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Co-Op Lower Level Zones?


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Hello all!


I had a little bit of an idea, it was maybe (for new content) to create a few co-op zones if/when the devs ever get the resources to do so. There are a few level 50 co-op zones, but none that really exist in the 10-35 range. I think possibly introducing some new "island monster" maps or areas of great threats nationally in other zones that would be of interest to Recluse and the Freedom Phalanx to intervene. This could possibly foster new task force opportunities and content for both sides, and allow you to play redside a little bit more leisurely rather than be stricted to villain-only areas for a large portion unable to team up with the vast majority of heroic friends. 


Possibly even have higher level task forces in these same areas for more 50+ content and special enemy interest groups/factions. Just an idea, I think redside is lacking a bit in content and is a bit neglected, and there is some desire around for a co-op zone, although it isn't true "red-side content" it would serve as some additional new leveling and teaming opportunities with larger audiences!



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Below level 20, there's also the goldside issue that's hard to work around without breaking lore.  Also, every zone is co-op, if you're willing to move even slightly from the default alignments. (I know it doesn't fit for some characters, but it does fit blueside with the contemporary tendency toward deconstructing heroes.)


That being said, Kallisti Wharf might be a good place to add content, since it's already co-op and there's nothing there.  The only things going on there now are Market Crash and costume contests, so the zone could use some life.

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