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Costume & Power Customizations


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First of all amazing work! I'm loving the asymetrical stuff, and stances and edits to more powers. I'm excited to see what you do next! That being said theres a few things i'm hoping to see.


1. Seperate neck slot for assymetrical shoulders. Also adding a smooth collar similar to spike collar without the spikes. It really helps with smoothing out the break between costume and skin on some costume combos.


2. Customizable transformation for warshades and peacebringers. Where instead of the standard energy form you can make customized costumes like costume editor. This could allow for lycanthrope transformation, jekyl and hyde etc for character roleplay etc.


3.  Seperate eye slot for auras. would be really nice to have a diferent slot for eyes as glowing eyes flaming eyes etc are fairly common in super heroes. And they dont always match with body or fist auras a hero might have.

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9 hours ago, SweetAnubis said:

3.  Seperate eye slot for auras. would be really nice to have a diferent slot for eyes as glowing eyes flaming eyes etc are fairly common in super heroes. And they dont always match with body or fist auras a hero might have.

There is already work being done to allow for multiple auras, and one of the devs showed his results of his efforts (basically a mess of auras at once) but was still working on a practical way of implementing it into the game.  His idea seems to allow various auras all at once, though each could be selected as applying to different parts.  Personally, I'm all for it.  I really want a character with a halo but also glowing eyes... as well as a character with flaming aura on one hand and energy glow on another.  Hopefully we'll hear more about his progress in the next year.

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On 12/25/2020 at 5:45 PM, Player2 said:

There is already work being done to allow for multiple auras, and one of the devs showed his results of his efforts (basically a mess of auras at once) but was still working on a practical way of implementing it into the game.  His idea seems to allow various auras all at once, though each could be selected as applying to different parts.  Personally, I'm all for it.  I really want a character with a halo but also glowing eyes... as well as a character with flaming aura on one hand and energy glow on another.  Hopefully we'll hear more about his progress in the next year.

I personally have a PPD character with red and blue glowing costume bits up and down both sides thanks to asymmetrical bits already. If I was able to give him combat aura glowing fists to match and give Energy Melee one of the "near invisible" colorations, I'd be thrilled to have a "WEEWOO POLICE!" melee character that I've always dreamed of having. The only way it could be better is if they stuck a police drone into the back slot so I could have yet another police-y detail.

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