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Macros can help a lot with effectively stringing together attack chains regardless of form.

For instance, to help pull off double mire more easily (and quickly) I typically enter the mob in dwarf, trigger dwarf mire and queue up the following bind immediately after activating dwarf mire, in order to trigger sunless mire.

The bind:
/bind alt+e "powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff dark nova$$powexec_name sunless mire"

If you're more mouse dominant you could make a macro instead:
/macro MIRE "powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff dark nova$$powexec_name sunless mire"

Since dwarf mire is so quick, with this bind it will almost seem like the two mires go off simultaneously.

After sunless is finished I'll jump back, pop into Nova using another bind and cycle aoes, entering melee again briefly to Dwarf Mire again on cooldown.

For single targets at range, I usually cycle Nova Ebon Eye and Dark Nova Blast, throwing in Dark Nova Emanation if I need a filler.
Post 50 with a flushed out build, my attack chains usually get much more complicated and macro/bind heavy.

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