PvPwaP_Coordinator Posted October 28, 2020 Posted October 28, 2020 Hey guys! So many of you guys have been hearing about the exciting, new PvPwaP, otherwise known as "Player versus Player with a Purpose. A lot of people have been messaging me about what this is, what this means for the pvp community, and what they can expect for the future of pvp. These are all valid questions and I am so glad that guys have been so open and receptive to change. WHY? Tired of pvping for no reason? Trying to figure out why pvp when you could just farm or even pve? Well here it is, “Player versus Player with a Purpose.” (PvPwaP) So our events are tailored towards establishing a meaning or purpose behind PvP. Right now, if you are new to PvP and compete in oh say, a kickball event? you are likely not going to do so well and if you lose, will probably become discouraged from participating again. Our goal is to give you a reason to stay. We want to reward you, regardless if you win or lose. We want to make your time worthwhile. So instead of paying out billions to the "winners", we'd rather turn everyone into a winner and spread that wealth. In our events, at least the very first few, every participant will receive a prize. We are dividing the billions and rewarding all of our players for their hard work and effort. We appreciate you. WHO? Well what's your question? Who are we? or who are you? We are former members of the PvPEC (Player vs. Player Event Committee) who have retained our interest in the growth and development of the PvP community, while deciding to give back to said community and provide incentives that encourages it. We are currently a privately owned organization that is fully sponsored and funded by our lovely event host and his co-host. We are looking for other players who share our similar interests, who are staples in the PvP community, and who are dedicated to the growth and development of this community. Feel free to inquire about available positions after our first event. Who are you? Any player in this game who wants to learn to PvP, receive rewards, or compete in fair/fun balanced events. We are open to all and welcome anyone in the game to join us. We do not discriminate. WHAT? Great, great question. Come find out for yourself in our first event EVER Saturday, November 7th from 6-9PM. Indomitable server. We are interested in getting about 6 matches in, give or take. This will be a kickball-styled event that will reward both teams, regardless if they win or lose. We will need Captains, Target Callers, and Support players. People who step up to these tough roles will be rewarded accordingly. The winning team will receive 200mil each round (25mil/player) while the losing team will receive 1 random PvP or Purple IO. This will allow all 16 players to receive a prize every round.. but is that all? The answer is NO. There will be a MVP award as well. Every match, any player in either team may be nominated for our MVP award, or "most valuable player." That player would have displayed an amazing performance on whatever role they played. This decision will be based on a vote between the winning team's captain and the PvP event hosts. That player will receive an additional 100mil that round, on top of whatever prizes they've already won. There are currently already over billions of influence in prizes for this event. WHERE? This event will take place in Pocket D, on the Indomitable server. WHEN? This event will take place on Saturday, November 7th from 6-9PM EST. We appreciate your attendance in advance and look forward to seeing you at all of our future events. Time to start pvping with a purpose. RULES? So everyone keeps asking me "what is banned?" At this time, these are the following restrictions: Basic arena settings, NO TS/HD. small insps only. Skyway, Steel Canyon, Outbreak, Striga, Atlas maps. Alpha-only incarnate. Anyone caught using any incarnate other than alpha will not qualify for any rewards or be eligible for future event participation. E-mote canceling. We are only allowing crey pistol animation canceling at this time. Blaster's Electrified Net Arrow. Taunt. Any form of taunt, including inherent taunts. Limit one poison per team, right now there are no restrictions on dominators, but if abused they will also be limited. DISCORD? https://discord.gg/aABShDe ***DISCLAIMER*** we are in no way, shape or form affiliated with the GMs or community reps of this game. We are a privately owned organization and we sponsor our own events. You will receive rewards in the form of influence, purple or pvp IOs. We look forward to your participation in our events and appreciate both your time & effort. Thank you for your time.
PvPwaP_Coordinator Posted October 29, 2020 Author Posted October 29, 2020 Prizes update !! Due to an anonymous surprise donation (Thank you, Max!) we are adding 200mil to the prizes for each round. How will this be done? The winning team will now receive 300mil each round. The winning team's support players, target caller and team captain will now have their rewards DOUBLED 25mil before-50mil now. The losing team's 4 lead roles will receive a random purple, while the other 4 will receive a PvP IO. We are also adding another MVP reward in each match, so both team's captains will each nominate an "MVP" who will both take home an additional 100mil. That makes 500mil + 8 PvP/Purple IOs rewarded each round and a prize pool of over 3 BILLION influence and 48 unique IOs. It's time to start PvPing with a Purpose, come earn rewards in our fair and fun kickball event, instead of playing for free. #PvPwaP Saturday, Nov. 7th.
PvPwaP_Coordinator Posted November 6, 2020 Author Posted November 6, 2020 Many people have been asking, will the first world premiere “PvPwaP” kickball event still be hosted tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 7th at 6PM EST?? the answer is.. YES !! we have spent WEEKS farming up BILLIONS of influence for you guys. We encourage everyone to come out & get a piece of the pie!
Neuronia Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 This was an excellent event. Line-ups were varied, target-calling was incredible, hosting was great, no issues from what I saw. Thank you so, so much Hot. 2
Hot2 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 On 11/8/2020 at 2:25 AM, Neuronia said: This was an excellent event. Line-ups were varied, target-calling was incredible, hosting was great, no issues from what I saw. Thank you so, so much Hot. Expand Thank you so much, kara!! thanks for coming out. Check your e-mail for rewards.
PvPwaP_Coordinator Posted November 8, 2020 Author Posted November 8, 2020 Wow. I’m in shock. I don’t know where to start. But um, thank you guys so much for coming out. I cannot thank you enough. I didn’t even know that many of you even knew of me, but the turn out was amazing. We had 6 great, great matches & several people take home 300-450mil for just playing the game they know and love. wow. #PvPwaP is definitely the way of the future. PvP .. with a purpose. i know alot of you want to see more competitive matches moving forward, so let us know what exactly you’d like to see. id like to thank @Poned, who was a phenomenal co/host that helped orchestrate this whole event & made it into such a success. id like to thank the community members who came out & dedicated their time and effort to this event. i’d like to thank the future participants that have yet to experience our fair & fun matches. “congratulations class of 2004, WE DID IT !!” -elle woods, legally blonde.
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