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Assault AT suggestion

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The idea of the assault AT is a combination of the Masterminds’ pets powersets and the Dominators’ Assault secondary powersets. It functions as a high DPS AT that has some tankemind applications.

Mechanically, the passive ability (which I’ve named overwhelm in my head) is a combination of the brutes and dominators passive. Essentially, the idea is that as the pets deal and take damage a meter will fill. Once the meter is at 90%, the ability can be activated granting double damage and increased aggro for pets for a period of 30 seconds


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Unfinished, and I might never finish it. Here's my ideas on this Archetype so far;

The Marshal 
An Archetype that uses Assault as their Primary power set choice and Pet Mastery as their Secondary power set choice. This pet mastery is similar, but not identical to Masterminds Henchmen.


Primary sets are largely unchanged from Dominator versions. Any sets that have a generic ‘Power Up’ power should be replaced by Build Up. Replace any ‘Snipe’ power with solid utility power; soft control or good debuff, or similar. If sets need tweaking on a set-by-set basis to bring them more in line with the capacity of this new Archetype then that’s no problem. The intent is to have a suite of both melee and ranged attacks with integrated in-set support like Build Up and in-set utility/soft control. 


The Secondary sets are heavily tweaked from their Mastermind incarnation, entirely removing the personal attacks and replacing them with limited personal defence powers. This will be described in greater detail, below. One crucial difference is that the ‘Henchmen’ you summon are not permanent summons like the Mastermind, but rather only last for a limited time. They use Pet modifiers for level and damage scale, rather than Mastermind Henchmen versions.


Summoning Pets will cause any currently active iterations of your pets to be replaced with new versions. You can’t “stack” pet summons.


Inherent: “Strength in Numbers”
While active, your T1 pets grant you resistances or defence (based on set theme) at 7.5% RES per Henchman, or 4.25% DEF per henchman. S/L as standard + 1 other (based on set type if possible)
While active, your T2 pets grant you protection against sleep, hold, immob, disorient & knockback at Mag2 per henchman.
While active, your T3 pet grants you increased regeneration (100%) and recovery (100%), as well as an increase to your maximum HP pool (30%).

All these effects are unenhancable.

As a Marshal, you do not get the effect of Bodyguard mode (the Mastermind’s ability to share damage taken between his or her Pet). You retain the Mastermind’s Stance commands and Pet movement commands; Aggressive, Defensive, Passive, and Attack my Target, Follow, Stay, Go To.


Pet Mastery rework template:


  • Personal Defence (S/L)

Level 1
Toggle. Increases your S/L resistance or defence (11.25% -or- 7.5%), and also grants a minor thematic resistance to either Energy, NegEnergy, Fire, Cold or Toxic (3.5%). Additionally it could also minorly increase debuff resistances according to theme.
Remember, your total Resistance/Defence values are increased by your T1 Pet’s proximity.


  • Summon Pet [Minion] (up to 3). Minor Resists/Defence

Level 2
Summon one to three Pets depending on your level. These Pets are focused on dealing moderate amounts of damage to your enemies, as well as minor debuffs with their attacks (such as minor -DEF). 
Enhanceable with Pet Damage IO Sets, Universal Damage, Accuracy and any secondary effects that the pets use for their powers.
May also be enhanced with Recharge Reduction and Endurance Reduction, though this affects the Summon Pet power, rather than the Pet’s own powers. This is true of all pets the Marshal summons.
As standard the recharge of this power is slightly shorter than the total “up time” of the T1 pets. Thus, it has perfect “up time”, minus the summoning animations.

At level 2+ you may command one T1 Pet,
At level 6+ you may command up to two T1 Pets,
At level 18+ you may command up to three T1 Pets.


  • Toggle Personal Defence (Elemental)

Level 4
Cold and Fire Resistances/Defences (11.25% -or- 7.5%)
Plus secondary resistances to debuffs (such as resisting Defence Debuffs, Slows, etc) 
And/Or other miscellaneous minor buffs (such as perception, run speed, etc)
All effects enhanceable where appropriate.


  • Toggle Personal Defence (Mez Protection)

Level 10
Protection against sleep, hold, immob, disorient & knockback at Mag4. Also confers some additional mez protection for one type based on set theme, or other increases to debuff resistances, or other minor miscellaneous buffs as necessary
Remember, your total protection values are increased by your T2 Pet’s proximity.
One additional increase to one specific damage type Resistance/Defence as appropriate to set theme.


  • Summon Pet [Lieutenant] (up to 2). Moderate Resists/Defence

Level 16
Summon one to two Pets, depending on your level. These Pets are slightly tougher and carry more specialised means of dealing with your foes. They focus on support actions that either debuff your opponents or buff You and your other Pets, while dealing some damage. Their secondary effects are the real show here however. If able to mez in some capacity, then when stacked together can affect bosses. Other buffs/debuffs are corruptor-scale. Best to think of these pets as mini-Defenders. 
Can be enhanced with Pet IO Sets, Damage, Accuracy, and any secondary effects the pet has access to.
May also be enhanced with Recharge Reduction and Endurance Reduction, though this affects the Summon Pet power, rather than the Pet’s own powers. This is true of all pets the Marshal summons.
As standard the recharge of this power is (approx) 40% longer than the total “up time” of the T2 pets. Thus, it can have perfect “up time” (minus the summoning animations) when it is enhanced for recharge rate. 

At level 16+ you may summon one T2 Pet,
At level 24+ you may summon up to two T2 Pets.


  • Group Survivability / Self Buff

Level 20
PBAoE buff that focuses on increasing your team’s survivability while giving an asymmetrical buff to the Marshal. You pets count as allies for this power. As you gather more allies to you, the effects on yourself are magnified. Max 10 stacks of self buff
Example: You increase your allies’ Regeneration (125%) and Recovery (75%) around you (25’), while granting yourself a minor endurance discount and increased recharge rate based on the number of allies affected (5% EndDiscount / 5% +RechRate per ally)
Example: You increase your allies’ Resistance -or- Defence (11.25% -or- 7.5%) around you (25’), while granting yourself a minor increase in Damage and Accuracy based on the number of allies affected (7.5% +Damage / 5% +To Hit per ally)


  • Summon Pet [Boss] (1). High Resistances 

Level 28
Summons one mighty Pet! This Pet is very tough. They focus on Tanking actions with taunt and taunt aura, and high resistances/defences to damage. Their damage output is not as impressive as many Mastermind T3s.
Can be enhanced with Pet IO Sets, Resistance/Defence, Damage, Accuracy, Taunt, and any secondary effects the pet has access to.
May also be enhanced with Recharge Reduction and Endurance Reduction, though this affects the Summon Pet power, rather than the Pet’s own powers. This is true of all pets the Marshal summons.
As standard the recharge of this power is (approx) 250% longer than the total “up time” of the T3 pet. Thus, it can have perfect “up time” (minus the summoning animations) when it is enhanced for 3x recharge rate… and a moderate amount of global recharge (or hasten)


  • Unique Set “Theme” Power

Level 35
Like Masterminds this power is very tied to your particular style of pet and should have lots of flavour. Nothing micro intensive. Clicky or toggle as needed. No “extra” pets. 


  • All-For-One!

Level 38
Your T9 should be a trade-off between you and your pets. A darker mirror of your lvl 20 (T6). This in some way, “debuffs” your pets and enhances you and other teammates, personally. 

Edited by Nanolathe
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No strong opinions either way on that. Only thing that comes to mind is how people tend to complain about having to resummon things, so time up and/or recharge would have to have that in mind.

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