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Posts posted by OmegaX123

  1. Do the tailors serve any function now. Haven't went to one yet. Do they have more costume options to purchase or is literally everything unlocked at character creation?
    Tailor missions and badges.


    I think the tailor is also where you go for the body scuplting (changing your size...)

    This, but only certain tailors apparently.

  2. A)You're forgetting that Everlasting exists, and a sizable portion of Excelsior, aka RPers, aka people who build to a concept rather than a meta; and B)then it's a good thing that's not the only reason for them to do it... I mean did you really a)not even glance at OP's post and b)think that I was in any way trying to say that bots damage powers was the reason they should do it?

  3. from Cleveland to Pittsburgh

    ((Now I've never heard that expression, so I may be wrong, but it strikes me as though that probably means 'bare chest'? As in 'cle(a)v(ag)eland to (arm)Pittsburgh? Again, could be wrong, because it's a new one on me either way, and no offense/snark intended whether I'm right or wrong, just trying to correct whichever one of us has the wrong of it.))

  4. As a Bots MM inspired by Iron Man/Ironheart/Rescue (Toni Ho version), /sign wholeheartedly. The bots actual damage powers (i.e. the plasma grenade and plasma rifle attacks and such) would feel more right if they came out of repulsors on my hands or a point on my chest, or eyes at a stretch, than having to have my power-armor wearing gadgeteer genius pull out a gun to attack.

  5. When I get back in the game, I'll get my base code and post it here. Takamoto Industries will be having an open-house/recruitment drive.

    If you have any talent for base building, especially if you have any ideas to make a good lab/office combo that's still functional as a hero base (workbenches, storage, teleports to at least the key hero areas + Pocket D), then depending on whether you're interested in actually joining or not, I'll either temporarily hire you (contract work, unfortunately since I've been running with a double XP rate I don't have inf so either we'd have to do a Lucifer Morningstar style 'favor for favor' deal or you'd have to work for free/if you're interested in joining then for a place in the company/SG), we get $#!+ done, and if you're not officially joining then I kick you from the SG; otherwise anyone interested in joining has a fair shot, I just need the help because I suck at base design  :P :-[


    EDIT: The passcode for the corporate HQ of Takamoto Industries, and the base of operations of the Takamoto security force led by Girl Gadgeteer, is TAKAMOTOIND-3484

    Also, if you are interested in either joining the group for real (see the recruitment thread for more info about the group) or just helping with my base problem, email or /t me ingame at Girl Gadgeteer or @OmegaX123, or DM me here.

  6. Between what the other guy said, and the fact that, if you're using an XP rate enhancer, it also reduces Inf earned (for example, I want to level Girl Gadgeteer fast as suits a)her SG leader status and b)her being inspired by Iron Man by way of Ironheart and the Toni Ho version of Rescue, so I'm using a double XP rate but I'm not getting any Inf at all).

  7. We should be optimistic and assume that the game is going to last 6 months or more (hopefully more). The fact that the GMs have GM power implies/means that they can activate event content. I'm not sure whether I would /sign this (though maybe make it tied to Ouroboros, since the events are tied to specific times of year so time travel would have to be involved), or just suggest you have patience and wait till October/December to get the Halloween/Christmas event stuff.

  8. Try opening up Titan Icon, it gives access to a separate arms slider. Save that costume, load it in the actual game.

    If you mean the Titan Icon that Tequila/Island Rum installs automatically, then no there isn't, I just checked. If there's some custom/modified version of Icon floating around, please link it so people can have a look, or at the very least if you're worried about getting in trouble for linking it then DM it to me and the other people who asked.

  9. Other than Ice Armor, which is desperately in need of Minimal FX because it looks like ass cancer, none of the defensive powers actually prevent you from looking at your character.

    I don't think anyone in this thread said anything about 'can't see my character' (at least not that I noticed). They were asking for invisible costume pieces, like an 'invisible'/'missing' arm/hand/whatever.

  10. (Don't know if this is the right place for this, but I do see peole asking for tips, so... If someone volunteers to help, I'll add them to the SG, promote them to a rank that has base-building rights, and figure out between them and myself whether to keep, demote, or kick/they leave when the job's done)

    As you can see in the Everlasting "SG/VG recruitment" thread, one of my characters (Girl Gadgeteer) is a tech firm CEO by day. I suck at base building, so I would appreciate some ideas or actual help with making something that can function as a hero base but still look like a combination lab/office. Especially if you've got a handle on building above/below the bounds, so that I can have a multi-story office complex. I'm not too sure what I would be able to offer in exchange, but hopefully either we (if anyone accepts) can work something out, or someone will be nice enough to help out of a sense of kindness and community.

