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Not sure if possible to do with missions


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I got the  'SF convention' mission from Steven Sheridan. At least it's been fixed to not send you to Crey's Folly every time, but it still turns the mission label to "Defeat all villains in building" as soon as you accept it. Now, we know it's not going to play out that way when you get the mission, but it would be nice for immersion's sake to have it not give itself away the moment you accept it, and show up in your mission list as "appear at science fiction convention" until you actually enter the mission. I don't know if it's possible to do this, but it would be a nice thing to have.


Also, it would be nice if rescued hostages would run off out of the map, rather than deeper into it, but it's probably too complex to make them aware of which is the 'down' elevator, or the mission door if it's the first or only floor, and send them that way. It feels off when you rescue a hostage, and they run in toward the uncleared part of the map.

Edited by srmalloy
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