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Everything posted by JakeyK

  1. We here at Honourable Reunited on Excelsior have an Open Door Policy on our base. If you want to come in and have look around or use the facilities, you are more than welcome! Our base code is HU-48 Base is having some new rooms added to it, so some areas are hard hat areas!
  2. Once upon a time, when CO was first hyped and released, I bought a lifetime subscription to it, believing it would be a better 'version' of CoH. At first it seemed cool, the costume options alone were standout, but as I played it I just wanted to play City of- again and so I went back to it. There are many reasons why I love city of- even though it has outdated graphics and static combat (which being said, looks and feels chaotic when you're in a team, it's bonkers). 1. Community - I have formed lifelong friendships with my first teammates on CoX. We write together, draw together, laugh and play other games together. 2. Inspiration - More than any other game I've played, CoH taps into something at my core that provokes me to write, to roleplay, to draw, to have fun. It's something CO could never do for me. 3. ??? - I have pondered the mystery X-factor that City of- has and I cannot for the life of me put my finger on it. I've since learned game design and development, written whole novels worth of content and yet I cannot explain what makes CoX so much more engaging than any other game I've played. 4. Devs - back in the day, you could talk to any of the devs, they were open and friendly and active in the community. I think the soul of CoX was really defined by Positron and company. And WarWitch's writing is excellent (she did the later arcs and I think she did the 'who will die' arc ... someone please correct me if I'm wrong). In essence, I don't think anyone can really define why they love this game so much. It has je ne sais quoi. X-factor. Something sublime and unknowable in it's very roots. And even though it's clunky and flawed, the love I carry from when it was at its prime to now covers over those cracks and just gives me joy. And things that give me joy can stay.
  3. Can the items still be rotated in 360 degrees instead of just 90 by 90. I cannot remember the keys for the life of me.
  4. Jakey K here. Supergroup Base architect for hire. I hope I remember all my old skills when the bases are back (though I expect that won't be for a while, there are much more pressing things to be done) I also played as the: North Face (Ice/Earth tank) Music Teacher (empath/sonics def) Red Coat (thugs/poisons mastermind) Jakey K (martial arts/super reflexes scrapper) and literally dozens more! Some of whom I've forgotten!
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