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Blaster Martial Combat Reaction Time Customize

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Showing options to "Show Floaters" or...  "Show Floaters".

1. Original                    -   seems fine.

2. Show Floaters          -   should be "no floaters bright" ? shows no floaters

3. Show Floaters Dark  -  should be "no floaters dark" ?    shows no floaters

4. Show Floaters          -   is showing floaters and has bright colors

5. Show Floaters Dark  -  is showing floaters and has dark colors


Options 2 and 3 only need wording changed.


On a side note.. This seems like a pretty large nerf. Cauterizing flames is the standard we're using from what I've read. Are we sure we don't want to meet in the middle at least with the normalizing of these powers?


Screenshot (10).png

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