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European server


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Playing already on Halcyon and plan to stay there, and I am from the EU.


And how does this divide the community? It doesn't matter where the Server is located, it stays like it is now. It's just a normal Server in the Serverlist.

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I moved to Halycon the other day but I live in the southern part of middle US and am worried about lagging on that server when it moves, I was just starting to make myself at home too.

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Wait- is Halcyon going to remain located in the EU or something?

EDIT: Ok, I read the announcement- that's actually pretty cool! :D



Honestly, I'm not planning on moving from Torchbearer. I'm starting to get to know people there and and unless performance tanks dramatically after the move, I don't think it will change my mind.

Pink Champagne (Emp/Rad)

Guide of Misguidance (Dark/Regen)

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Tough call this one. I'm in the UK, started out on Excelsior. I could move but I think I'll wait and see if the population of Halycon in the EU and the latency once Excelsior has moved to Canada makes it worthwhile.

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Tough call this one. I'm in the UK, started out on Excelsior. I could move but I think I'll wait and see if the population of Halycon in the EU and the latency once Excelsior has moved to Canada makes it worthwhile.

Yeah even being in the UK I'm quite taken with Excelsior now. I think the only thing that would make me move is if a bunch of regular teammates all decided to move too :)

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