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Posts posted by Cix

  1. I wasn't able to get screenshots on my PC (another problem to troubleshoot, lol) but grabbed some from my laptop.  These are from a level 24 Widow on Brainstorm.  Choosing Combat Training: Defensive does not allow a primary power to be selected.


    I wanted to check here before I made a bug report to make sure I hadn't missed something.






  2. I've been playing a baby Widow.  I wanted to switch some things around so I tried to use the level ten freespec.  I couldn't pick any primary powers, so I couldn't actually complete the respec.  Curiosity was piqued so I did a bunch of testing.


    Level 13 Widow?  No respec.  Level 16 Soldier?  No respec.


    I hopped over to Brainstorm.  Level 15 Soldier there?  No respec.  Level 15 Widow over there with a different body type just in case?  No respec.  Level 20 Soldier with the third body type?  No respec. 


    That same Soldier at 24?  Forced respec with all of the primary powers unselectable, thus kinda bricked.


    Are Soldiers and Widows so rarely played that they're broken and no one noticed, or am I missing something super obvious?

  3. Stalker is a good choice if you like to take in the sights and decide when and how to start a fight.  Very few enemies can see through hide, so you can avoid a lot of combat if you want.


    They do a lot of damage and can defeat difficult targets, but cannot withstand as much damage as brutes and tankers.

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  4. Re: Regen


    I have a pretty rare (at least as of March, 2020) level 50 Electric Melee/Regen Stalker.  She's a stalker, so of course she's fine in 90% of solo situations--at least if I don't crank the *number of players too high.  But with large groups or anything above EB she can get overwhelmed pretty quickly.


    I think stalkers really suffer for the low HP cap.

  5. It used to be possible for missions to be front- or back-loaded.  You would zone in to a wall of reds and purples and fight your way back to a gray or green boss, or vice-versa.


    Also, in the beginning bosses showed up in solo missions by default.  The final mission of the Hellions/Skulls gang war arc (Bonefire?) was kind of notorious because at the time there were very few builds that could handle two bosses at the same time solo.

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  6. I went looking for possible alternate animations not long ago.  I figured new options would be more likely if they were recycled existing animations.  Here's what I came up with.


    For Fiery: the Kinetic Melee animation with fire particle effects (Kamehameha), a slowed down Blazing Bolt (nearly the same but without the squatting), or Flashfire (hands down and back at the hips then bent up to end crossed at the chest).


    For Dark: Twilight Grasp (the same hips-to-chest-cross as Flashfire), Night Fall (both hands forward, pewpew)


    For Energy: Power Push (nearly the same without the squat)

  7. Blue Steel being a trainer for low-level heroes has always made me angry.  Extenuating circumstances, sure.  What he did is understandable.  It should not be normalized.  He should be working a desk job away from impressionable newbies.


    It also rubs me the wrong way that he is the deus ex mechana for heroes in villain content.

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  8. I'm currently going through First Ward with a Dual Blades/Invulnerability stalker.  I feel your pain.


    I survive mostly on inspirations.  If you visit the P2W vendor, you can get Inner Inspiration.  It gives you three medium or large inspirations every half hour.

  9. Pretty pretty please offer an alternative to the squat thrust Assassin's Strike animations, used by Dark Melee, Energy Melee, Fiery Melee, etc.  Martial Arts has another option, which I quite like.


    Also, being able to minimize certain effects from other characters would be great.  A lot of electric powers give me migraines.

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  10. On 3/13/2020 at 10:07 AM, Unknown Magi said:

    Inspiration management is painful for MMs.  Unlike other sets, when we want to use reds to improve our damage, we have to spend 6 reds (1 for each pet) to get the full effect that anyone else would need to spend 1 red to achieve.  And it all has to be done with click and drag, by hand, as there is no macro-ing available for this.  MM inspiration effectiveness could stand to be reviewed.

    I would like to talk about this bit for a moment, if ya'll don't mind.  I find this aspect frustrating.


    I imagine it would make the code cry, but it would be nice if we could, for instance, use one inspiration and have the effect split amongst the mastermind and the pets.  For example, mastermind pops an Enrage and the mastermind and pets each get a 12.5% damage bonus.


    This way, masterminds still have to spend more inspirations to get the effect a single character would, but at least allows inspirations to be practical for a mastermind in heated combat.

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  11. It has come up a bit, but I'll say it again here:  I. Hate. Longbow.  They're visually dull.  They play havoc with a lot of character types.  You run a resistance build?  Lol, have a grenade.  You play Mastermind?  Here, have some flamethrowers.  Like to melee?  Here are fifteen Eagles who'll fly away if you give them so much as a dirty look.  All irritation, no excitement.


    I hate Arachnos.  Other factions have a few scary enemies, e.g. Sappers, but Arachnos has every annoying trick, often several at a time.  I ran a Street Justice/Invulnerability brute through the Faultline story arc not long ago.  Every time I ran into a Fortunata I got smacked down and/or blinded.  Go to the hospital, buy some yellows, back in.  Out of yellows?  Stand in the corner till your eyesight returns.  Yuck.


    I still play more red than blue, but some days I just can't find the fun.


    Edit:  The posters below are correct.  Somehow I forgot that Fortunatas and Night Widows are separate.  I was thinking they had psy damage and the smoke bombs on the same enemy.

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  12. Before I run this past the suggestion forum, I thought I should ask here.  Do the beast heads on look  very small on females?  Also, the are the beast legs on females a little too jerboa-esque?  The proportions seem wrong to me.  Chime in if the male animal parts are bad as well.  I don't play male/huge characters.

  13. Is it possible to have toggle effects remain on in the power customization window?  Specifically, I would like to be able to see how all the toggles look together.  It's difficult for me to choose colors for melee armor toggles that don't make my character an eyesore when used together.

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