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Everything posted by Eidolor

  1. If you buy an enhancement from the auction house that you happen to be selling, you can buy it. The number of selling will drop and it’ll be removed from the tab, you’ll pay and get it in bought but it won’t list in sold and you won’t get your money. Only been able to replicate with attuned IOs. Haven’t had any luck selling to myself when already bidding either. Don’t be a scrub like me! Remember what you have posted and cancel it!
  2. I think the hardest part is finding them, but after that’s done it could be as easy as copy, paste, rename. Lemme know how it goes, I’ll start messing with fx too soon
  3. Yeah I saw them enemies and since beginning this have a newfound respect for the volunteer devs and mods, the coding in coh is wild so all their recent work is just breathtaking. Either way either we or they will crack these, but making a ui is way beyond me
  4. Was it just a matter of matching with something compatible or did you have to swap something else too?
  5. I’m grateful for the list even with gaps, still looking through sounds on and off for provoke, cross punch and 6 shot burst and a couple of them might share names with animations that prove difficult to pin down. Tacked it onto the op in resources for others starting. Was a real slap to the taint to learn I’d tried dozens under my botched pathing, then got all the anims I needed within 10m soon as sai cleared me up. Still kinda butthurt Trying to crack spawning objects in hand and locate hench models now (afraid they and their appearances are scattered all around in chunks)
  6. Wonder if it could be a clash with fx from stage1 then
  7. I did see ninja runs with generic _weapon and specific _dualpistol etc but I don’t know if normal sprints have one
  8. Sure as shit that’s it, I can reproduce! Cross punch is brawling_sweep_cross Provoke is combat_comehere Storm kick wasn’t roundhouse, windmill, launch or any of the leap/jump/spin/kicks I tried. Maybe it’s broken into parts for the jump and an air for the attack but something should’ve shown some kinda change if any of them were right
  9. Would you post a pic of your directory so I can check my path? Are you extracting folders from the pigg viewer then dragging the replacement .anim into your directory location and renaming them the file to be replaced?
  10. I’ll welcome clear and direct guides on modding, tools to see pathing or making it a game feature, all I need are cute unded bebbies and pewpew to be happy wdit: and booze edit edit: and meat
  11. I’ll give that a whack for now, not having any luck with anims I gotta be messing something fundamental up
  12. How do we change hench models?
  13. Oh hell yeah good on you! I’ll try them with the one you got to stick
  14. I feel you, been doing the same for provoke and cross punch but some of the .anims don’t use the same name, since dragon kicks in the martial arts pool though i think all of them should be prefaced with MA_ like MA_sweepkick, MA_shadowkick, MA_stunkick, MA_ironkick or MA_kick But there could be other parts of the animation using different names or something else getting in the way of it showing even if we happen to get the right one Also be careful to use the right male, fem or huge versions
  15. Dragons Tail should be one with the MA_ prefix
  16. You absolute angel! Being able to see anything they’re using will be a huge help! I don’t know the first thing about coding but if there’s anything I can do just let me know And no worries Bopp that’s perfectly on-topic
  17. We’re probably just missing a few things
  18. It may be possible to mod custom henchies
  19. I've found some mastermind pet texture stuff in stage1f<texture_library<V_Mastermind_Pets for necromancy and robotics and possibly <V_ENEMIES<Mastermind for thugs and <Summon_Demons and bits scattered around various stages' V_COVs
  20. I’d be thrilled to swap one pools models with another. My necro needs a lich in demon prince’s skin
  21. Not enjoying the taste of this dead end, but on the bright side I don’t know the bare minimum for making a change show
  22. It might, I have no idea what all is used for each attack but the anim, vfx and sfx for one might be a good start but there could be multiple of each and other parts attached to a single power and I don’t know of any way to see everything used
  23. Some are broken up into multiple parts, maybe they’re getting overwritten by sfx Tried to search animlists.bin for them, taunt was the only word there and was near threat so I tried everything with threat in it too. If y’all happen to notice anything for henchmen appearances lemme know. I’m afraid they may be in chunks too though
  24. Presence’s provoke and fighting’s cross punch, I’ve tried just about everything with the words taunt, cross, punch and brawl with a couple replacements so idk if I’ve messed something up with my directories or if the pool powers are somewhere else or if like spctr said something else botches attacks
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