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Everything posted by The_Cyberchill

  1. So at some point the coloring of Teleport was turned to a pure white, when the rest of the pool uses the default purple-blue coloring, was told this was a known bug in general chat, but I was told by discord admins to make a bug report just incase. included is a screenshot of default coloring for teleport, and the default for team teleport
      • 1
      • Thanks
  2. The Discord link is defunct base code works, I've been there a few times doing rp hours.
  3. During the initial tip dialogue for the alignment mission "You're a cruel one Mr. Phipps" there is a typo, instead of "another thing coming" its spelled "another think coming"
  4. I'd need to play my forcefield alts more, to know how I feel, about it, but It feels like it would fit better as a mid stage optional power, and deflection field
  5. This is what I was refering to, the mastermind's ordering feels like personal force field can be optional, I'm not sure why, or when the change was made, I'm just unfamiliar with PFF
  6. I'm not sure why corruptors are forced to take personal force field as thier first power instead of say force bolt, or deflection field, Why do corruptors get the buff so early on?
  7. I find it odd that Combat Flight uses the flight animation for Combat Flight instead of Hover's animation, could it be possible that it could be changed?
  8. This was one thing CO did improve on, Character name being independent of your global name, could have any number of folks running around with the same name, it was only thier @handle attached to it that counted as your name.
  9. I liked the AE inside Pocket D, but find being automatically handed most of the premium stuff is a bit unbalanced, maybe it should be changed so you have to earn stuff like back in the day, the more characters you get to a certain milestone, the more you unlock, like capes were.
  10. Not in i25, you can also change your alignment at null similarly to how you do in paragon chat, though he dosn't give you the gulliable badge, would be nice if you added that little thing in if we ever do a revision to balance stuff from i25 to add most of the premium costumes, prestige powers, etc to reward gameplay, back in the day you had to earn your epic archetypes, and your cape.
  11. same it was this way on day one for Bree, chug along little Torchbearer
  12. This is what it was like earlier this week, but it was working just fine before restart.
  13. I started on Triumph, but moved to virtue, I only played CoH for about a year prior to shutdown, you can read my post in the virtue rollcall
  14. I started the game on Triumph, moved to virtue after a while, stayed there ever since, I was a child mentally and physcially at the time, 14 or so if I recall it was the same year as shutdown I started, so didn't have much of an idea what I was doing, Virtue is how I learned a bit more organization with roleplay, before then It was like playing pretend in the front yard in Fusion Fall, or Freerealms.
  15. It said the server is back up, but I cannot get to character select, I can't even get to the server selection page, anyone having this issue? Edit: To clarify I enter my login info, and the client freezes only to give me The game client was unable to connect to login server, when it finally responds, this didn't happen before the response.
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