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Posts posted by Turric

  1. On 3/30/2024 at 6:35 PM, Veracor said:

    The league is teleported outside of a building when three of its terminals are activated, with a several second delay usually.  Each terminal gives 30 points when activated.  If the league activates the third and fourth terminal at the same time, they can get an extra 30 points before being teleported out.  This can sometimes result in that phase of the itrial being one building visit shorter.


    Yes, that was always my understanding of the mechanic as well. So it was always easier to do the standard count down (like you already do, Oklahoma, because I have been on many of your Itrial raids) to get the full benefit. That said, I have never tested it, either...

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  2. My first and main toon here on Homecoming is a SJ/WP scrapper, the Black Owl. It is a fantastic combination. Very tough!


    On Live, my first and main toon was a Dark Melee / Rejuv scrapper, which I have recreated on here also, and the SJ/WP is preferred. The simple reason is that with Dark Melee, and several other sets, enemies run all over. With SJ, enemies stay planted and never run.


    The down side, however, is the lack of AOE.

  3. On 3/11/2024 at 2:58 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

    But this does raise a question I've been wondering: I don't think I've seen or been on an instanced MSR since I left Indom, and there weren't many there either back like 2 years ago.  Seriously, none, not on Excel when I play anyway.  How many people actually do them (OP aside, obvs. =)?


    I used to really like the instanced rikti raids on Indom led by Mrs. back 1 to 2 years ago. Those were fun. Like 2 groups total of people, sometimes 20 people if we were lucky, especially at the end, before I transferred. I am not sure what happened why he / she stopped running them. There was something that happened there and I do not know what it was, but after Indom became even more of a ghost town. And that is when I began transferring all my toons to Excel...


    As for Excel, there was an instanced one run today (3/12/24) by Goddess Laucianna (sp?) during the standard 3pm EST raid. I always have a 50 in a raid (I have not leveled a toon in several years now) and so it seemed the same to me. Vet xp was good, merits were good, but not much different than normal. I have no real opinion on either, unfortunately.


    I only have 8 more rikti raids left to run EVER! And then all my 47 of my toons have the full badges for the master-at-arms and the bombs.

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  4. That one has been there for years, but I am pretty sure it came about with Homecoming. I remember seeing it for the first time in maybe early 2020 and wondering the same thing. It is possible though that it came out before sunset, as I was not playing much back in 2011 and 2012. But I am pretty sure I have an old screenshot of that billboard in the 2005 to 2008 range and it was different.

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  5. 14 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    I personally will issue out a common code phrase so ppl know it's me because some character names are pretty complex/confusing especially when they're getting bombarded with tells.


    So I'll typically say something like the code phrase is: Chocolate Chip Pancakes, or something so common that it sinks in to their mind because they can picture or place it. So when I alt and message someone about Chocolate Chip Pancakes, the invite comes quick often with a message about how hungry the leader is now.


    I believe that I ran a bunch of Lady Grey task forces with you doing the very same thing a week or two ago and it worked out very well! As I was switching toons every run, it was an easy identifier!

  6. Love the idea and thought that went into that!


    My only critique would be renaming the Nuclear Disaster pet. Perhaps something like Atomic Avenger (Toxic Avenger!) or swap the name with Mutate, and rename Mutate to something different. I would suggest cancer something or other, although that might touch on people's feelings about cancer so I am unsure about. As someone who has cancer, I am quite open and glib about my own but understand others are not, so...


    But otherwise, excellent ideas!

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  7. 7 hours ago, MadnessAsMuse said:

    I'm on Excelsior. I'll look into the Member of the Vanguard badge to increase my opportunities to get in this raid. Thank you.


    If you are on Excel, the MSR is everyday at 3pm (1500) EST. Leaders vary between 3 or 4 people, but you will see everyone start gathering at 2:30 ish. If you're there by 2:50, you're pretty safe to get a spot. Weekends are a little busier obviously. There is usually another MSR on Friday nights around midnight.


    On Indom, the MSR used to be run by Mrs every night, but that was like a year ago, so I have lost track of how it is now.

  8. On 1/25/2024 at 6:01 PM, Vanden said:

    They should take the Camera emote animation, rejigger it into a sequencer for an attack, and have an NPC hand out a Camera temp power. Make Sally an invalid target for attacks, and using the Camera temp power on Sally the way to get the badge.


    Absofreakinglutely! This is an amazing suggestion that seems to fit the lore much better. For real, make this happen right now. I am voting this comment for best suggestion EVER!

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  9. Dark Age of Camelot had a Warden class (for Hibernians) that was nearly exactly this. Melee / support. Depending on how you specialized, it tipped the scale one way or another from melee heavy to support heavy. It was a great class, lots of functionality. I almost feel like some of the ideas for this came from there.


    In any case, I think it would be alright also.

  10. I am having problems finding the names and starting contacts for all the new mission arcs since Homecoming went live back in 2019. Can someone link that for me, please. This might also be of use for all the new people. It is late and my Google fu is weakening, or I might be a little lazy at the moment, but either way I feel like it couldn't hurt to have in one location...

