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Everything posted by Radamond

  1. I've been amazed by the duel video with this build! Was wondering if something similar could be pulled off with a beasts/poison or even demon/poison but Life Drain seem somewhat essential for the playstyle... Any tips for an aspiring PvP MM who wants to try something different from Necromancy?
  2. Sorry for the noob question, but what is the reason to take mystic flight and superspeed?
  3. Now, as mentioned before, I'm following Redlynne's guide to a T... I still don't have unchained explosion or fluffy to help me dps down creatures. Some times when changing back from dwarf or going into nova i get a spike of dps from the enemies and just end up taking a quick nap. I'm not letting it take me down though. Up in the hospital and back at them. The enhancement advice is neat, and I'ld like if you guys could help me out on that front. You guys keep throwing terms like frankenslot and I/O (wich i only recently figured that are the crafted enhacements :P ) and a trip to the auction house only served to make me realized that I'm a poor squid. My current budget is short of 150k infamy, and from what I figured a single recharge I/O for lvl 25 was going for about 70k. I'm guessing that my xp buff days are over for a while so I can manage to grab some slots filled in. But what should my priorities be when sloting? Defense for dwarf form? Acc for siphon health in dwarf? Acc or Rch for humam for mire? More dmg and acc for AoE Nova skills? I'm in a weird spot where I never stopped being a newb when I played on live and now that I'm here everyone seems so knowledgeble and talk enhacements and builds so casually that I feel like I have a ton to learn before I can even start to ask questions >.<
  4. Grav emanation is the next power on the list. Unchain essence isnt on the list though... Ran another mish just now and things went waaaay smoother. Not a single inspiration used except for 1 dmg to speed things up in a 4 mob grp. I'm having a lot of fun with the WS, really don't understand why they aren't more popular.
  5. So, having loads of fun with the class grouping and leveling my newbie tentacles when it's nearly time to call an end to my patrol, so I decide to tackle a radio mish. Lvl 24, following Redlynne amazing build I find myself facing one last group of mobs. 2 orange named guys and one yellow. I say to myself "There are no more corpses to be found, but I'm the Mfing Squidgling" I stealth into the grp. Double mire, try and punch a hold to the one of the brown named pimps. A miss, no problem. Squid form, fly back a lil unload my AoE darkness rage unto them. Yellow guy didn't die, but was knocked back and proceeds to range attack me. My life is at half at this point, time for the dwarf. Pop out my last health regen inspiration. Brown mobs still alive, hp declining. Panic takes over and I decide that maybe trying to burst them down with squid for so I can sneak a heal of the body? Burst down yellow named mob, but earn myself a trip to the hospital. So, how do I aproach solo fighting as a squidgling? The lack of defenses is hurting... and staying in human for the toggles plumets my damage. Side note: i got no real enhacements... lvl 24 and it's my highest level character so far. i've got some common drops sloted but they arent doing me all that much. Do I need to pimp out my squid to take it to greater heights? Or is it just a matter of "git gud, scrub"?
  6. Never really looked into storm cause I just thought it would be a bunch of knockbacks and I know how much groups love those... Would you please elaborate?
  7. S/L res primaries pair well with res sets, nature is solid with beasts so far. I need more cdr, but when you have the absorb plus HOT going they are practically unkillable. I also think all MMs should be provoking bosses/elitebosses/AVs to prevent oneshots on pets. Though with max resists they might still not get oneshot. i was wondering about that. Can't poison get you covered in that front since the word around the web is that it's the ultimate debuffer? Would Beast/Poison be suitable for solo and grp since you can debuff alot and your pets are melee so the gas cloud would always be affecting at least one target?
  8. Thanks for the replies, time to see if I can make something aesthetically pleasing that can also toss birds on people's heads. ;D
  9. So after finding out this gem of a server and jumping in, I found out that there are several power sets that weren't around when I played on live, like demon summoning and beast mastery :o I came by the forums to do some research and I see that you wonderful experienced players are giving some bashing on the poor wolf handlers and I really would like to know why. I can see how melee & lethal only can be a bit detrimental, but isn't the dmg output compensated with pack mentality and the crit buff? Is it at least viable for solo and grp play(I tend to do some solo mishs when time is short)? What secondary would pair up nicely with it and keep me a useful team member? Thanks in advance ;)
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