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Wardrobe Malfunction


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I'm having an issue with my one character Kandi Raver, normally she has the symbol of a green star on her chest (img 1) but a week or so ago i noticed it changed to the saturn symbol in the same colors (img2). I've tried to fix it but when i open the  "get a new look" at ms liberty or any other npc that lets me it still shows she has the star, but as soon as i exit out, it's back to the planet symbol on my character as i play her.


I've even tried to just take the symbol off all togther (img3) but it then has a black and white symbol on her chest even for outfits i made that had no symbols at all (img4)! On one of her looks, her civilian school girl look, it replaced her tie with the symbol (its hard to see because she's wearing a vest but i saw it when she moved)!


Whats going on?





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Your character doesn't have 'Enter SG Mode' toggled on from the Super Group menu, does she? Because that looks and sounds an awful lot like how SG mode affects Chest Emblems (which are set to switch by default, in the Super Group Mode costume options under Settings).


If your character isn't in a Super Group/doesn't have SG Mode toggled on, then yeah that's definitely a bug. o.o

Edited by El D
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Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

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