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Posted (edited)
On 3/12/2021 at 10:30 PM, arkieboy72472 said:

I have an AR/DEV blaster and I have found that the trick to it is Range. Lots and lots of range plus Recharge. It all lends to a play style of "Stay away from me" with a dash of "by the time you make it to me, you will be dead. Things you will want:


Intuition T4 Right side (gives damage AND 20% Range)

Bombardment (at least 2 slots) x5 for 25% Range

ATO Blasters Wrath (Either 3 slotted twice for 20% range or single slotted once for 10%)


That is a lot of range!


But wait, there is more! Every power once you hit 50 that is 6 slotted gets a Dam/Range HO at the end.


The best kill is overkill. And let me tell you.....


Being able to kill the next spawn from last spawns distance via Full Auto...Nice. Being able to snipe at almost 300 feet (or whatever draw distance is on my pc) also nice.


If I can see it, I can shoot it. Usually I can snipe most any one thing regardless of power (short of purple EBs) before it gets to me. If you see it, you can shoot it. 


Now, what IFFFF they make it to you? You have your pals Gun Drone, Caltrops, and Bonfire (with or without the KB to KD proc....) Now, bonfire itself is awesome for flopping with the proc, but it is also a great "stay the F away from me" power without it.


Here is a quick run down of how I slot things because I don't use mids:


Burst: Either decimation or entropic chaos 5 slot. Also a -res Ach Heel proc can fit this. 

Slug: Either decimation or entropic chaos 5 slot. I also keep the KB because it is mitigation and fun.

NOTE: if you put a DAM/Range HO in all of your cones, one of these can be six slotted for the other Blaster ATO. 

Buckshot: Bombardment 5 slot and an HO dam/range. KB is mitigation.

M30 Grenade: Bombardment 5 slot and an HO dam/range. KB is mitigation.

Beanbag: Skip. I think it sucks. you do you.

Snipe: either sting of the manticore 5 slot and dam/range HO or VR purple ranged 5 slot plus dam/range. If you see it, you can just about shoot it 🙂

Flamethrower: Bombardment 5 slot and an HO dam/range. See a pattern? 


Ignite: Tricky, but let me explain. It has so much fear it really only works on held or immobed stuff. It also does a shit ton of damage. Its built in range is crap. You can do a few things...Bombardment 5 slot and an HO dam/range OR Half of Blaster Wrath and 2 positron (dam/range plus dam/Recharge) plus another dam/range HO. I like the extra range in this so I Can ignite a thing way away from me or stick it in a doorway to make things run. I also spray this around my feet to make doods fear run off. It works and is a good EB/AV killer. Some like it, most hate it.


Full Auto: I used to run Posi and then I tried a full ATO set and then I tried the above frankenslot, but in the end I fall back to Bombardment 5 slot and an HO dam/range. You need to max out that damage and recharge, then hit it with a range HO. I like having it on 15 second repeat. Cones from across the room!


Now all that leaves us with still the other half of your ATO to slot if you split it, and another place I need to find 2 slots for bombardment! I wonder where it can go?


Caltrops! 6 slot this power. It is too good not to. Pairs well with Bonfire (5 slot ragnarok or positrons blast or whatever plus KB to KD proc, or not if you are a sadist)


As for DEV, here are my only advices:


Trip Mine is a great place for a +recharge proc for a free 100% recharge boost for 5 seconds. It almost always fires. Also a good 5 obliteration slot.


CJ or hover is great for a stealth proc and LotG. Layered stealth stacks with cloaking device.


If you grab a patron pool for some odd reason, +res and +def procs in it also effect gun drone, making it more tough OR just drop both +res in it anyways.


don't put procs in smoke grenade. or in any power that doesn't get noticed. They notice it.


DEV is good and you can slack on a lot of the set for slots. Time Bomb goes against build and is crap currently. First power doesn't need another slot. The few gems you have are worth loading up on with slots (gun drone, cloak, caltrops, trip mine, targeting drone) I have never used taser. I hear it is good. I find things are dead before they get to me. Why tase what I can kill instead? Wake up and choose death to your enemies.


As for epics, fire is an easy choice.


Tough and weave are fine also. You have lots of options. Build for recharge when you can with LotG and set bonuses. Aim for at least 170 with hasten. You can easily get much much more but you will have to skimp on range some maybe. Between the shield in the epic and tough and weave and CJ and/or hover and stealth and set bonuses, you should be well rounded with Res and Def. You want ranged def primarily. You want S/L resistance mainly.


To get the most out of your new found range, stay back and aim for the MOST MIDDLE YET FARTHEST BACK dude. Drop a caltrops and bonfire at your feet, pop the gun drone (or 2 if your fast enough), and flipping blast away. Snipe dudes a group or two away. If they all come at you, full auto and drop the rest of them and KB whatever gets danger close. It never gets old. If they punch you, you messed up somewhere.


You will be getting lots of 5% and 6.25% recharges. maybe even a few 10% with ATOs and VR sets. Remember the rule of 5. P.S. I have found that global range in all powers works as good or better than running an IO set full of range. The best kill is overkill. 

Maaaaaan, this sounds dope. Can you post your full AR's build?

Edited by zrgallardo
  • 2 weeks later
On 3/23/2021 at 2:18 PM, Doomguide2005 said:

Introducing the latest in weaponry Crey Technologies Smartnades Projectiles "They'll follow your foes home"

Now I've got the mental image of a grenade-based version of the SNL "land shark" sketch running through my head...

  • Haha 1

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