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Something I've always wanted was a special power (maybe an accolade or something) that would let you, once a day, bring along a toon from my account on a mission as an NPC. Foe example, two of my toons are Abe and Abbi Kadabra, who are, in the backstory I created for them, married. Wouldn't it be amazing if they could actually fight side by side? 


I've also always  wanted something I think Champions Online might've had, and that's the ability to have a villain from my account occasionally interfere in my hero's mission, and vice-versa.


I don't know if any of these things are even possible, but I figured I'd put it out there. Thanks for reading!


2nd accounts and AE arcs are an OK placeholder for this.
I have a lot of characters who have sidekicks and rivals, and sometimes I just wanna see 'em on the same screen.

It's kinda nice to log on at a low-traffic time and have your alt-account set to follow (flight works best to clear obstacles) and auto-heal and run leadership.
I've also made AE arcs to highlight certain events in my characters timelines, but you can't really expect anyone in AE to use it the way it was intended, now can you?

I drawed things:

Gallery of my CoH Pantheon

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