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Posts posted by Vinceq98

  1. 11 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Have any of the Homecoming developers ever said why they're sticking with this formula that says that Ancillary powers have to be numerically inferior to primary & secondary powers?


    Has it ever been explained why Ancillary powers can't be exactly the same as primary & secondary powers?

    Someone thinks Dominators with Sleet were replacing Cold Defenders/Corrupters from 4star difficulty runs 🤨🤡



    • Confused 1
  2. I think they need to buff Liquid Nitrogen to last longer. It expires way to quickly. In my videos you can see that Im just cycling powers quickly because I feel like its a countdown before the mobs eventually get out of my kill zone, IE my control patches. Liquid Nitrogen feels better at 45 sec duration. Mobs feel out of control when outside your patches and have to be individually held or slept with your power. Liquid Nitrogen helps keep mobs inside your patches allowing you to focus on damage more. Also Smoke Canister could benefit from having a ground patch graphic so I know I dont drop another one too soon in the same area. 


    If developer time is being is short because of their schedule then I say send this patch through but revisit it on the next update. Storm Blast got some love afterwards, This set needs one more quality pass to be perfect. 

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  3. Some are useless. They present an opportunity cost that cant be denied. Its not like we havent been playing the same damn game for the last 20 years. I dislike the mantra of bringing things down in a PVE game, its US vs Enemies. Why not just bring up underperforming and rarely chosen pools into the desirable realm. Knocking down SLeet or Bonfire or Soul Drain isnt it. 

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  4. These epic power pools are really a let down. 16 mins and 40 sec recharge for SOul Consumption is just INTING. Are we going to use the power once per log in??? Why even have a recharge at this point . . . Also why does psi mastery suck even more with a 40 sec recharge PSI tornado. Fire Ball does more damage and is 32 sec recharge for controllers and dominators. 


    Maybe this is them wanting everyone to play a 5th powerpool because Fold Space from a travel pool trumps a lot of these "changes"

    • Like 3
  5. I know confuse doesnt set up containment. But Flash bang is does. Liquid Nitrogen has a base -90% slow on it. One slot or another power with a slow like Sleet, Freezing Rain, Times Juncture, or even Ice Storm can floor a mobs run speed. Im actually going to go back on my previous criticism of the set and say that the Immob is not needed. Scrap this Wet Debuff and chance to Immob on liquid nitrogen and just buff the Pet. Bosses are the only mobs left running around out of control. But spamming Cryo Ray + Tranq Dart offers containment and dmg. I dont even target minions or lieutenants, Liquid Nitrogen at max Dmg does 24.74 dmg a tick and it can do containment damage. Thats Hot Feet level of damage. My videos show that by the time im cycling my powers I just spam Hold + Sleep on bosses over and over again. 


    This set feels good when played as a Dominator. I can easily run into the center of a pack and drop Smoke Canister on my way in. My next 2 powers in sequence are Flash Bang for the Stun and then Liquid Nitrogen to keep them snared. I actually prefer them not immob so they can run closer to my Dominator as he pelts them with PBAOE and TAOEs from his epic pool. 

  6. I think they need to ditch the wet status. Even with storm summoning activating the root, you cannot enhance it and it doesnt reapply like a pseudo pet. I cannot immobilize bosses with Liquid Nitrogen and Freezing Rain together. It is a one and done check. It is there to just bloat the powers budget without much effect. Setting up containment is easy with Smoke Canister + Flash Bang. It feels instant with how fast the 2 powers activate.


    The set thrives on being in melee range. While you can certainly hover blast like i do, the pet stays so far back that if you were to max range it would just stay 5-10 meters behind you always. I wish it were given a shorter range attack thus forcing it to be in melee most of the time. Its actually a potent tank and if it were to draw the aggro of bosses away from you it would be a 10/10 pet for me.


    Playing on a Dominator feels like the set was designed for them. The CCs have very little damage and you can ditch sleep grenade for more powers from your assault power set. Liquid nitrogen on a dominator doesnt do containment damage and thus is just there for the slow and KD effect. 


    Overall im Happy with the powerset. Its unfortunate that you are pigeonholed into certain secondaries but that is what we are dealt with. Im actually tired of Storm Summoning now but its hard to deny that this combo was what the devs wanted us to play. The playstyle is very much summon pseudo pet or ground aoe and then spam your Single Target Hold + Single Target Sleep and or P2W Attacks until victory.



