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Question for devs re. Reshade

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I would like to play around with Reshade in CoH, and particularly with the recently-developed ray tracing filter.  But I understand that things like AO, ray tracing, etc., need access to the depth buffer, which type of access I gather can (in theory at least) be used for cheating hacks, which could be a huge problem in multiplayer PvP games. Which is why in the official version of Reshade, heavy network traffic detected by Reshade itself switches off Reshade's access to the depth buffer, so that you can use Reshade, but not any of its filters that use the z-buffer.  Which is understandable from Crosire's - Reshade's developer's - point of view - it's not so much that he's worried about hacks, because as far as people who want to cheat are concerned, if they want to cheat they'll find a way, and it's up to devs to sort all that out; rather, it's that he doesn't want people innocently using Reshade to get into trouble with devs accidentally.


However, there is a version of Reshade that's been hacked to use the z-buffer with Warframe (which is a PvE multiplayer game), and it's allowed by the devs there.  So I was wondering if it would be possible (in the sense of allowed by you guys) to use that in CoH?  I really, REALLY want to see what magic the ray tracing filter does 🙂 (it's pretty amazing, like a much better and smarter version of AO, makes things subtly more real-seeming).

Edited by gurugeorge
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