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Posts posted by Waypoint

  1. Shock is on the right path, but it is still missing something to make it the set a contender with other sets. Time/Radiation/Kinetics would still outperform this.

    Rejuvenating Circuit could still use a mechanic where the heal is stronger with more static.

    Galvanic Sentinel is still in a bad spot compared to other support pets. Additional attacks, resistances, (and/or lower recharge) would benefit it greatly.

    Energizing Circuit could still use an additional buff because it feels very bland.

    Faraday Cage is still good.

    Empower Circuit could use either longer duration on the +damage or bring back the +special (since it's still listed in the power description despite being gone for 2 updates now)

    Defibrillate is still fine, I guess. It'd be nice if this was like Howling Twilight (target enemies as well as downed allies with a nice debuff).

    Insulating Circuit is still good.

    Amp Up could still use a buff to make it more inline with Adrenalin Boost/Painbringer.

    • Like 2
  2. Just did some testing.


    • Shock should have a -res or -def component similar to Corrosive Enzymes. Current iteration doesn't do anything spectacular, especially since -recovery doesn't do much in PvE (you have to use it 3 times to completely drain an even con enemy). In PvP, it won't do anything crazy, either.
    • Rejuvenating Circuit could use a stronger heal value. I believe it's a little stronger than O2 Boost, but at least O2 boost provides additional mez buffs. If anything, more charges of +Static should make the heal value increase.
    • Galvanic Sentinel is bad. Compared to Dark Servant, Singularity, or even Voltaic Sentinel, it's low tier. Galvanic Sentinel has one power (that it rarely uses), the pathing was very odd (it walked on the ground instead of flying over to me 200 yds away), it has 0 resistances, and it has a really low duration. If it had a few more powers to use, some resistances, and a longer duration, it would be in a great spot.
    • Energizing Circuit needs something else. Whether that's +movement or +recharge. It just feels kind of lame, especially since it is only granting 25 endurance.
    • Faraday Cage is nice.
    • Empowering Circuit needs a longer +damage duration, in addition to maybe +acc or +to hit. Say it's making your ability to track targets better or something.
    • Defibrillate is alright. I personally think the animation is a little long, but I never really take rez abilities on my builds. Would be cool if you could use it on enemies similar to Howling Twilight.
    • Insulating Circuit is nice.
    • Amp Up is weird. Painbringer and Adrenalin Boost are a lot stronger, and it would've been great if this was more in line with them. I could be mis-remembering, but I don't think even with 5 stacks it comes close to the +recharge of Painbringer or Adrenalin Boost.


    Overall, I think I would rather have a Pain Domination support toon over Electric Affinity just because of the T9 and the ability to actually debuff. Kinetics would also be a stronger pick just because of everything else it grants. The set looks really fun, and feels really fun, but I believe there are still some improvements to be made! Great work so far, can't wait to see the final iteration.

    • Like 4
  3. 5 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    There's a really good post around here... somewhere that spells out how this all works.  The tl;dr I got from it was that once you get someone out of endurance, -recovery is the debuff you need to make sure you keep running.


    I'd love to see some reduction in AV resistance and EB/AV max end to make it a bit more viable though.


    Interesting. I'll have to find it. It just never seems like even kinetics manages to keep the mob from still attacking. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, CR Banana Man said:

    Short term/realistic things that would make a lot of us happy


    -Reduce or eliminate the heal penalties on absorb pain and share pain in PvP. These heals already have 3 other penalties that are more than sufficient, and the -100% heal penalty has been unreasonable outside of 2v2s since 2010, and even more so now with how high damage is in this patch.

    -Fix phase shift suppressing when hit with a hold, and possibly reduce the activation time.

    -Implement the accolade accessibility idea GM Jimmy and I discussed before: Add a global 20% HP and 10% endurance buff in arena and PvP zones, and disable the corresponding accolades in PvP. 

    -Add the 8 arena maps we voted on from the new arena map pool from last year.

    -Figure out a way to add suppression (like holds currently have) to the effects of taunt and -jump/-fly


    Less short term but still doesn't involve an overhaul of the PvP system:

    -Add versions of IOs that only work in PvP to vendors, purchasable for roughly the price of an SO.


    I think these are all very good places to start. I don't think the heal penalty has any place in the game anymore, even in PVE. Phase Shift is such a fun move, but currently Hibernate outclasses it to some degree, so it'd be nice to have two different options. 


    Also, new maps to play on would definitely be fun.

  5. On 10/3/2019 at 11:25 PM, Christopher Robin said:


    Those are looking good indeed.


    I'm glad you guys had a great experience with Avionecta, mine alas, has been rather different.

    I received my piece weeks ago and it was very pretty to look at but she got none of the details right.                      
    I sent her very detailed ref's and several brief sentences mentioning what was important and what made

    Shieldara different from "generic hero 368943" and for the most part she just ignored all of what I sent her.

    I also told her to ask if she had any questions and send a sketch for approval if she was not sure about something.


    These are the same refs I have sent to several other artists and I have never had this problem before.


    To her credit, after I sent her a list of the dozen or so most glaring errors (which was less than half of what I found amiss)

    she rechecked the refs and agreed it was her mistake for not paying attention. She has said she will make me a completely new

    piece free of charge because it would be too much work to fix the original so I do give her credit for owning up to it and agreeing

    to make it right. She also said she will send a sketch first for my approval this time. So we'll see how it goes, I'll keep you guys posted.


    Honestly, she sounds very professional. Owned up to her mistake and apologized. Offered a free piece. Sounds like someone who is actively trying to do the right thing. I'd request a commission from her in a heart beat with that level of professionalism (mainly because my supergroup already received a commission from her). She nailed our characters perfectly.


    I don't see any problem here.  

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