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Posts posted by Cix

  1. 2 hours ago, Iconic Simulation said:

    Just incredible the difference Im seeing with this game. Im actually from DCUO, and just starting to get into CoH. On DCUO when many names were released from a server merge people snatched them up to then later resell. 

    Back in the NCSoft days, the Virtue server name thread was mostly free names and some for trade.  Often someone would see a name they wanted when they weren't at their computer.  They would ask in the thread and someone would make a character with that name, and delete it when the person could get back to the game.  I never saw anyone take the name for themselves.  I always thought it was super cool people would help each other like that. 


    Nostalgia aside, I released the name Helltouched last night.

    • Like 2
  2. I've run face-first into the Villain side level band where there are Elite Bosses with the Purple Triangles around every corner (late twenties-mid thirties).  I wanted to refresh my memory on how to handle them.


    Is the general advice still to pop a bunch of purple and red inspirations and try to blitz them?  I read somewhere here recently that immobilizes can keep Elite Bosses and to a certain extent Archvillains from directly chewing on my face.  Is that accurate?


    Super mega bonus question: how the heck does my hero-side Earth/Earth dominator take down Protean?  My animations are so slow that once the power drain warning is given, it's already too late.  I also have exactly two ranged powers.  Anyone know what the cooldown is on the power drain?  Maybe I can hop in and out of melee before he starts it.  For stubborn pride reasons, I'd like to take him down before the buffs that are currently on the Beta server.

  3. One of my 50s back on live was DB/En.  Here I have an Elec/Regen who does pretty well, a Broadsword/WP that's kinda meh, and a Nin/Bio that feels ridiculously easy compared to my other characters.  I do play a lot of dominators, though.

  4. 9 hours ago, Cherubael said:

    My solution would be more radical: Remove TOs/DOs/SOs/non-attuned basic IOs from the game, sell attuned basic IOs at vendors for a cost low enough that a new character can afford them (while levelling on basic xp settings). This means that an enhancement would scale and be relevant for the rest of that character's career (until you choose to get into set IOs).


    Keep the IO crafting system for set IOs only.

    I think this is a really good idea.  The enhancement treadmill is stale.


    This does cause problems with crafter rewards and badges, though.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I was thinking this last night.  Logos on the back are a cultural staple (Cobra Kai, anyone?).  I haven't really found any use for the tiny lapel logos, but options should ideally be added and not removed.


    On the issue of logos, I would like some inverted pentagram options.  I understand wanting to avoid religious controversy, but Baphomet iconography is part of the Hellions' kit.  It wouldn't be adding the symbol so much as potentially making it more common.  Plus the devs here have to worry less about public backlash.

  6. I play and have played a lot masterminds.  I swear the pets have personalities.


    My first villain on live, right after launch, was Necro/Poison.  The third zombie was suicidal, he would run into combat face first while his brothers puked from a distance.  The second grave knight was a coward.  He refused to melee unless I /goto'd him.  The lich just hated me.


    My current Beasts/Nature mastermind's second howler wolf has separation anxiety.  He stays right beside me until I tell him to attack, and returns as soon as that specific enemy is down, never joining the others in chewing on the next enemy.


    My Mercs/Thermal's first Spec Ops is just a moron.  "How do stairs work?  You wanted me to go up to this guy and stare at him, right? etc."


    Of course, I keep them on tight metaphorical leashes via numpad keybinds, but they still seem to have their quirks.

  7. Back in the day, there was a huge thread for this kind of thing on Virtue.  I kinda hope it becomes a thing here, too.


    I have released two: Necrodancer and Stormy Knight.

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