  7. I have a couple videos of a 50 controller running 54/x8 missions with bosses. So far the set is actually really good except for some major bugs that i find annoying but not game breaking

    I will upload them as soon as Youtube is finished processing the videos. I wanted to showcase the whole mission isntead of a few clips


    1) Tranq Dart = Poor mans Levitate. Ok Damage can take alot of procs but the 6 sec recharge hurts its procability. 8/10 used to get set bonuses and damage

    2) Cryo Ray = A+ tier hold power. Decently fast activation, Its no Dominate or Blind BUT its accepts alot of procs 10/10 Max DMG + Procs focus

    3) Liquid Nitrogen = The sets "carrion creepers" it helps melt minions and lieutenants health. 5 set ragnarok for dmg and set bonus 10/10

    4) Cloaking Device = Set mule BUT currently the def is shut off completely in combat. It doesnt suppress properly. 1/10 power only because its for LOTG mule. Need to fix ASAP

    5) Smoke Canister = Its Seeds + Flash arrow + KB protection. This is a LOADED power now. 10/10 must take. 6 Slots ez

    6) Flash Bang = Another every spawn power. Without "wet" this sets up containment for controllers to wipe out minions + lieutenants. 10/10 power for set bonuses as well. Very fast animation

    7) Tear Gas = Its an OK shit button. Kinda needs Smoke Canister first to soak the alpha because it wont HOLD mobs right away. 6/10 just for set mule. 4 slot basilik gaze and forget it

    😎 Tri Cannon = What a meh pet. This pet requires you to get close to the mobs or it wont "aggro" and start attacking. Behaves just like devices Gun Drone. 4/10 Its just a slot mule power for my build.


    The set really thrives and survives in its patches. Much like trick arrow. When mobs start running away things can get dicey if you cant shut them down. Smoke Canister and Liquid Nitrogen effects fade away far too quickly for my liking. It feels like a race to spam powers as a result. 



    • Thanks 1

    44 minutes ago, Dispari said:

    So you're going to add floating text for a status effect to sets like Water Blast that don't even use said status effect and have no context for, so a different person on the team can know they're going to get an effect they probably don't even know about unless they carefully read the power description since they otherwise have no way to generate or use it?




    Literally trolling a new mechanic just so you can say I gave the community what they were asking for. <insert meme here>

    Just scrap the damn immobilize then, your obviously soo against it. Buff up the slows to the max. I better see the mobs barely getting out of the patches because the sets inherent -run speed and slow debuffs are so strong we dont  even need the immobilize. Also buff  the knockdown patch to be bonfire pre nerf.  The mobs should flop like a fish out of water.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. Well I have to hand it to the devs that they take feedback players give. Its just always so half ****** sometimes. This new wet mechanic is great but you really need to consider what that wet status is. This game was launched in 2004 and not one mention of that status has been in the game. Maybe show us a video showcasing how to enable WET debuff. I mean this is your game now, were all just playing it. At least give us a bone and tell us how to play a set you made,

    • Like 3
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  10. Hilarious. All this developer time used up only for a set the community will relegate as below average. The forefathers of the original game kept pushing out meta sets when the game became pay to win. Darkness Control, Nature Affinity, Titan Weapons.


    Homecoming clearly has an agenda that all new powersets MUST not exceed average in power strength. They want them to be as unmemorable as possible lol. 

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    • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
  11. One thing I just want to add is that the devs are just so timid with power scaling of these new sets. I mean I get they don't want to make the newest power set the meta but my god it's like they make sure they are always middle or even below average in terms of damage potential. You spent so much time and love designing and creating new power sets only for players to outright ignore them and continue on playing the sets the original devs made. I truly think they need to make these new sets at bare minimum A tier if not S tier when they come out. I rarely see storm blasters or symphony controllers. Or sonic assault dominators. They were built once only to be shelved and forgotten 😭

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  12. Omg I'm at work but someone please test out Mind Control Telekinesis.


    That is an Uber buff to MC playstyle and helps the set setup containment DMG it really needed. Also pulling in mobs is going to be soo helpful. I really hope this power trend picks up in other future power sets the. Decide to make. Imagine grouping up everyone in a nice tight pack and melt them in a burn patch or fireball. I really need to get to the test server for this. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. My lists depends a lot on the secondaries but in terms of just pure dmg I'd rank


    Mercs as SS tier

    Robots/Necro S tier

    Thugs/Ninja A tier

    Beasts/Demons B tier 


    Because of procs I find Mercs to just melts spawns. Necro would pull ahead but I have an issue with the gravel nights loving to spam their dark blasts more than running up and hacking away with their swords. If I want to try hard with macros then Necro is top tier. Mercs being all range makes them not waste any time shooting and shooting 

  14. have you actually played it?? i mean a poster just made a 1 min clip of x8 spawn and i dont see alot of OMGWTFBBQ repel that you are crying about. The set looks really cool and imaginative.


    Why dont you record actual gameplay of situations where the repel becomes apparent and show the rest of us how bad it is. 

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  15. So to answer this topic for CURRENT MM players. Select Thugs = PROFiT! . there is your AOE monster. 


    WE can revisit this if or WHEN the MM primaries will get a balance patch by the homecoming team.

  16. 9 minutes ago, TheSpiritFox said:


    The full auto laser cones are a 6 second cast, making them lower overall DPS from the small bots. The protector bots add very little damage overall including their photon grenade. Like, bots are pretty much all about the assault bot and his AOE. And while that's great, there's zero proc potential from it really. Like I'm not saying the bots are bad at aoe, I'm saying that like when I look at Tidge's comment above where he took a bots/traps and a thugs/therma and is trying to compare primary aoe when one of them is a traps? Nah the difference maker there is traps is far and away a massively offensive primary and thermal is not. 


