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I'm on a Mac with an extended keyboard, and am finding that keymapping doesn't distinguish between the numpad (which I prefer to use for movement) and the row of numbers (which I use for attacks). Is this problem unique to me and, if not, can anyone suggest a workaround?


Thanks a bazillion!


NUMPAD0 to NUMPAD9: 0-9 on the Numpad

NUMLOCK: Num Lock key

DIVIDE: / key on the Numpad

MULTIPLY: * key on the Numpad

SUBTRACT: - key on the Numpad

ADD: + key on the Numpad

NUMPADENTER: Enter key on the Numpad


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


NUMPAD0 to NUMPAD9: 0-9 on the Numpad

NUMLOCK: Num Lock key

DIVIDE: / key on the Numpad

MULTIPLY: * key on the Numpad

SUBTRACT: - key on the Numpad

ADD: + key on the Numpad

NUMPADENTER: Enter key on the Numpad


Thanks, Red -- the issue is that I don't knoe where to enter those parameters; the in-game editor doesn't distinguish NUMPAD from regular numbers. And of course, this being a Mac, it's unclear where the binds are saved. How do I make edit the Bind file, either through te game interface or otherwise?


What I always did was on a designated character go into the keybind editing section of the in-game UI ... reset all of the keybinds to default ... and then commanded the game to export the default keybinds to a text file for me.  I could then go into that text file and edit everything (to be the way I wanted stuff by default for ALL of my characters) as a default starting point.  I would then make "keybind modifier" files for each of my characters to add on their special keybinds relevant to each one (Mastermind and Kheldian had multiple files for all of this).  That then let me "reload" everything from saved text files until I got everything working JUST SO™ and I was happy with them.


Looking at the export of the default keybinds text file will be a great primer on figuring out how to edit up the bind files.  You then just use /bindloadfile {path to txt file} in order to load the file into the character.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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