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  1. I noticed a while back that if I pulled Catalysts from the SG Base Storage, and upgraded while in the base, that every upgrade seemed to consume 2 catalysts, but the extra catalyst ended up back in the salvage storage bin. So you're not losing anything, but it is a nuisance.
  2. These in particular are not very fun. Thank you for taking time to address these bugs.
  3. @PixelPower Melody Starlight: Psy/Em blaster Skeedaddle: Ice/Plant blaster Skeedoodle: Emp/Water defender Skeediddle: Mind/Dark dom (should be ready by Sunday) Edit: dom won't be ready by Sunday. :)
  4. 8, 11, 12, 14, 17
  5. /bind 1, "powexec_slot 1$$option_set noXp 1" /bind 2, "powexec_slot 2$$option_set noXp 0" /bind 3, "powexec_slot 3$$option_set noXp 1" /bind 4, "powexec_slot 4$$option_set noXp 0" /bind 5, "powexec_slot 5$$option_set noXp 1" /bind 6, "powexec_slot 6$$option_set noXp 0" /bind 7, "powexec_slot 7$$option_set noXp 1" /bind 8, "powexec_slot 8$$option_set noXp 0" /bind 9, "powexec_slot 9$$option_set noXp 1" /bind 0, "powexec_slot 10$$option_set noXp 0" Should cut your XP gain roughly in half, unless you're one o' them clickers.
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