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  1. I completely agree, but shouldn't the goal be to have ALL the set be able to work and play well together? After all, City of Heroes started out as an MMORGP and not just a regular RPG.
  2. I appreciate the heads up. The set is a lot of fun but it's hardly worth taking if you are on a team. The base dmg is on the lower side without Category Five but Storm Cell makes it passable. The problem is that you are waiting about 6-7 seconds before you start doing any noticeable damage and a fire blaster has already moved on by then. Was really hoping that they could buff the movement on Storm Cell so that storm blast could at least keep up with the rest of the team. I guess it's their game and they are going to do what they want with it, but it sure would be nice if it were balanced a bit better.
  3. I have been having a ton of fun with storm blast, but the setup time is pretty depressing. Having to resummon your storm cell for every mob really hamstrings you when fighting. My suggestion would be to buff the movement speed of the storm cell so that it could follow you mob to mob. Functionally it would make a world of difference but thematically, why does barrier reef move so quickly (because they don't move too much in real life) when Storm Cell moves about the speed of smell (and those move quite quickly in real life). Thank you for your consideration and hard work. Cheers!
  4. Three thoughts real quick... 1st off, would it be possible to have the Remote Bomb not break stealth while laying the bomb? Functionally, if it does break stealth then it feels like an attack with extra steps before doing the same thing as other powers do without the delay. Thematically, it would seem to stick with the stealthy tactician vibe. It would also open up a whole new play style for devices, which would be very exciting! 2nd, does Remote Bomb need to have such a daunting cooldown? If we are reworking the power, then why not make it a more integral part of the build and give it a cooldown that people can work with. Functionally, if it doesn't do more damage than a nuke, it shouldn't have a cooldown longer than one. 3rd, i believe a strong argument could be made for trip mine not breaking stealth. Obviously, once it does damage your stealth should be broken, but if it had an arming time of 1 second or something, then it would legitimately be a boon. You could stealthily lay your mine, then start activating another power (still while in stealth) before the trip mine goes off! It would allow devices to have an identity as an ambush expert. That would surely give devices it's own fan club, at that point! Thank you for hearing me out!
  5. Soul consumption looks like it will be a great addition to Blasters, since they are inherently very squishy. For controllers and dominators, it feels very out of place. Controllers have plenty of ways to obtain self sustain and dominators have enough CC that it's really unnecessary. Dominators have mild - mediocre damage so it really feels like Soul Consumption should do something in the way of helping them obtain a little boost in the wave clear department.
  6. RIP Defender damage. We will remember you fondly. Soul Drain was the only way you could ever squeeze any decent damage out of them. Instead of balancing to help them fill in the biggest gap in the AT, we made them worse. Real heartbreaker there 😢
  7. The PSA (Public Service Announcement) at the beginning of the thread was put there to try to avoid all the arguments and bickering. I wanted to share ideas about new and inventive ways to design upcoming 4* content (yes, it means star and if you had to ask what that means, you probably aren't playing very much) so that all the AT's had something special to bring to the table. There is a cookie cutter template that is used by most teams for 4* content and i was just hoping that we could all come together and come up with some original ideas about how to make things less of a pure DPS stack and more of a balance. If you want to continue to troll and argue about everything that anyone says, you aren't helping anyone but yourself
  8. Lady Grey task force has a mechanic imbedded into an enemy where you have to stack holds to make them vulnerable. I thought that was a really great way of including AT's that are way less desirable on most TF's. If there were more enemies in top end content, like 4 star TF's, then there would be more reason to include them. If you wanted to include pet classes, you could have a mechanic in a hallway that requires a number of team members to sacrifice themselves to open a doorway to the next area. That would make it usable by all AT's but prevent you from getting no deaths. If you wanted to make stalkers important you could include a room that was filled with traps, that have improved detection so you have to do better than just stealth), for anyone that got seen. Again, this wouldn't make the content unpassable or unplayable, but you would have to overwork your support team to get through it. Crowd control has lost most of it's appeal because set bonuses can give you such amazing builds now that you don't really need someone to disable a mob before you fight, but if there were enemies that had a debuff ability or huge damage and a large hit pool, it would make the need for a controller or dominator much higher. Again, this wouldn't prevent anyone from enjoying content, but it would incentivize the recruitment of primary CC AT. I apologize if the intention of the thread came off as unclear. The dev's have a lot on their plates with combing through bugs and designing new content so i thought it might be nice if we all did some public brainstorming about ways to make content more inclusive and appealing for all AT's. I wouldn't be opposed to small changes with current content that included some of these ideas but i understand that would be more work for everyone involved, players and dev's included, so i think it would be much easier to include these idea types on future content so that everyone can be included on the fun. Please feel free to add more ideas about ways to make other powersets or AT's that are less commonly used or recruited, more appealing to players and team leaders.
