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Using Cast-Time Abilities During Flight Slowdown


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If you use a cast-time ability while you're coming to a stop during flight (in my case, when I use Zapp as a corruptor during Mystic Flight), the ability won't cast, but you will still consume your energy without putting the ability on cooldown. This can result in a loss of all of your energy if you spam the cast-time ability while you're coming to a stop.


Edit: For me, you have to be targeted on an enemy for it to happen.

Edited by Kalthea
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Zapp, as a Snipe, has an Interrupt Time on it.

Movement or damage while in the Interrupt time period will cancel the power AFTER having spent endurance on initiating it.


Working As Intentionally Designed.


Simply stop moving before using Zapp.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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12 hours ago, Redlynne said:

Movement or damage while in the Interrupt time period will cancel the power AFTER having spent endurance on initiating it.

Note that having an NPC walk/run into you and push you around, or another player coming through a door and pushing you, counts as you moving for purposes of interrupting your snipe.

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1 hour ago, Kalthea said:

The reason i find this confusing is because it doesn't put the ability on cooldown, and instead lets me spam it and drain all of my energy.

So does Aid Self under the same conditions.


Working As Intentionally Designed.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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16 hours ago, Kalthea said:

The reason i find this confusing is because it doesn't put the ability on cooldown, and instead lets me spam it and drain all of my energy.

The End cost is assessed when you trigger the power; the power goes on cooldown once it fires off at the end of the animation. If it is interrupted before the animation completes, the power doesn't fire, so it doesn't go into cooldown.

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