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2 hours ago, Captain Powerhouse said:


There is no change in pulse rate.

An Auto Hit aura will auto-hit taunt, an aura that has a tohit check will still need the ToHit check.

Minor note on that, though: Taunting AVs (and any "RaidTarget") has never been AutoHit, even on AutoHit powers. All these Inherent Taunt attributes have always had an extra ToHit roll check against AVs that have a -20% penalty.


Thanks (I originally typed "Tanks" which would have been kind of appropriate)!  And again, thank you for your responsiveness and work.


Chiming in to echo the “play a tank you like” choice. There is no tank that can’t be made very durable, some may have a theoretical advantage in X situation but 

A: your team is usually a bigger factor in that situation than your powerset choice, 

B: there is probably a Y situation where your set is better, and 

😄 if the difference is big enough to cause issues using some inspirations will cover the gap.


Just experiment with your powers while leveling/getting a feel for the character. Find the ones you like and the ones you don’t, you get a few free respecs and it’s not particularly difficult to get more. There’s also the alternate build thing but that takes more investment.

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