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Everything posted by Valtina

  1. Thank you so much!
  2. That is wonderfully have a few we have brought in but mostly no one else in the family enjoys this genre only is lol. But it was a big part of our writing and to back in the day so we missed it sorely. Both community, the wonders of all it did for people, the fact it gave a home to so many that needed just a friendly face now and again. All of it endeared the game to us and when we found it was back we did not hesitate to download and come home. Maybe you you can find out your wife’s favorite super hero and make one up for her and light that fire. Soo many that never played fell in love with this game alone and brought people closer. Here’s to hoping for you!
  3. thank you all for the congrats and wonderful comments! we are still going strong and will remain so. but we are super happy to be back in CoX because its one of the places that we remember out of all the games we played as being the best game ever. +1 inf to all to give thanks to you all
  4. thank you kindly for all your well wishes they are greatly appreciated! +1 inf cause you were so nice!
  5. This actually made me tear up a little, knowing our favorite game is getting new heroes to stand up is a wonderful thing.
  6. We have been together over twenty years and this game was the one game we never could stand being without. We never got the wedding shots while they were live so here you go. Sgt. Firewalker and Valtina of Justice server from live now on Everlasting as Thomas Firewalker and Valtina Firewalker Edit: getting the picture in and typos lol
  7. Actually it was on everlasting In LFG, that I saw this the other night. Now understand, I completely get trying to fill out a team, but I knew some pretty damn good defenders that did not have all io's that were top tier right up with me when I was stetted out on live. I knew some awesome blasters that would give their all in everything they did that di d not have more than a few so's. I also know some of the best players in the game never gave a rats butt about if someone was perfectly stetted or slotted. I guess its just me, wanting to give all a chance and not see the toxicity of other games. For all us vets I am grateful for you, those that know what the game means, and those that know if a person plays their AT right it can be a beautiful thing. I for one plan on pushing back on this gear check stuff, Incarnate trials, okay, I get that, but normal story arcs.. Tina is going to stop being such a nice girl.
  8. I agree incarnate missions are a thing to need some specifics, however there was a team running regular stories in one of the cities cant remember which that was saying have all so or IO or don't ask. so that was what I was talking about more than anything. Now this silly saturday thing.. I am in sounds like a blast!
  9. I love that thought and it gives me new hope for those of us that are old timers , thank you for showing me not all are going that path!
  10. The answer from my PoV is - "Jerks". Nothing more, nothing less. Jerks will arrive in droves to any new game, especially a free one, and then try to tell everyone how to play. /gignore and move on, is my opinion, while letting others know in chat that the requirements are silly and jerkish. They have a right to be jerks with making teams, I have a right to never play with them and let others know that outlook is mean from my PoV. Modern MMO players have become DPS meters that seem to expect all other players to be bots working for them, IMO. I am glad I am not the only one seeing this, and while it does not effect me, it makes me worry for our community. But I agree so many are coming from games that depend on such, and have never experienced a game like this where your skill was meant to be the measure of your ability and not your IO's. I generally just shake my head and move on but I think I might start saying something, ignoring the problem may just be as much of the issue as those that are doing these call outs.
  11. I am trying to remember, before the sun went down, did we have so many gear checks going on? As I remember in live we looked at a persons skill with their AT verses their enhancement slots. A person back then did not always have a sugar alt and often times had to perfect their play style through running Hollows, Perez, or grind missions out unless you had a static team. And if you got into a random, if you proved you could do your job people did not care what IO's you had or if you had your alpha at rank two. I see so much of that, Just last night I was watching chat and was astounded seeing people say if you don't have this you're not welcome, apply if you have this. And all I keep thinking is, you know someone power leveled can have exactly what you are asking for and not know a darned thing about their AT and you are going to face plant more than if you had a skilled person with their AT and missing that alpha, or that IO. Yes if you look at Valtina, she has been power leveled by my partner who I ran with in live, she was a level 50 defender back on Justice that healed through so many Rikti raids, TF's and Trials, so before you say anything about" but you..." I know what I am doing, and while a lot of vets are coming back, there are a lot of new folks just discovering our beloved game, some that come from other games where the push is what it is all about and forget learning your class. Others that are just now finding their ability to be a Super Hero and just might lose that joy in the end if they don't have just the right gear no matter how well they learned their AT. I guess what my rambling is about is, when did CoX become just another gear check, this is not WoW people, and even the underdog can be a hero on a daily basis if given half the chance to do so.
  12. Okay I have a question due to coc as my Supergroup name is Cardinal Sin is this going to be an issue? It’s been a guild name we have had for a long time and it was even our sg name in live villa s side long ago. Guess I am just checking to be sure we are legit
  13. I managed to get online but after a couple of minutes I started rubberbanding like crazy, especially if I'm in a mission map And if I try to go to character select while it's doing that, at least while in a mission map, I get kicked to login with the following: "The game client was unable to connect to the login server. This may be due to a local network issue such as a firewall block, or may be because the login server is down for maintenance. Please check your network settings and try again, or check the forums for current server status." Ahh okay thank you much for that answer, my gaming partner managed to make another character just recently so hopefully when I get out of work I will be able to get everything going. Thanks again for the reply
  14. Also you might have to lower the file size, when saving it as jpeg lower the 65x65 to med instead of high and that will lower the size of the file
  15. Is this issue still going on? Or has it been cleared up?
  16. yeppers creating a character and freezes darn it needed to take care of some things before work lol
  17. This was amazing I am so glad to be back and have the chance to do random reps again like this. Thank you for sharing!
  18. Gads don’t remember my @ name but several of my characters are Valtina who was always with her husband sgt Fire walker or her healing partner kizzi, Tah’lona who run around with her big brute partner Brutalis fire walker and my oldest character gwynenver my ice ice blaster that Took six years to get to 50 and there were a plethora more but most were never seen outside of archetect
  19. Favorite memories, showing up for rikti raids and hearing everyone say "yess a healer!" Running around at halloween and knocking on doors, getting my very first toon to 50 after six years of her sitting at 15.. the tears that fell on the day it closed, never has a game so drawn me in, daily my gaming partner and I would talk about the good times, and then it faded slowly as we thought nothing would ever come of it. It would never come back that feeling. Every other game fell short, nothing lived up to what we remembered of the game. Coming back, well, we thought we had just built it up in our minds, but no it feels like coming home literally. So thank you for giving our gaming home back. It is surreal and absolutely wonderful to be back
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