    Thugs/traps vs bots/traps my thugs traps is better both offensively and defensively to the point that bots/traps is harder to play because it is slower to kill things and more likely to lose pets than my thugs/traps. It's not so much that I "Like" thugs more than bots. I really WISH bots performed as well as thugs, I want a big single target damage buff for bots as well as something done about the whole "proc mule for pet auras" issue which makes slotting bots harder. 


    But like no gang war, 2 -def cones and 2 -def single target attacks which help a good bit with level differences and can take damage procs on each enforcer, constant aoe from the arsonist, as well as the easy survivability of thugs over bots once you have them fully IOed out? Bots might well be better overall aoe without secondary powers taken into effect and with generics, but once you build it out and pick a secondary that enhances aoe damage, thugs have edged out bots in performance with like spare no expense purple builds pretty hard in my experience. 


    And again, this is also considering that bots kinda need a tightly packed mob group to really go to town, and thugs overall perform much better in all situations especially not ideal aoe stituations where bots efficiency falls off the second that you're not target saturated on burn patch missles. The ONLY reason bots are not down at mercs level is 1) far better defensively thanks to protector bots and 2) burn patch missles change the entire dynamic of what bots are capable of in ideal conditions. 


    Both thugs and bots are capable of melting a tightly packed group including bosses in literal seconds. But bots, if the burn patch missles get wasted to spread and you get like 4 burn patches and have to wait for the cooldown, your aoe dps just tanked into the floor for the time it takes for burn patch to come up and you spend the whole time trying to make sure they don't scatter before it comes up again. Thugs? No worries. Stuff will come back and then single target thugs will annihilate whatever very quickly. 


    This man masterminds!! Ive played MMs since retail COV and ive made both bots and thugs MMs with varying secondaries. Thugs really does outshine bots in almost all scenarios. The AOE from Bots is from the assualt bots one power where as the AOE from thugs comes from arsonists one power and the enforcers 2 AOE cones. Thugs also procs out way better than BOTS. Bots can only make use of the explosive strike proc one 1 of their few knocback attacks. And lets face it knocback + burn patch = 0 damage. I mean this game gives us the ability to analyze our damage with combat logs and the power analyzer, if you actually dissect your damage and procs youll see that Thugs comes out leagues ahead of the other primaries and thats  without gangwar too. Take power analyzer for a spin and test out how much that procced out caltrops or procced out acid mortar is really doing for you (FYI its not lol). 

  17. 17 hours ago, Dixa said:

    The fill rate you talk about here is basically just another dps measurement that so many ignore when it comes to this game and have ever since the very beginning. In a game where abilities are fully independent and there is no global cooldown, damage per second calculations must take animation time into consideration along with recast and actual damage done. 


    Thugs does mostly smashing and lethal so their dps really should be poor like mercs. The damage of their abilities isn't significantly higher or lower than the other sets


    But like ninja, every damned ability has a stupidly short animation time. This is why I always laughed at people who said bots/yaddayadda was the best at dropping av's or packs. That was only true BEFORE we got thugs and has not been true after, no matter your secondary. 

    Could you elaborate please and tell us dumbos a TLDR perhaps? I really enjoy masterminds. No other game comes close to the gameplay that MMs can offer, however I do prefer to min max as much as I can and I know certain specs are bottom of the barrel. I already have a Thugs and Demons what would next to them in terms of DPS. I had a Ninja back on live but they performed poorly due to dying so many times. Would Ninjas be great DPS if kept alive?>?? How about Necro or Mercs with PROCS???

  18. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1690&c=805&a=1610&f=HEX&dc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

  19. 16 hours ago, Kruunch said:

    Mmmm I'll disagree with this. Bio always plays like a piano. It's a great set, don't get me wrong but you will not go 10 seconds without hitting a Bio clicky in a mission for one reason or another. 

    Sounds like your below 50 or your just playing with SOs. Once you can dump money into a /bio build with all the uniques x5 purple sets including the 2 superior ATO sets /bio is widely considered OP. But then again what do you expect you paid for that OPness after all. My bio stalker has softcapped defenses to ALL ecexpt psi. Psi is only at 25 and frankly I just murder the psi mobs first and if they do damage me I'll just insta heal it all up. Bio has insane regen and recovery along with those defenses I can sit in offensive stance all day and just wreck mobs. The only click I ever use is ablative carapce every 25 secs for the fatty 1100 HP absorb shield that lasts 30 secs and brings along a HUGe regen buff that lasts the same time. 


    Bio is your set it and forget it secondary. You just go about murdering everything and then when you look and see you took damage you realize oh yeah I can press one of my 3 clickies to either insta refill my hp or end or give myself massive absorb and regen. 

  20. Nope just tested it and carrion creepers still fire the DAMAGE procs on each attack. I get multiple damage procs firing over the course of the fight just from the creepers attacking. I have 3 damage procs on it is still working as inteded. Carrion creepers is designed to be frankenslotted for acc/dmg/recharge and damage procs.

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