play dumb just because someone noticed.
  3. Wtf is your problem? Do you have rabies? Why are you upset that I am merely asking whether or not there is difficult content in this game?
  4. So people who want a challenge are actually egotistical nerds who want to feel special. Maybe make a coherent argument instead of projecting the pointless vitriole you have for a different demographic of players. I didn't even ask the developers to change the game on this thread, I literally just asked if there was any challenging content that I'm not aware of. Maybe you should ask yourself why that innocuous question offends you. It would be a valuable opportunity for personal growth.
  5. You need to relax. The game doesn't have to lock out 99% of players so that they can add challenging content. I have no idea why this is a zero sum game to you, nor why my preference for difficult content clearly offends you so much. Take a chill pill dude.
  6. Nope, its not all on me. I was quoting the person who posted above me, who said that higher difficulty was for number crunchers who wanted to feel special. Read.
  7. Its not about feeling special, its about actually engaging your mind and being stimulated. Chess is stimulating for that reason. I don't think your casual chess player is ever accused of being a hardcore gamer for these reasons. But I can agree to disagree. Anyway, I have my answer now. Nerf yourself or no challenge.
  8. I wasn't trying to make a point with the post, but instead I am interested in playing CoH again and was wondering where I should look for enjoyment (which for me comes from challenge). When I play chess for example, I derive fun from challenge my opponent gives me. I wouldn't have so much fun at all if I knew I would win every game. That's just me. I brought up SG bases because its something to "work toward", and it can take a really, really long time, and was quite fun. I don't see badge collecting or IO stacking in the same way personally, but that's a nuanced point. That can all be done solo-- to really deck out a base required a feat of social engineering (it was more of an MMO endeavour, not a single-player-RPG endeavour, in the way IO's or badge collecting is). I could say my standard for difficulty comes from playing EVE online, but really it comes from the boardgames I played as a kid, which I always had a chance of losing. From my experience, you really can't lose in City of Heroes. If that's your kind of game, then cool, I didn't make the thread to deride anyone for that. Its less than satisfactory to me, but a thought occured to me that maybe I wasn't aware of every bit of content in CoH and there might be some difficult content that was hidden from me. I made the thread to find out.
  9. No, I'm not trolling. I've never done anything in City of Heroes I actually got stuck on and had to think about. Its pretty much just tank + zerg everything. I've done raid, trials, TF's at +4 and all that. Nothing in the game as yet has given me a problem.
  10. So basically, you have to nerf yourself for a challenge. That's too bad.
  11. After they dev team decided to get rid of prestige, it felt to me like there was nothing really to aspire to in CoH anymore. Then again, maybe there are task forces or trials that have been added by the team that I don't know about. Is there anything difficult to do in the game? I hear even the last iTrial is pretty easy.
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