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Snowdaze last won the day on May 20 2020

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  1. Crap I just finished my complete map and here to find out someone finished one 25 hours before me....😩😭
  2. Well crud, I was hoping to find a fix for this, I'm getting pretty tired of it. Happens to me regardless of character and level. I cant discern any pattern that causes it, only that my insp try is normally even with and right next to the upper half of my chat window, and at random when zoning or loading a mission, it will move up about half it's height. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that it doesnt get too much in the way...
  3. For a short and brief time at the inception of their character Nezumiko back in the days of Virtue, I had invited them to join my SG. And while they didn't stay long, that little mouse did spread wings and fly. They made more friends then I ever have and I'm sure countless adventures as well. We did remain global friends at least until CoH was shut down, and attended countless cape shows, and had many late night chats about all things random. Had I run into them on homecoming, I would have loved to have given them a big in game hug, and caught up with them. May your memory continue to burn brightly in the hearts of those you touched with your bright energy!
  4. Snowdaze

    Ankle Bitter?

    Immature paragon protectors are indeed in part 2 of Doc Buzzsaw in the mission you fight all the crey. They are partly hidden... try clearing the map before clicking the final glowies. You'll find them.
  5. I already got my validation from Captain Powerhouse.
  6. I am well aware of the web grenades, and testing a pvp effect with just yourself is kinda hard. Also the Evasive Manuvers is not listing how much flight protection it gave... Also I very much went on brainstorm to test some things. but much like PvP "bringing additional players will offer more advantages" and I am but one.
  7. Thank you for the acknowledgement, and the actual numbers, which at this moment don't display very well, which brought me to the concern. As long as you are aware of the concern, I'm content enough knowing it's not being over looked.
  8. fair enough, that alone isnt enough to even bring down hover. Now if there is the same recharge on the Fakkolade (I have not bought or used them so I dont know), it is effectively useless on it's own to bring down a foe using -fly protection.
  9. Problem is it may seem like a simple ask, but what you are asking for is likely a complete redesign of a core system in the game. Which would very likely lead to HUGE bugs and potentially topple the Jenga style code. That is why they choose to modify individual powers. if you want more Speed you are very much going to have to pick a different travel, use some enhancement slots, find some set bonus', choose a different alpha, or use some enchantment table buffs. And it will likely be that way for a long long long time.
  10. That's the balance of it all, if you want more speed you are gunna need to make a cut somewhere else so you can enhance, otherwise it's just a minor QoL change. If you give people more slots they still wont use them on travel powers they will enhance everything and anything before they enhance the travel power.
  11. the issue is Evasive Maneuvers supposedly adds more -fly protection. Also the crey pistol doesn't have -fly to my knowledge.
  12. making afterburner and evasive maneuvers more dangerous as it does work in pvp as per the patch notes
  13. formerly yes, but NOW... Fly is Not so slow anymore... it CAN out pace superjump now!
  14. redo this with boosters, I know 2 run IO's with full boosters gets you in the 119's
  15. This is incredibly dismissive toward a balance issue that just because you perceive it as a non-issue does not invalidate it's truth. There are reasons things like PVP web grenade temp powers were added to the game. Flying pvpers get cocky and giving them even more fly protection, when there is already a very large lack of -fly in game is a bad choice. Also flying melee combat is very very hard and flying ranged characters will always have an upper hand. So what you are saying is the ground based scrapper should just grow wings and some ranged attacks?
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