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Night at the Opera

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Everything posted by Night at the Opera

  1. If players/teams are that nitpicking because you have a build that doesn't suit them, then they're probably not worth your while to begin with. What's the worst that can happen? You find another team. I can honestly give two shits whether or not my build is accessible for others to see. I view it as a collaborative tool, especially for the new players that can use it to assist with their builds. If players want to offer critique towards improving what I already have, I'm all open to suggestion. If they want to be assholes, I can simply block them. And if players want to copy my build, oh no! I can't have that happen. No, instead I would take the optimistic approach and use it as a compliment. I have other more important things to worry about.
  2. Seems to be the consensus. In all honesty, I really could care less if anyone could view my build or not. The CoH community has really been outstanding in terms of support and maturity, compared to most other gaming communities, which is why I never would have thought it would be such a big deal.
  3. I know you can currently go into info and view someone else's build and it will give you a list of their bonuses, but that's about it. Instead, why not have the build open up the enhancement management window so you can see exactly how the powers are slotted and what enhancements are being used?
  4. What you're saying makes sense, it's just that I don't want to craft every singe recipe I have all at once. I've stocked up on so many recipes due to getting 8 alts all to lvl 50 within 2 months. During that time, I wasn't concerned with crafting because I wasn't sure how I was going to build them out. I started using Pines hero builder, which helped me figure out what path I wanted to go with each one. Now I'm in the process of figuring out which recipes I need, which one's i don't, which ones I can sell, etc etc.
  5. I had to create an excel spreadsheet this week that basically tells me where my recipes are stored (on my alts, or in my email). Since I already spec'd out all my alts with hero builder and know what IO's I need, I also added a page that tells me what recipes to sell outright, and which ones I should craft, convert, and resell (or keep). It was quite an undertaking, but recipe management has become a lot easier thanks to that. Maybe it was a 32bit limitation, but now that we're on 64bit, I don't see any reason why recipe storage can't be added.
  6. Pay 1 hit point and discard a catch-a-breath, counter target spell
  7. That's really odd. It's obviously an isolated incident since I'm running Greenshot on multiple computers with multiple installs of CoH , all of which take the screenshots with no lag, nor have I got it switched to windowed. It even worked on an older laptop with no problems. It's a 15 year old game, I can't imagine it using up that many resources where it would impact a screen capture to that extent. Did you try uninstalling/reinstalling Greenshot? Try using a different version?
  8. Yes I did leave tequila open when I logged off. I'll give it a try later and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the reply 🙂
  9. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I was on the beta server the other night before I started receiving these errors. . I saw that the files are trying to download into my hc-beta directory. I'm able to get into production with no problems. Is this a known issue with the beta server files?
  10. I can't launch the game as of 8/17. First time seeing this error. Game has been running fine since May on this computer. I haven't moved, deleted, or modified any files. Please help.
  11. That's extremely bizarre. Only think I can think of is uninstall/reinstall Greenshot. I'm running version 1.2.10
  12. So back to my original question - does it only do this while you're trying to capture CoH, or does it happen everywhere else?
  13. Does it only happen when you play CoH? Greenshot should behave the same way regardless what's on your screen. and you want to make sure that it's running in the background (check your ^ arrow next to your date/time on the bottom right of your taskbar if you're using Windows 10). There's only 2 functions I use for Greenshot - Print Screen button (capture region), and Ctrl + Print Screen (capture full screen). When I execute any of those commands, the screenshot does not automatically save to my desired path shown in the Output tab. Instead, it brings up the capture in the image editor, which is managed in the settings options under the Destination tab > "Open in image editor" option. From the image editor, I then tell it where I want my screenshot to save. So far I've never had a timing issue, I save all my captures on my SSD, but regardless of that, I force it to pull up the editor first so that it can't just automatically save. This gives me better control.
  14. Greenshot is great, I use it on all my PCs. There are only 3 tabs in the settings that I make modifications to. Try matching your settings to these and see if that helps you.
  15. How do I do an outdoor area? I hit F3 which seems to enable clipping and tried removing one of the ceiling tiles. Is there something else I need to do to eliminate the ceiling so I can see sky only?
  16. Really good info, thanks for sharing!
  17. Well I appreciate that. It was certainly not my intent to get on here to start throwing stones (or having stones thrown at me for that matter). Hell, I've been on plenty of discussion forums to know all about what the proper etiquette is for being accepting of those who do not agree with my viewpoints. This whole thing got started off as a suggestion, never once saying my way is the best way and your way sucks, or looking for points. So to anyone who acts like an ass, you're going to get called out.
  18. Well I think there's better ways of offering someone suggestions. "You have a problem with hoarding" is a dick thing to say, maybe trying something like, "you might want to consider doing <this> instead." If you think I'm doing it because of some sort of popularity contest, then you stand to be corrected. It's how I react to those types of comments. Aside from that, thank you for the info.
  19. I don't just sell everything. I sell what will not be used across all my toons, otherwise if one of my alts has recipes that another needs, why would I sell it? That makes no sense. And frankly, I don't get hard-ons for purples only. Yeah they're extremely beneficial, but there's other IO sets that are just as important. Neither is cooldown timers and color coding player names, but they added it. I might as well also create 2 dropbox accounts. For what? Right, it's only one of the most popular elements of the game, just like farming, badge hunting, buying/selling... Who has time for that? Because it already was setup this way to allow salvage to be shared across the account. You'd be surprised. Sure. I use floppy disks to store all my data, so I can easily relate. Depends on what your interpretation of hoarding is, but since you don't have any sufficient details that provide exactly how much inventory I have, I'm not sure how you were able to reach that conclusion.
  20. @Auranyte That's my whole point, the base has salvage storage and enhancement tables - why leave out recipes? That's one of the benefits of having a base, to store and share not just some stuff, but ALL your stuff. The only time I use enhancement tables is after I respec and need a place to dump leftover vanilla IOs that I end up either selling or slotting on my lower alts. I think 3 things need to happen: 1. Allow all items either bought or earned to be stored and shared across your account at the base. This should also include influence. 2. Allow the /ah command to work while in your base (why you can access the auction house from anywhere else in the game but your base makes absolutely no sense). 3. If steps 1 and 2 actually become a thing and players with no bases start finding out how good base management is, people will start building bases and stop using the email system, at which time email can be eliminated for good.
  21. Ok, so can we all agree that the storage management for in-game items is limited? Before when players were running only a few alts it was no big deal, but now everyone is running tons of alts, and the only known way to share recipes amongst your alts is by way of email. Plus it doesn't make sense why only salvage can be stored in your base but not recipes, not to mention you can't even run a /ah command to at least grab recipes out of the auction house while you're in your base - I tried and it's not allowed. Yeah, the game's 15 years old, I get that, but under no circumstances should anyone be emailing themselves anything. We're way past the days of Yahoo.
  22. Excellent, thank you for that!
  23. So I logged onto the Justin server for the first time the other night, created a test alt, leveled to 50, got tons of influence, and headed over to the auction house thinking there would be IOs aplenty. I started searching purples and was surprised how few (or in some cases none) there were. I'm not sure why that is, or if I wasn't doing something right. If leveling and influence is wide open, why then was the inventory at the AH limited? If you're going to test a build, wouldn't it make sense to have all IOs available as well?
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