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5 hours ago, Chelsea Rorec said:

Prior to set bonuses, doms objectively struggle with:

- hitting +lvl enemies/debuffers as they largely lack tohit buffs

I've never had a problem with this as i often take Buildup in its many forms

- being slot starved as both primary and secondary are fairly demanding

True for any AT i guess

- endurance management as controls are costly and high rech/ds attacks chew through end

The only time i have had this issues was with Earth assault

- lack of full time mez protection

True for any AT that is not a scrapper or tank etc

- attack chain flow  seeing as many assault sets are clunky until their lvl 38 power

Again i've not had an issues before lvl 38. I normally have atleast 3 attacks prior to lvl 38

- encouraged to fight in melee range without armor/hp/mez protection

Dom can do range or melee and have a good mix of attacks on 'most' power sets.

- lack of burst damage

Holds/mez means i've never needed burst damage and in those times when i have needed more damage then chewing red insps has solved most issues.

- limited access to sustain powers

Not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean a constant holds you could cast ? as no Dom really has that.

- lack of aoe damage prior to epics, but no shortage of aoe aggro potential

Most Doms get 1 AoE and are not reguarded as AoE monsters and even with epics i would not considered them AoE gods. I mainly stick to the single target attacks with the odd AoE thrown in. And honestly if you are not managing agro then you are doing something wrong.

Neat, but you might be confusing "objectively" with "subjectively"

6 assault sets have no tohit buffs, 5 do. Compare that to any other AT that "attacks" like sentinels, blasters, scrappers, stalkers, brutes...

compare that to the AT's that use their secondaries to attack (tanks and blasters).

- power up probably should have some tohit buff, but at that point the "aim/bu" powers should probably be given some of power ups benefits.


The rest of your counters follow a similar pattern. 



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