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For Assault Rifle the critical powers you want are Burst, Slug, Buckshot, Flamethrower and Full Auto, you want to grab all five, no question. As for the other powers, M30 is an extra AoE, it's nice to have but if you're going to skip an AoE it's the most skippable. Sniper Rifle is great for filling in your single target attack chain if you can get the fast-snipe, the problem is that except for Devices blasters getting this up all the time requires you to overslot Tactics and add a Kismet proc which you may not want to do, so Sniper Rifle is debatable. Ignite is another option for single target damage, the main issue with that is that the cast time is really long and you really need an immobilize to keep the target stationary which Temporal Manipulation doesn't have. Bean Bag is a pretty standard blast set mez, but Time Stop is better so I'd take that instead if you want a single target mez.


For Temporal Manipulation I've not played the set so I'm just going off numbers but here's my thoughts. Temporal Healing and Time Lord are essential, the first is your sustain power so it's a large chunk of your survivability while the second is a free 20% recharge so what's not to like? Chronos is just a Build Up clone so it's good for buffing your Flamethrower and Full Auto. Assault Rifle is short on single target damage so it's probably worth picking up at least one of the melee attacks to help out there, I'd lean towards Future Pain since it hits harder and has some control but Ageing Touch is also fine. End of Time is probably skippable, it's not bad but Assault Rifle already has a lot of AoE damage so you don't really need more. Time Shift is nice, not many blasters get AoE mez abilities, it's actually an argument in favor of Bean Bag since you can AoE mez the minions and then stack Bean Bag on the boss to mez him. Time Stop is a pretty standard blaster mez, it's slightly better thna most though, especially when combined with Time Wall.

Defender Smash!

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