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Question about Fury


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No, but it is subject to the damage cap. Same for inspirations, set bonuses, build-up, assault, external buffs, etc. Only enhancements and alpha slot are subject to ED limits, although alpha slot partially ignores them depending on the tier slotted. 

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Enhancement Diversification is specifically focused on the buffing of that power by enhancements.  That part is not affected by anything besides the enhancers.  Except....Incarnate powers.  Those beautiful words " these bonuses ignore the effects of enhancement diminishing returns"  


Everything else that buffs a power (or the toon in general) have nothing to do with ED.  Although, as mentioned above, each Archetype has hard parameters for nearly everything on the character.  Health, total damage bonus, flight speed, you name it.  


Brute max for ability to add damage bonuses is HUGE.  For the life of me I cannot remember the percentage.  Its somewhere in the 500-700% range lol.  It is very large compared to everyone (again guessing) except Blasters maybe


From Uun in January (thanks)


At full fury, brutes will outdamage scrappers.

  • Scrapper base damage scale is 1.125. Assuming 95% +dmg from enhancements, scrappers will be at 2.19 before criticals. Criticals have a 5% to 15% chance to occur depending on the rank of the foe and the power being used. Assuming an average chance of 7.5%, scrappers should average 2.36.
  • Brute base damage scale is 0.75. Full fury provides about 175-200% +dmg, which is added to the 95% from enhancements, bringing brutes to 2.78-2.96. 


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