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Perma-Dom Hasten Slotting Advice


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Greetings fellow dominators.   


It has been 8 long years, but I did it.  I rebuilt my Plant/Fire, Napalm Blossom, leveled her (all the way to 48), and last night on an ITF, I got to re-experience the beauty of Perma-dom.


I'm  currently sitting at 152.5% global recharge (with hasten up).  At 48,  I have no purples slotted, but I have 4 LOTGs, hasten (3 slotted with 25ish IOs), a mix of Basilisks Gaze, posi's blast and some others for the global recharge boost.


It seems the conventional wisdom is to go from 3 slotted Hasten down to 2 slots (with lvl 50 IOs).  Do I have this right?  


Thanks in advance for any advice!

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With over ~128% global recharge in set bonuses you can achieve permadom without hasten, and at that level of recharge you can drop slots from hasten. Always +5 your recharge IOs in hasten. My dom sits at 135% global recharge which puts hasten at just over 5 seconds downtime (and unneeded to be perma) with it's single baseslot. You can get another 30% recharge from basebuffs with 2 pieces of common salvage for perma hasten with baseslot.

Currently on fire.

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