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suicidal arsonist

Scarlet Shocker

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I was playing my Thugs/Dark (aka The Goons of Gloom) last night and I noticed that the Arsonist seems to have a propensity for committing ritual suicide almost every single encounter. He just runs into mobs with complete disregard for his safety, maybe getting to lob one Molotov at them and then he's gone, wrecked by his own hubris. My other two thugs seem relatively sensible in comparison, and stay back wielding their pistols well.


I know this was patched just recently but this does seem to be aberrant behaviour, what's the best way to prevent him doing that?



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4 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

what's the best way to prevent him doing that?

Until you get the rest of the Goonies Squad and upgrade powers to give others in said Squad some AoE powers of their own and some of the other CC/Debuff powers from /Dark you might as well think of it as a ritual sacrifice to appease the Dark Gods

Edited by Seigmoraig
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7 minutes ago, Scarlet Shocker said:

how does that prevent him from running in to facetank the enemy which is what he seems to be doing now?

The reason he gets facerolled so bad right now is because he is likely the only guy on your squad that has any AoE ability. Once you get your Enforcers spamming their Uzi cones and your Bruiser Foot Stomping it won't be nearly as bad

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