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I am a comic book writer and made my main character "FireFly" in game, I made him a Staff/Bio Armor scrapper, because that's what his power set would translate to: Howver in game I wanna make him effective yet close to his concept and need help fromthose who are good at build to possibly break down his real life set and translate it over...I know strange request but it would make me feel so much more immersed in the game. here is his power from his profile! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.



His abilities include the ability to wall crawl enabling him to cling to most surfaces.  Being that his supernatural state stems from him having  being born with enhanced DNA of not only a firefly  but also that of the Gerridae insect family, he like the Gerrids who distinguish themselves by having the unique ability to walk on water. Gerridae, or “water striders”, are anatomically built to transfer their weight to be able to run on top of the water’s surface; this would explain why he is so slender and light weight. He can also produce a chitinous “skin” or shell that protects him from certain forms or harm and even radiation and extreme temperatures. The ability to detect nearby danger with his “radar” within a 100 ft radius around him, enabling him to actually pinpoint the source of impending danger within this range. He also posses enhanced insect like speed, agility, alertness, and flexibility. His main ability comes from the ability to produce the unique firefly bio luminescence due to a chemical reaction that occurs in specialized light-emitting organ that developed in his body. The organ that usually appears on the lower abdomen of regular fireflies developed its self within his neck this causes him to produce the enzyme luciferase which acts on the luciferin in this organ to stimulate light emission, which is emitted from his eyes. He can use this ‘light’ in many ways; He is able to make his eyes or any part of his body flash, glow or pulse with a greenish yellow color enabling him to have a slight intimidation factor over his opponents.  He also passively absorbs sunlight, this converts not only into what it normally does for humans the process of making vitamin D, but it stores itself in his hybrid cells as extra energy boosting his metabolism, immune and nervous systems. The cells in which this energy is stored also function as batteries to power his ability to release a “bio-beam” a concentrated combination of solar and bio luminescent energy and low grade thermal radiation.  He is granted perfect night vision able to see in the dark as if it were daylight. The ability to see as an insect would by using the ultra violet spectrum; in addition to this he can also see infra red beams such as those of security lasers, gun scopes and many other devices.


I am not versed in how to build builds, back  in the day it was one of the things I avoided because it felt tryhardy, now a days as Ive played other games and have gotten in build like games, coming back it something I wanna do this time around. I ask for those who know how to share knowledge or at least a road map because I am not verse or knowledgeable of them.

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