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Posts posted by SmalltalkJava

  1. This is very interesting.  I love MM’s as my main, but I’ve always been pulled towards tanking. I’ve been looking for a tank build that is highly survivable.  If I create a tank I want to do it well. 

  2. I have my concept.


    I will be making a Mercs MM.  now I just need a secondary and some ideas on a leveling build.  I am at work so I can’t review the secondaries but off the top of my head I’m thinking /traps.  Any other secondaries that might fit?  This sucks being on break at work LOL.  I should probably take leadership skills for added defense and damage for my army.  Batman is a leader.  Iirc he used a rifle so I can take a primary attack, don’t have to though.  Maybe air superiority for some beat down fun, but again not necessary.  I want to stay theme heavy but still useful for solo and group support without being gimped by my theme

  3. I played CO for a while. What I didn’t like is that it seemed too spread out. There wasn’t a city that felt alive. It was deserts and forests.  Maybe it just felt like the community never really took off.  To me MMOs are about community, not just guilds, but overall population.  It’s hard to nail down really. I LOVED the cell shading graphics. Some people didn’t like the cell shading. 

  4. I believe a GM/Admin on Discord commented that this bug only occurred if you had the MM pet out before you slotted the enhancements, IE in order for the enhancement to "take" you needed to resummon your pets. In other words, the GMs believe this bug isn't real.

    Well, that seems easy enough to test, so I did.  Made a new MM, took 'em to the tutorial.  After getting to level 2, here were the results.


    * Level 2 Punk (unenhanced) vs. Level 1 Neo-Shivan: Punk shoots Shivan with their Pistol for 12.85 points of lethal damage!

    * Level 2 Punk with Clockwork Efficiency slotted immediately vs. Level 1 Neo-Shivan: Punk shoots Shivan with their Pistol for 12.85 points of lethal damage!

    * Level 2 Punk with Clockwork Efficiency slotted and then resummoned vs. Level 1 Neo-Shivan: Punk shoots Shivan with their Pistol for 14.57 points of lethal damage!

    * Level 2 Punk with Clockwork Efficiency trashed immediately vs. Level 1 Neo-Shivan: Punk shoots Shivan with their Pistol for 14.57 points of lethal damage!


    So yeah, it seems the GM was correct and enhancements apply on the pets at the time they're summoned.  If slotting changes after they're out, they just need to be dismissed and called again and all will be well.  And I can make this experimental character more permanent, along with a few other Mastermind plans.


    Incidentally, how's Thugs/Traps?


    Thumbs up for testing!!!’

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