    I have no specific wants (for anyone willing to lend a practical hand rather than just ideas) other than that it look like a lab/office and function like a hero base, though a workshop and a portal room would definitely be ideal (at very least all the important Blueside portals plus Pocket D, anything more is icing on the cake).



    I figured it out, made what I think is a pretty solid go at it (base code is TAKAMOTOIND-3484 if anyone wants to check it out and offer tips if they see anything that could be improved/get ideas for their own if they feel like going the same way), so no need for this anymore.

  11. SG Name: Takamoto Industries

    RP/RP Friendly: RP encouraged but not required

    Theme/Era: Tech heroes (think Iron Man/Ironheart)/tech corporation

    Redside/Blueside: Blue

    Recruitment Message:


    Young CEO Lena Takamoto has announced that her company, Takamoto Industries,

    will now officially be hiring openly rather than looking only at top graduates from tech

    programs. We reached Ms. Takamoto for comment, and she replied:

    "The world is changing. Lot of times the people you see coming out of the tech programs

    got there not by the power of their brains, but by the power of their mommies and daddies'

    wallets. I didn't have that advantage, I made it on my own merits. So I want to give people

    who maybe don't have the kind of opportunities afforded by rich parents a shot. If you've got

    the brains, you've got a chance, rich or poor, young or old."

    Applications can be directed to "Girl Gadgeteer", Ms. Takamoto's security chief and personal

    bodyguard, or e-mailed to Takamoto Industries ((read: DM me here)).

    Takamoto Industries. "Science, for the good of mankind."

    • Like 1
  12. Every server except Reunion (EU) is located outside Montreal, so those should all suffice for your purposes. Have fun!

    Huh, so the new GMs are either my fellow countrymen (though if they're Quebecois they may not look at it that way) or just renting a server in my home and native land, then. Cool, no wonder I have so little issue with latency as far as I can tell.

  13. however, I am concerned with how much resources and time would be going in to a politically correct function

    It's only a 'politically correct function' if you only choose to see it as one. Like I said in my previous comment, it also works for characters who have a costume that's female and one that's male (care of the cosmetic surgeon) and are playing to a concept reminiscent of Starhawk when Stakar's sister was sharing a body with him, or Ranma from the anime Ranma 1/2.

    • Like 1
  14. Third pool is where all the travel powers (flight, superspeed, leaping, teleport, etc) are. So it's worth it eventually unless you're playing to a concept and that concept just walks/runs everywhere at mortal speeds, but it's up to you to determine *when* it's worth it.

  15. What Solvernia said. You need to create a game account too, your forum account (which it sounds like you're trying to use based on your wording in your post) won't work, it's just for the forums. Follow the link in Solvernia's post and follow the instructions on that page.

  16. I've been reading a lot of forums and news articles of the opening of Homecoming, and I have a question about your future.


    Do you have plans/permissions to alter the game and add to it?  Can we as players expect to see new content?  If so will we expect to see new Characters, stories, powers, archtypes etc?


    Just a curious person wondering how excited to get for Homecoming!


    yeah there's already a new AT, revamped zones, etc., check the patch notes



    A lot, maybe most, of that is from the actual Issue 25 that they were testing internally/working on when NC pulled the plug on the live game. I'm sure the new GMs have access and know-how to add/remove/alter some things, but they didn't create a lot of that stuff, just finished what the Paragon devs never got a chance to.

  17. I support this. I support decoupling most character editing options from sex (except the obvious no-nos like bare chest options, etc). I'd probably never use a lot of them, and it might be a bit of work because it would probably in some cases involve making new models (male-only chest options would have to be adapted to the, ahem, curves of the female body and female-only ones would need to be flattened, in cases other than ones that are a simple texture change), so I don't see it happening for a while at least, but I'll put my full support behind it. As well as behind decoupling the cool/weird effects like the aforementioned Spectrum options (if they're the ones I'm thinking of) from everything, and allowing any costume part to have that texture applied.

  18. I had a toon on Freedom, because that's where a SG I rolled with was at (Freedom Reborn, the "Freedom Force" games fan group/site's semi-official SG), so I guess I kind of count? I was OmegaX there.

  19. Thematically, which I can speak to since I come from Virtue back on live and Everlasting here, any sec with guns or blades, or any sec that would in an RP way allow you to enthrall/enslave/ensnare/control them (can't recall if these are MM sec options, but something like Psychic, the aforementioned Dark, etc).

    Playstyle-wise, I don't really know, because I a)tend to play with other MM pets like ninja or robots, and b)tend to build to concept rather than to playstyle.

  20. Even if it's without the support of the original devs/GMs, I'm glad this game is back, both for the old-timers like myself's enjoyment, and because it gets a chance to reach new folks like you, which it wouldn't have had without teams like Homecoming, Rebirth, or what'have'you. Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy your stay.

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