  9. Let me preface this post with a mission statement. I would like to open a forum about how to diversify the content, in a way that supplies all AT's with a necessary purpose on TF's and Trials. Not everyone will agree with this post, and you don't have to, but if you would like to add something, please consider the spirit of the thread. Food for thought and game/community growth. Do you have a favorite character that you really enjoy playing but it's not exactly META? Are you a stalker at heart or do you enjoy having some crowd control with your support? Have you tried to get those characters into a 4* TF? Unless you have very specific AT's and power sets, most teams are not interested. We can't blame people for not wanting to start a 4 hour slog through content that was designed to be challenging. It would be nice if there were mechanics (or enemies) that required AT's other than blasters, tanks, and corruptors. I am not suggesting that we scrap any of the content that has been worked on so diligently. I am humbly suggesting that we add some enemies or mechanics to TF's that offer other AT's a seat at the table and a place to shine. LGTF is pretty tricky to accomplish without having a dominator/controller or a whole bunch of people that have holds. Wouldn't it be nice if the content for the most challenging and rewarding content was also designed with the intention of including everyone? Btw, if you have a response that starts with the word "Technically" or "Actually", you are just being argumentative, and your opinion is not welcome. If you have some genuine interest in seeing all characters have the opportunity to be included in the fun and have some interesting and unique ideas on how to go about it, you are most welcome here!
  10. He makes some really valid points. I would also accept keeping the power as is but reducing the recharge to offset the weak, late scaling dmg. The recharge of 170 seconds is a bit much for a power that has lower DPS and weak debuffs. Making the cooldown shorter would give the set a more "Energized" feel, like you are always charged up and ready to go and would really make the set feel less like a handicap.
  11. Apparently this is a terrible idea. Apologies for trying to suggest ideas that would make the game more enjoyable for people. Probably best to keep my opinions to my circle of friends. Thank you for the replies that were constructive.
  12. Really not the intention, or even what I described. I was talking about playing a character and developing an attachment to it and not wanting to throw it away because the combo didn’t make you happy. If the logistics don’t work, that’s unfortunate but I get it. I wasn’t describing starting an “easy” combo. I was describing a bond you form with a character through playing. Was only after giving loved characters a new chance at greatness.
  13. A lot of us having been playing for years (most from back on Live, but many newcomers as well) and many of us have over 100 level 50 characters. Why the large roster, many people would ask? Well, for some it's a max/min thing, for others it's to make a beloved hero come to life, and for a few it's about finding that perfect combination of powers that really makes you happy. After doing TF's, writing a bio, gathering badges, and playing a character all the way up to 50 you find that the character doesn't work for you. Now this toon is to sit on the shelf for an indefinite period of time (or at least until the dev's make a change to one of the powersets)? What if the respec TF's didn't just let you repick your powers, but they let you change your powersets (maybe just your secondary or something)?! It doesn't seem like it would be a complete logistical nightmare and it would give those toons that were loved too much to throw away, but not enough to go into the starting lineup, a second chance at being great again. Consequently, it would also alleviate a lot of the grinding through the game repeatedly, since people wouldn't feel the need to "start over" with a character. Instead, it would be a reimagining of a character you have already developed a familial bond with. It would also reduce the occurrence of the "door-sitting do-nothing's" that live in AE. Food for thought about the implementation of a streamline tool that would solve some problems and spread some happiness
  14. Looks amazing! Thank you so much for the hard work. For the next project on the list i would humbly like to suggest making a new Control power set. Control sets literally have the smallest pool to choose from and a bit more variety would be fantastic. Thanks again for all the hard work you guys do for us!
  15. I have tried using the Fortunata Hypnosis proc in multiple power for my build and haven’t seen it placate, as the proc advertises that it will. I have tried it on multiple different powers that will take sleep mod’s. I have also tried slotting it in different positions in the power and still have never seen it proc the placate. Is this a bug or is the enhancement not performing as designed? I know you guys are undermanned and very busy but your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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