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Posts posted by Turric

  1. I am all for this, however I think in this case it is doubtful. A long while ago the Homecoming team stated that costume items that are unique to signature NPCs will not be proliferated to characters. And these are unique to him.


    However, I really wish some of that would be reconsidered. I understand the reasoning, but feel differently about it. I really want Swan's feathered shawl thing.


    I am also eager for some factions to have their uniform items proliferated. The Goldbrickers was a good start.

  2. So I just reorganized my base and now none of the teleports work. I am using the tech teleports with white hole / black hole. Ive tried other teleports but they do not work either. I am a little confused since I have set up a base on every shard.

  3. I have been leading regular monster hunts on Excelsior, Indom and Everlasting for the past few months (trying to get all monster badges on 40+ toons). I have only one complaint. The Paladin construction event is much more rare than the others. I wouldn't mind it SLIGHTLY tweaked. At least on Everlasting and Excel. On Indom, Paladin stays up for days at a time.


    As far as people soloing it, I have seen this but it has never been a problem.

  4. The more I think about this, I believe it is fairly doable with existing components. Think the Shadow Shard zones. Take away all of the floating islands and such. Put in a floor of a type (or not, deep sea abyss style, crush depth / whatever). Now change the color of the "sky". You now have water.


    Add the backpack SCUBA thing I mentioned. Have to add some bubble effects, which that might be an issue.

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  5. On 7/30/2022 at 9:31 AM, Dynamo-Joe said:

    That being said - when we were having discussions about all this, we thought it could be worked around by changing the rules somewhat. Instead of tying the swimming animation to the run powers. Change it in that zone so that it was attached to the FLYING powers. And by default they have to be on all the time for every player (no end usage at all). In effect, every player gets an invisible "Jet pack" that they can't take off in the zone. No effects or collision model. OR - make it so that the entire zone effectively induces a "group fly" effect on all characters within. 




    Not an invisible jet pack. A SCUBA tank... (voila!)

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  6. On 7/12/2022 at 12:44 AM, gamingglen said:


    Has any MMO-like game added underwater zones?  Is it worth it?




    Yes, Dark Age of Camelot added their Trials of Atlantis add-on in like 2003 (?) and while it was never popular for other reasons, the underwater exploration was actually pretty good. There were many encounters and things to explore underwater. After several hours of farming merman things (I forgot what they were called, tritons?), when you came back up there was a sense of relief. There were potions that gave you the ability to breathe underwater. If you ran out, you suffered stamina damage that eventually killed you.


    I was thinking, that graphically, the idea would be handled just like flying. Just make it a unique flying buff that is slower and looks like swimming. But characters with fire powers and the like would have to be ignored, otherwise there are too many elements that would break the game. And breathing underwater could be a simple cosmetic buff that allows you to do so. If the buff wears off, you die within a very short time, watching your life taken away in chunks. This could be handled similar to the Essence of the Earth buff during Hami raids. You die pretty fast without that buff...


  7. I find this to be just great!


    I have stage 4 kidney cancer that has metastasized already to my spine and brain. I was given 5 years to live and that was 4 years ago. So, just FYI, when I go, feel free to add either the Black Owl, Iron Raven or Tiger-Man. Those are my first and favorite characters.


    Stuff like this is a good testament to a pastime which those individuals obviously loved, as I do.


    Well done, Homecoming team.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Techwright said:

    Frankly, I'd just be happy with a slightly longer initial build time.  I've had multiple occasions in which I'm in KR already and by the time I get over to it and send a shout for help, the Paladin is nearly assembled.  It would be fine if it was one of my 50s holding out, but a lower level doesn't survive long and barely delays.  Since assembling a team and getting them to KR takes time, the chance for a badge is often passed.


    I think this is fair! While I do it with only 50s, I invite others when I can and I have seen sub 50 characters struggle. It is hard to get properly set up and explain event that fast

  9. Does anyone know if there is an exact recharge on this timer? As in, how frequently it happens.


    I have been doing GM encounters on all my characters the last month or two. I have been doing frequent call-outs for GMs on Everlasting, Excalibur and Indomitable so many of you might have taken advantage of this. Anyway, the Paladin Construction event has been the one encounter that I have on about a dozen characters or so because it SEEMS like it happens much less frequently than any of the others.


    I like the encounter, it is relatively easy and can be soloed on many types of characters. I am just concerned about it's frequency, and whether this might deserve a slight adjustment. I know on Indomitable this might spawn too many Paladins before they are destroyed, which could possibly be a problem. Although the fix to this is simply have Paladin "despawn" (is that a word?) after 3 - 4 hours or so and be built again, preventing multiple Paladins congregating in Kings Row.


    Another fix I had thought of was some kind of mechanic similar to Caleb or Deathsurge in which you must work to spawn Paladin. Kill 100 Clockwork or some such.


    Thoughts or opinions?

  10. 18 hours ago, MoonSheep said:


    what about a Coralax zone GM event that summons waves of coralax from all surrounding waters in the zone to defend it each time it reaches 75/50/25% health. progressively more numerous each time. wave of luts/bosses then EBs 


    Dig it! Really like this idea. I have always liked the Coralax faction and feel they need some more identity! I also think that Coralax spawns in Talos and / or IP would be a good idea.

  11. This is one of the few GM badges I have on only a few characters, and always from one of the task forces.


    But for the regular zone encounter, why does everyone hate it so much? Is there a special trick to it?


    I've been running regular GM call outs on Everlasting and Excelsior (a few on Indom when population is large enough). These include lots of Seed of Hamidon call outs too. But the one I do not do is the Arachnos Flier and I want to include it because it seems to be one of the most frequent. Why do people not like doing the encounter?


    As an aside, I really feel the Paladin construction event needs to happen a smidge more frequently. Right now it is one of the more rare GM spawns and it is a little rough getting there in time.


    I used to think the Caleb event was difficult but I've got it down pretty good now, only losing him once out of 20+ times. (Doing it on Indom is a different story when you post in chat that you got it spawned and no one responds for around 15 minutes..., but the other servers are fine)

  12. 1 hour ago, tidge said:

    To answer one of the OP's questions:


    At the end of teh Wildflower arc, there is a 90-minute timed mission (via "board transit") where the Kronos Titan appears (as an Elite Boss, if you want). Players who join the mission owner for that mission (and the owner) can get the badge that way (if they don't already have it). As the mission owner, this was how I helped @Heraclea (as Heraclea, RIP buddy) on Torchbearer get that badge. If there was ever a character who deserved "Mistress of Olympus", it was that character.


    You are positive of this? I've done that mission and I cannot remember if I got the badge or not. Does the Kronos have to be an AV or can it be the EB version?

  13. There are three methods of encountering the Kronos Titan. As I recall, I have only received the Master of Olympus badge when spawning him from the Stop Widlflower Agents mission from Crimson. I know I have fought him as an AV during another mission but I cannot remember getting the badge.


    My question refers to getting the badge. Is it ONLY from the Stop Wildflower mission, so as a giant monster? Can you get the badge for doing it either of the other two ways (as an AV or as a normal monster)?

  14. Also going to disagree. I think the current system is just fine and I like how it works.


    I remember with horror the original crafting system in Dark Age of Camelot which required hunting special monsters to get the right components. It was a massive time sink and ultimately not worth it. And the mind numbing "press button, fail, press button, fail, press button, success! press button, fail, press button, success!" And each attempt took over a minute!


    No thank you.


    I respect that you might like a more interactive crafting system but I think you're in the minority here. I understand that Lord of the Rings Online has a kickass system where you can make your own music, if that helps (which it probably doesn't) (side note: I hated crafting in that game too)

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