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Nova Tether Lives!


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So, it seems in most zones the Kheldian "Nova tether" is long gone. (If you don't know what I mean, it's a ... beam... that just stretches off to some unknown point when you're in Nova form, PB or WS.)


However, I've started noticing it again - but only in very specific times. Today, it was during a Dilemma Diabolique trial, and a Hami raid.


Going into Eden outside of a raid and going into nova just now though, even with attacking something... no tether.


So, not sure what's happening to *cause* it exactly, but... it's still there, sometimes. Obviously not something major, it doesn't affect gameplay at all, just graphical weirdness.


(I'd also tried a zone with and without "supernatural events" going on... didn't see it there.)

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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I'm not sure what all does it. I was thinking some sort of environmental change, thus testing the halloween vs non halloween "skies" of the zones. Next hami raid I have to remember to pop out of the blob and see if I still see it - I want to say I do when chasing hami buds. But I can't swear to it.

Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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