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Tanker: Secondary: Street Justice: Knockback-Knockdown issues

Squid Vicious

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1.  The description narrative for Tanker power:  Sweeping Cross in the Street Justice:  Secondary power set reads:  "At combo level 3, Sweeping Cross will also have a chance to knock down the affected targets.   But the 'detailed info' screen (in the Enhancement Management screen) shows this power has a "40% chance of a 0.67 magnitude Knockback (KB) on target".   So which behavior is intended?   The power actually KBs the target.   I think it should knock DOWN the target per description and the enh detailed information screen should be updated to reflect description and requested behavior.


2.  Also - whether you decide it should be KB or KD, there is no way to change current KB behavior to Knockdown (KD) (via the Sudden Acceleration enh, etc.) AND there's no way to enhance the KB characteristic via KB enhancements.


3.  Similarly, the Tanker Secondary power Spinning Strike indicates KD in description; but indicates KB in detailed info.  Power currently has varying percentage chance to KB the target (depending on combo level).  I think it should knock DOWN the target per description and the enh detailed information screen should be updated to reflect description and requested behavior.


4.  Finally, while the description for the Tanker Secondary power Heavy Blow is consistent with the detailed info screen information, if changes are made to make powers in 1- 3 above to KD instead of KB, Heavy Blow should be changed to reflect KD behavior as well.



Edited by Squid Vicious
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Knockback with magnitude lower than 1 is knockdown. The only times you'll see sweeping cross or spinning strike do knockback instead is if you use them on enemies I think two or more levels below you, in which case the level difference results in the magnitude being higher and thus enough to do knockback, or if you put a knockdown proc in them and both the proc and the power's normal effect trigger on the same enemy, in which case the two effects combine to produce a magnitude high enough for knockback instead. Similarly, other powers meant to do knockback can end up doing knockdown on higher level enemies for the same reason of being scaled down by the level difference.


If you look at other powers that do knockdown, you'll see they all actually do 0.67 magnitude knockback. Knockdown as a seperate explicit effect does not actually exist, though I'll admit the power descriptions could be clearer on that. Regardless, none of this is a bug.

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On 10/14/2019 at 2:06 PM, General Idiot said:

Knockback with magnitude lower than 1 is knockdown. The only times you'll see sweeping cross or spinning strike do knockback instead is if you use them on enemies I think two or more levels below you, in which case the level difference results in the magnitude being higher and thus enough to do knockback, or if you put a knockdown proc in them and both the proc and the power's normal effect trigger on the same enemy, in which case the two effects combine to produce a magnitude high enough for knockback instead. Similarly, other powers meant to do knockback can end up doing knockdown on higher level enemies for the same reason of being scaled down by the level difference.


If you look at other powers that do knockdown, you'll see they all actually do 0.67 magnitude knockback. Knockdown as a seperate explicit effect does not actually exist, though I'll admit the power descriptions could be clearer on that. Regardless, none of this is a bug.

Thanks for this.   Interesting.   So KD is really just KB-lite and level differences affect magnitude of the KB.   That's a reasonable explanation.   Descriptions are inconsistent still.


You've glossed right over point 2. above, however.    I should be able to suppress or enhance the magnitude of the KB on ANY power that actually KBs with KB enhancement IO sets.   All the powers (with KB) in Street Fighting power set accept KB enhancements EXCEPT Sweeping Cross.  That's not a bug?



Edited by Squid Vicious
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