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Everything posted by Illy

  1. Lmao you are so clueless that I don't even know how to help you. Good luck.
  2. You still haven't figured out what a troll is, have you?
  3. Even the admins claim to have witnessed a consensus, so have plenty of other posters. Not going to ask them to "prove" anything? Fuck off with your ridiculous requirements. No one is obligated to approach any of this with the readiness of a statistician. This is a hole-in-the-wall game being run on a private server, I'll treat it like that.
  4. you must not be familiar with these forums
  5. You have no time to grind all day in order to get to the top and have "everything", from enhancements to superbase items. Neither do I. I get to play 3-4 hours a week because I am an adult too now. But I am not interested in gettin gto the top and having everything. this is where there is a major misunderstanding between our two camps. I don't need the game to change so that I can have everything in the game's loot table within my small time constraint. I am more interested in the journey and I'm content to not be on the top of the ladder instantly or at all. Seems like most people are not content with that, and do indeed want the game to provide more and more now that they have less time.
  6. Well, although my opinion will probably be resented because I don't yet pvp, making CC relevant again as well as melee classes, and the mechanic of travel suppression, would cause me to pvp. Those two things would address the issues I have with it. Have never heard or played a game with such imbalanced pvp that out of 10? archetypes, there is basically a single one that is utilized.
  7. I would get into this game's PvP if what I saw from videos looked like a tolerable experience. All I have ever seen is : "3, 2, 1, SNIPE" while people zip around with SS/SJ. I'm a pvper at heart-- I come from EVE and Guild Wars. I would like to PvP in CoH... but every AT has to be viable. Right now it seems like coh pvp is just a game of shot-put with blasters.
  8. I don't think you know what that word means. You keep using it to describe anyone you disagree with.
  9. All of what I mentioned used to be level 50 content as well.
  10. It does have a useful purpose, as stated in the original post. It creates goals for large groups of people. Nobody else is bothered by the fact that the game has basically been altered into being a massive free-reins simulator? Everything is just given to the player now. Virtually unlimited double XP, merits, influence, and base items. These used to exist in the form of a limitation that though they created a grind, made "progression" a feature of the game, added to immersion because of this challenge, and added some degree of depth to what is now a brainless custom-scenario version of the game.
  11. It made superbase building a journey 🙂 And it did a great deal to reduce the superfluity and irrelevance of Supergroups in a very easy game. Base building was one of the fews things we could "work" toward! Coupled with a return of base pvp, it would be a fun feature.
  12. That's because an admin removed the post and several others. Weird stalker.
  13. No, I used the word correctly. If you made a game too easy, would you find me at your doorstep complaining that its too hard? No....? A game that is easy is.... *shocker* too easy....Maybe reword that because I don't think its articulating whatever point it is that you're trying to make.
  14. Yeah nerf yourself guys. Blindfold yourself. Play with your toes. Intelligent suggestions.
  15. I didn't even respond to that thread after the first retort. I let it run for pages and completely left it. When you're concocting a lie, you probably shouldn't allude to a thread which is still accessible to any who wish to see it, otherwise you're caught in your lie. I made a calm inquiry to the community as to whether or not difficult content existed in the game and was promptly called, after that innocuous question, a neck-beard and a pedophile by strangers on the internet whom I have never met. I am guessing you find these assertions more agreeable and reasonable that the innocent position of wanting higher difficulty. People who have different opinions to your own are not trolls.
  16. So far the OP, who has composed himself with reserve and calmness, has been called a lunatic and a troll. Tracks perfectly with the general character of this community. Had the same experience months ago. Tow the line, heretic; no discussion allowed!
  17. Stop making so much sense, it bothers people apparently 😛
  18. I am with the OP. The game is so easy that entire archetypes are actually superfluous. Defenders and controllers really are not needed. A tank and a bunch of blasters will get you through pretty much anything. Progression has been completely debased as well, with prestige non-existent and superbases, which used to feel like an accomplishment, are now handed to people. To build a character's enhancements is also far too easy. I would like at least the option to have some vastly increased difficulty. Predictably, the prevailing suggestion in this thread is to gimp yourself. Just l-o-l. Meta-gaming completely ruins immersion. By suggesting that the type of player who prefers a challenge should gimp his or herself, and that this should be sufficient to satisfy that player, you render by this argument any computer game completely impervious to any criticism regarding its difficulty level. "Just blindfold yourself" is in fact an attempt to compensate for a poorly optimized game and an almost farcical reaction. I can't believe people still use this line of reasoning. Fact: difficulty is, has always been, and will always be, a legitimate object of criticism in the gaming industry.
  19. When I used the word unhealthy, I meant the suppression of debate by the use of insults. Sorry if my wording was unclear. I agree with you that an optional increase in difficulty is acceptable. No need to reinvent the game. In response to some other suggestions I have seen, right now not even the option exists outside of meta-gaming and self-nerfing, which is for me entirely insufficient. Its pretending that the game is something that its not. And how far would a player be willing to take it? Blindfolding his or herself in real life?
  20. I personally like a game that pushes back. It makes me think at least slightly. I'm disheartened that anything like this degree of difficulty (which is basic, imo) will be added to the game, based on the overwhelmingly toxic response I got when I once merely asked on the forums what difficult content the game has to offer. As I browse through this thread, it looks like that response was not an anomaly. I can see people stating their preference for higher difficulty, and they are called things like "insecure" or "blowhards", or hilariously baseless assumptions are made about their self-esteem in real life. The most common retort is that those who want higher difficulty have nothing else to live for and are using the game as a means to self-esteem. I've never encountered this in any other game from any community. Its extremely unhealthy. I want the game to be difficult for the same reason I want chess to be difficult. Its not fun to me if my enemy's pieces just fall over by themselves.
  21. Yeah... not even slightly. I'm actually asking for pvp to be more difficult, not less. There's nothing difficult about sitting at range and alpha-striking people in a group with snipes.
  22. I have never seen such cancerous pvp in any game, and I have played a lot. The horrific balance power-balance is forgivable, as I only have a nano second to experience it as I meet my opponent in a mid-air jump for the first time in a minute as we both bounce around like idiots. I'd love to have some pitched battles that focus far more on power sets and team dynamic, rather than this AIDS-fest of sniping and jumping around.
  23. No reason to apologize at all, it was a good point and seems natural to discuss in this thread. I am actually talking about challenge-- my ideal game has both challenge and risk (which is why I play EVE), but I know CoH to have no risk mechanics (I don't count debt as a serious consequence), so it wasn't worth me bringing it up, imo. And I'm also familiar with the risk-averse playerbase in CoH so it would be tantamount to heresy to suggest we incur significant losses everytime we die, for example.
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