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Everything posted by Shadowflare

  1. Only found when trying to select the "Tech Knight" shoulders so far, the options to add the plugs/material options that are available when using the standard shoulders is not available in asym. Pics below Normal^ AsymV
  2. Please! Especially before this change is implemented on shinobi/ninja run. These changes seem very arbitrary and anti-fun.
  3. This is called "balance", and if some of the numbers I've seen are right TW "played at high level" was head and shoulders above almost anything else with strong AOE and ST damage with almost no downside besides "Build right" and "Learn to play". If you really want to practice your rotation down to a fine ballerina dance so you can "stand out" try FF14 or something and get into competitive parsing. COH has never been the game for that. TBH the original iteration I think was the start of paid, premium powercreep by NCsoft, something we've seen with the "premium" powersets typically outperforming "base" ones by large margins.
  4. Dunno if this has been said yet but if you're touching Ninja Training, consider making Kuji-In Toh auto or toggle? It by default has a longer duration than it's CD.
  5. Lets just bake in the value of 5x LOTG's as a passive because everyone uses that too. /sarcasm
  6. I think that this being changed from vanilla behavior is telling. The actual exploit needed to be fixed (unintended interactions with patrol XP). By making it harder to make inf it's now harder to buy super packs because the prices of those are fixed and now higher over our heads. Seems a bit ham handed how this was carried out. Perhaps we should reward normal play with a bit more inf to compensate? Maybe scaling percent bonus with your veteran level if you turn off XP? (up to a max ofc) To summarize, I think this hurts normal players more than the farmers. Farmers gonna farm, you could cut it down to 10% of what AE currently gives, and they will farm, just harder. If I don't farm, I'm making less than before. Supposedly there's some data the devs @Jimmy have to try to see how this will affect the market and the "value" of the inf we do make long term. I'd like to see some of this data when there's some time for it.
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