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New to Dominators: elec/elec idiot questions


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My favourite ATs are all the hybrid ones and the more hybrid the better. Fortunata is my favourite, but I've got to the point where my plucky little widower is so overpowered nothing poses a challenge any more. Peacebringers are fun, but I've been there and done that. 


Dominators have melee, range and control, so that's varied enough to keep me happy. I rolled an elec/elec dom yesterday and he's fun, but I have some idiot questions. I don't want a build, as I enjoy making them myself, but some pointers would be nice.


  1. For perma-dom glory, it looks like I can get Hasten high enough to be auto-able and then bind W as forward+Domination... does that work or would I be spammed with "this power has not recharged" messages whenever I move?
  2. Speaking of which, do I basically just go all-in on IO sets with recharge bonuses until I cross the permadom threshold (with some margin of error)?
  3. Building up defences... fortunatas are basically dominators that traded out the higher mezz magnitude for lots of survivability. Like, "will outlive you all" or "can tank AVs" survivability. My dominator feels wafer-thin by comparison. Obviously, I'll play around with builds and bonuses a bit, but am I resigning myself to Tough and Weave for the bulk of my non-mez survival? So far, standing round corners after immobilising everyone has been my primary way of staying alive. How do things like Combat Jumping and Maneuvers scale on a dominator?
  4. It looks like I have a lot of attacks and control attacks... should I just pick the greatest hits or go all in? I want a solid melee and solid zap zap chain if possible. 
  5. Any easily overlooked powers in elec/elec? Conductive Aura is less powerful than I was expecting at giving me more endurance, but it's an amazing defensive power as it wipes endurance out. 
  6. I, under most circumstances, find pets an annoyance, but it looks like I've got two to work with now. How are gremlins? How is Voltaic Sentinel? 
  7. I'll probably go Mu because I like themed sets and Surge of Power looks like a good dumping ground for the special effect Resistance IOs while having a DoT AoE is a useful way of finishing enemies off. Yay or nay? 


Thank you - any advice is welcome. 

Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
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1: I actually do it the other way around and have hasten bound to forward.(personal preference)

2: I normaly aim for 160% ish (with hasten) it gives a margin for error.

3: You can soft cap def quite east and i find i don't have to (or want to) pick maneuvers. My current earth/elec is capped and is unstoppable with just weave/scorpian shield and set bonuses.

4: I use Zapp quite alot even in combat as it's solid damage but with the recharge i have, my main chain is just charged brawl+havoc punch+thunder strike all day long.Your range damage is weaker with charged bolts/lighting bolts.

5: I tested alittle and it seems the general thought is the regen is worth it but you don't get much end from conductive aura. 2 health 1 end i see is popular.

Jolting chain i tested and seems like a fun power.And i found it usefull for the KD and if you slot a force feedback +Rech it's a burst of Rech.I see some ppl slot dmg procs also which is another option.

6: They are weaker than most melee pets so you might want those resist bonus aura's. Also don't let anyone give them speedboost..They get cocky and act like jerks 🙂

Voltaic sentinel is short lived and un-controlable but good extra dmg.

7: Surge of power is a last ditch attempt power only giving you high resistance for a short time then draining all your end and leaving you unable to recover end for some time after.I skip powers like that..But you should pick up Power Sink, it's awesome with elec/elec. You'll end up draining bosses and EB's. pick it and love it.


Edited by Chelsea Rorec
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