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PLZ review my fire farming builds (spines/fire and rad/fire) noob here

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it seems like exporting a datalink is pretty long so i did it through files, but here are my 2 farmers i have built up from first starting the game. A few points about what im seeking to improve on and where im at knowledge wise in the game

1. i know the spines build is mostly empty, i just want input before i slot things the wrong way and have to waste money unslotting or waste respecs rearranging.

2. the spines build is mostly going to follow my rad/fire build - so i went with energy mastery to keep his endurane requirements low maintenance. I would prefer any other strategies to keep this character low maintenance.

3. an extension of point 2, i prefer low maintenance builds in general. I play mostly while i work or watch videos on the side, so i like to be able to pop rise of the phoenix if i go away too long or something, thats why both of my guys have it.

4. as far as my rad/fire build... i guess its mostly done but i feel like its shoddily put together from knowledge i gained by asking many different sources around me while i farm. I am not sure if that build is a top performance build or if it can be obviously improved in ways, i have no worries spending hundreds of mil tweaking this guy to the point of peak performance...

but yeah thats it thanks for reading boyos

spinesFIYAHwip - Brute (Spines).mxd mainbruteone - Brute (Radiation Melee).mxd


I have a build overview of both of those farm builds here. Definitely low maintenance. You load both of them into the asteroid farm map (I use arc ID: 125), go to the middle of the map with one Brute following the other, making sure to have Burn on auto, use your Ageless Destiny power and switch to a different window. I've farmed billions of influence while watching Netflix, updating resumes or sending e-mails. They have zero accolades and only rely on the build alone. They have not died once while farming AFK as a pair. Solo can be a bit tricky.

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