  11. Or spell it in another fashion. For instance, one of my characters was Knighthawk on another server but that was taken on Excel. So i had to make it K N I G H T H A W K. Another of my characters has a 0 instead of an O and it looks fine.

  12. I am something of an amateur Arthurian scholar, having read just about everything I can on the subject.


    There are tons of lesser known knights in the stories. One of the more comprehensive websites I have come across on the matter is this: http://nightbringer.se/nightbringer/index.html


    There is just butt tons of information on this website about everything Arthurian. And while Lancelot is my least favorite KOTR, for I think he plays better as a villain, my favorite knights are either Gawain or Sir Lamorak / Lamorac. I also think that Queen Guinevere makes for a better villain as well.


    Another good knight that was a later addition to the stories is Lohengrin, which comes from German (Continental) additions to the tales in the late middle ages. He is said to be a son of Parzifal (Percival or Peredur in the original Welsh).


    The most common or well known KOTR include:


    Gawain / Gawaine (usually listed as the best before the addition of Lancelot to the stories)

    Bedwyr / Bedivere (sometimes listed as the most trusted knight)

    Lamorak / Lamorac

    Mordred, the Bane of Britain (Arthur's illegitimate son, and nephew)




    Percival / Peredur / Parzifal (almost good enough for the Holy Grail)

    Galahad (only knight good enough to find the Holy Grail)

    Cai / Kay

    Owain / Yvain

    Culhwch (Arthur's cousin, one of the oldest knights, even before the addition of the Round Table to the stories)



    Agrivain / Agrivaine



    Ector / Hector (Cai's father)










    Ider (Knight of the Frogs!)

    Brunor the Black


    Dagonet the Fool



    There are so many more. These are the just a few that came to mind within a minute or so. Let me know if I can be more help. This is my favorite subject in the world and I did several research papers on the topic in school and grad school.





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  13. 2 hours ago, Black Talon said:

    Agreed with GastlyGibus the big one-ten.  The only thing that the KoA (and filling in the abbreviation with "Knives of Artemis" or "Killed on Arrival" fits the group about equally well) are missing is the cultural context.  In terms of the power-sets...well, with regard to your classic ninjitsu, there ain't nothin' missin'.  I can see any member of this group applying to become an acolyte of The Hand in Netflix's Daredevil series and getting a membership card before they're out the door (or risen from the pit, as the case may be).  However, they'd have to do a complete turnaround with regard to motivation: the KoA and their reactionary, rather reductionist militant feminist approach would have to go out the window in favour of Frank Miller's rules for The Hand - especially Order Number One: Leave Nothing Living - along with dispensing with Western culture, including science, presumably, and replaced with Eastern mysticism.  Yeah, the black hoods and gi, along with the ninja-to, shuriken and tetsu-bishi are all part of the in-your-face image, but it'd be nice to see a villain group that claims the same fanatical, death-worship that The Hand do and follow the same sort of millenarian-apocalypse vision, rather than engaging in the rather childish, "I'm more gooder at being a ninja assassin than you are," self-promoting proclamations the KoA are inclined to make.


    That was well thought out!

    • Thanks 1
  14. To echo Rudra, many people born before 1990 would recognize the word as offensive. I was born in the 1970s and for me it was a part of my lexicon for many years, especially when I was younger. It has taken some effort to edit it from usage. That, and calling people or things "retarded". I think I was in my 30s before I really recognized how offensive some of my words were.


    <---- Thoughtless youth!

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  15. On 8/4/2023 at 1:46 AM, UltraAlt said:


    Have you checked the AE to see if there are any ninja story arcs in there?





    Yes, there are some in the AE but I was hoping for something outside of it. A new story or faction or something.


    And yes, Knives of Artemis kind of meet the criteria. I want that retro 80s Revenge of the Ninja feel, or American Ninja or any of that other bad 80s camp.


    Or even the Ninja Gaiden / Shinobi feel. I want to fight Stormshadow and his Cobra students at the Arashikage Dojo! I want to fight Shredder and the Foot Clan!

  16. This may really belong in the Suggestions area, but I wanted to put it in General just to get a feel for the reaction. It is a suggestion of a suggestion. How would the rest of you feel about a ninja faction, similar to Foot Clan or the Hand. I understand that the Tsoo kind of cover this area, but my understanding is they are less Japanese and more Chinese (and south Chinese at that). It would be racist to clump them all under "East Asian". However, a break away faction of the Tsoo could be understandable. I think there is fertile ground for something that blends all the 1980 elements of ninja, perhaps even to the creation of robot ninjas, or even giant robots etc. There is a bunch of ground here for tropes and stereotypes, but they fit in with the theme of superheroes and comics. The art style would not even have to deviate much from some of the Tsoo models, that part would be pretty easy. Or, make more signature Tsoo enemies, named ones, that have a ninja feel to them. Even the interior design of their bases could be altered using some of the base building skins that are available.


    Perhaps someone should make a new story arc that features a new enemy faction of ninjas.


    TLDR: I want more ninjas to fight!

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